Chapter 2: My Ex-wife Is Young Again

TL: In this chapter, I've tried to improve my grammar even though I have to use various applications.

I hope you guys can enjoy my translation below ~


Under a cloudy sky.

While gazing at the old school building, I was filled with an extraordinary feeling.

"That day will come again."

Even though I was a 27 year old member of society until yesterday, I never dreamed that I would return to being a first year high school student again when I woke up from my sleep.

I tried pinching my cheeks so many times, and wondered if I was dreaming?But I never wake up from my sleep.

Even though it's hard to believe, I really have returned to the past. I don't know if this is good luck or bad luck, but the point is, I got lucky.

After all, if this is a dream, it means that I really have been hit by a car and now I'm wandering between life and death.

What's more important now is, if I can start over from high school, then I don't have to live that married life.

For the second time in my life, I have to get a job in a decent company and become a rich bachelor!


I went through the school gate and entered through the entrance.

When I checked the classification list in the shoebox, there was a set as expected. And, as I recall, under Kurose Kohei's name was Koikawa Yuzuhana's name.

However, even though the seating order was quite close together, it would be easy for me to not get involved with Yuzu.

Yuzu and I were in the same class for 3 years straight, but our first conversation was after graduation.

It all started when I took the same major at a distant university and we happened to have seats next to each other.

If I didn't go to the same university, if I didn't take the same major, then I wouldn't have to deal with Yuzu and even if I didn't go that far, I could have avoided her marriage route if I didn't have an intimate relationship with her.

"It will be an easy win."

It was easy to think.

Because there is no interaction in high school so I can enjoy my youth without worrying about anything until graduation.

Even though I became young again, I have no friends. Unlike when I was an office worker, I now have a lot of free time.

(Can i enjoy my youth just by playing games?)

Changing footwear, I went to a group based in grade.

Almost all of my classmates were there, including Yuzu. Even though this is a free expression school, Yuzu only dye her hair.

She has bright brown hair, a strong appearance, sharp eyes, large breasts.  Well, I admit that she is a beautiful woman.

She really stood out for her appearance, even though she didn't even notice herself.

Oops! My eyes met Yuzuhana! It felt bad to ignore Yuzuhana in this world's timeline, but that didn't mean it wasn't a good thing to get involved with each other.

If I pay my respects here, then I might have a different day from when I was in high school.

[TL: He paying respect to her by bowing.]

I quickly turned away, stayed up and pretended to be asleep.

No one has spoken to me. There were several men in the same group as me, but they all formed their own circles.

If I acted more boldly, I might be able to spend my days with many friends, but sensually, everyone here is younger than me. I don't feel that I can get along well with seaweed.

But even so, I couldn't calm down. Behind me, was my ex-wife, no, my classmate.

Even though I know it in my head, I can't feel calm at all.

*Dong *Dong *Dong

The nostalgic sound of the bell resounded and the teacher came a few moments later.

She is a kind female teacher. More precisely, was it Sawashiro-sensei?

How nostalgic. At that time, I was a teenager, but now, I am older than her.

Having teachers who are younger than me make me feel weird.

"Congratulations on your acceptance and I will explain today's schedule."

Sawashiro-sensei say it cheerfully.

"Well, then, before moving to the venue, I'd like to ask everyone to briefly introduce themselves! Please come up with the stage in order of absence!

Aoki-kun, Inoue-san, Eto-san, Oishii-kun, and the other nostalgic faces appeared one after another, and I realized that time had passed again.

Even though I hardly ever talk to them, I can remember them unexpectedly. And now it's my turn to go on stage.

While avoiding Yuzuhana's gaze, I introduced myself in a friendly manner.

"My name is Kohei Kurose from Peony Middle School. My hobby is visiting bookstores. I also like movies, so I go to the cinema once a month. Thank you."

Then I sat down with the applause given to me. Next was Yuzu's turn. She stood on the stage and looked around the classroom.

She has a dignified appearance. Well, the only thing dignified about her is her appearance, because she has quite a severe complex.

When she gets nervous, she'll gets sick and panics, so she has to do interview practice every day. And because of that, she can speak well and unlike me, zhe doesn't receive any rejection emails.

Yuzuhana in this world's timeline might have a hard time to finding a job for herself. I feel a little sorry, but it would be better to receive a rejection email than to live that married life.

While I was thinking about that, she told us her name.

"I'm from Kirishima Middle School. My name is Yuzuhana Kurose."

[TL: She forgot that she used Kurose's last name because she used to be his wife.]


What was it? Did I heard wrong? I feel like she just said the same last name as me. Especially with her voice that never made me feel tense at all.

Yuzu tried to continue introducing herself, but Sawashiro-sensei interrupt her.

"Um.Kurose, right?"

"Yes,Yuzu Kurose. Eh, no, no! Koikawa!My name Yuzuhana Koikawa!"

Yuzuhana had a bright red face. She blinked her eyes hastily and looked at me.

"Well, i'm sorry, I have a lot of problems with my family. So I can't organize my thoughts yet."

"Oh, oh, okay. Well, no need to apologize."

Sawashiro-sensei told her to calm down.

When they heard about the explanation that she had various problems with her family, everyone seemed to be interpreting that "her last name may has changed due to her parents' divorce."

"Yes, thank you, Miss Kokawa. Now, please the next one."

After introducing herself, Yuzu looked at me and she sat down shyly.

I managed to ignore it using a poker face, but my heart is going crazy right now.

I can't talk to her right now. It's impossible to talk to her now. That's why I can only scream in my heart.