Chapter 1328: Gods and Demons

"I randomly create a new system every day ( to find the latest chapter!

Ye Tianyi took a look at these two old men with the pupil of common people.

These two people are all demigods! But obviously they are definitely not the demigods of ordinary combat power.

However, it seems that their vitality is almost coming to an end, and there is still a maximum of three thousand years. The life span of three thousand years is actually just a flash for them.

Behind them are mountains, clouds and mists, a misty world.

Ye Tianyi walked over.

"The kid Ye Tianyi has met two seniors."

Ye Tianyi gave a fist.

A white-haired old man put the chess piece on the chessboard.

"The disciples of the Demon Empress, you are polite."

The old man said lightly.

"Senior is polite, is this the Nine Days Trial Sea?"

The old man smiled, put down his chess pieces and looked at Ye Tianyi.

"The nine-day trial sea follows, which day are you going to?"

Ye Tianyi knew that there were one to nine heavens in the Nine Days of Trial Sea, which corresponded to the difficulty, the nine heavens were the most difficult, and the one heaven was the easiest.

Rather than saying that the Nine Days Trial Sea is a trial, it is more of a chance!

The nine-day trial sea has existed since the age of the gods, but after the changes over the years, this has gradually become a place for children to experience.

There is danger, even fatal danger, so some people choose to pass certain forces instead of passing the test alone!

"Above the nine heavens."

Ye Tianyi said.

The two old men looked at each other when they heard Ye Tianyi's words, and then stood up.

"Boy, are you sure?"

In fact, many people know that the nine-day trial sea is not only the nine-layer heaven, but also the ten-layer heaven. This ten-layer genius is the nine-day trial sea in the true sense, because only this ten-layer genius is the place left by the age of the gods. , The other nine heavens are all follow-up tests set up by those strong men and are known, while the tenth heaven is unknown.

So for Ye Tianyi, what he has to challenge is the most powerful, unknown!


Ye Tianyi said.

Tenth Heaven Throughout the ages, from the age of the gods to the present, only four people have broken through.

Ye Tianyi knew this.

A person who became the master of the Moon God Palace in the God Realm was something that happened ten thousand years ago.

The second one, it was a thousand years ago, and it was also an existence that could be regarded as the same as the Demon Empress. The Demon Empress was the only warrior who spent a double-digit time setting foot in the Primordial God King Realm, only that he was in the semi-god state. For a long time.

And that woman took a hundred years, a little behind the Demon Empress, but it was also very terrifying. She became a powerful existence in Shangyu, a female emperor, and a very young and powerful female emperor.

The third is Ye Tianyi's master demon queen, who passed the tenth heaven a hundred years ago.

And the fourth, he is named Wuming, why is he named Wuming? Because no one knows who he is, he called it nameless, which was decades ago.

But, I don’t know if it was due to tacit understanding or some restriction. The four of them passed the test of the tenth heaven. At the same time, no little information about this place was leaked out. Someone would ask about it. The Tenth Heaven is the place left by the age of the gods, they also want to know, but those few will not mention it to anyone.

"Hehehe, boy, I still want to advise you, throughout the ages, there have been countless people who want to enter the tenth heaven, and there are even many pretentious top geniuses, and even the eighth level of the Primordial God King. Everyone has tried it, and only four have come out, and all the others have stayed in it forever. We don’t know what’s in it. Even if the others are nine heavens, nine deaths are considered good, but these ten Chongtian, maybe ten deaths without life, you can make a decision at the end."

Since ancient times, the realms of people entering the tenth heaven have been uneven. There may be gods, gods, ancient gods, demigods, and even higher realms, but no one has ever come out and come out of higher realms. For the four people who had passed, their highest realm at that time was only the Heaven and God Realm, so they can draw a conclusion that the danger here is relative.

What does that mean?

Maybe the Divine King Realm has entered, and the test encountered is one hundred for the Divine King Realm, and the difficulty of entering the Primordial Divine King Realm is also 100. The difficulty they may experience is the same, but it is for them personally. In terms of.

For example, the most powerful opponent in the first step of the Primordial God King Realm is the demigod opponent, so for the martial artist of the Seven Soul Realm, it is not the demigod who enters, but the gods.

Ye Tianyi nodded; "Get ready."

"Well, that old man respects your choice."

The main reason is that Ye Tianyi looked at the time, and it probably won't take long to start the new system, so why not try it?

This is the place left by the age of the gods. It is said that this place was a fierce place in the age of the gods. Of course, it is only said that because of the four people who went in and came out alive, none of them revealed any news.

In the beginning, some people didn’t believe in evil, so they tried, and they never came out alive. So from many, many years ago, basically no one entered, except for occasionally a few people whose fate was my destiny, but Ninety percent of them are dead, and there are only four people in the age of the gods.


A black staircase leading to the void appeared there.

"Go up from here, and when you enter, you will see a door, open that door, step in, and there is the land of ten heavens and gods and demons. As for what is inside, how far is it, I’m sorry, I can’t Give you any news, so we can only hope that you can be the fifth person to come out of there alive. Good luck."

Ye Tianyi gave a fist: "Thank you!"

Then Ye Tianyi stepped on.

The two old men looked at Ye Tianyi.

"Hey, I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing. The potential of this kid is still very terrifying. If it falls like this, it will still be a great loss to the mainland."

"Could this kid learn something about the tenth heaven from the Demon Empress?"

The old man said should not be. According to what they said, the news inside should not be told to anyone, so it should not be the demon queen who told him some secrets inside, but maybe It was the demon empress who asked him to come in and try. "

"It is not estimated that the death rate is too high. It may be his own intention. After all, from our understanding of this Ye Tianyi, he is indeed such a person, right?"

"To tell you the truth, the old man is really looking forward to whether this kid can become the fifth person who has come out of this land of gods and demons alive in the past and present, I don't know how many years!"

And Ye Tianyi's news spread quickly.

Why can it be spread out?

(Guess what chance the protagonist will get here~ hehe)

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