These players have run out of blood, if they are attacked again, they can be killed!

Bai Xiaoling and Huanye didn't hesitate, they drank the top speed potion directly, and then came to them.

The top speed potion that Bai Xiaoling and Huanye drank before has been used for a long time, so they drank another bottle.

The top speed potion can increase the player's speed a lot, which is extremely important in the battle.

The BOSS first kill rewards they got before contain a lot of top speed potions, so they don't worry about running out of top potions now.

And even if they run out of the top speed potion now, they will continue to complete the BOSS first kill later, and then they will get a lot of BOSS first kill rewards.

For a time, the remaining fifteen players were all killed by Bai Xiaoling, Huanye and Fenghua.

Of these three hundred players, there are only about two hundred players left. Yun Xuan, the president of the Yunxuan Pavilion Guild, was relatively calm just now, but after seeing this scene at this moment, his heart could no longer be calm.

You should know that there are not many players in their guild, and the players in their guild are all high-powered existences!

If Ye Yang and Bai Xiaoling are killed again, then Yunxuan Pavilion will not have many players. As the president of Yunxuan Pavilion Guild, how could this happen?

But if he wanted to kill Ye Yang and Bai Xiaoling, Yun Xuan knew that killing Bai Yufu first was the key.

Now Ye Yang and Bai Xiaoling's defensive power is extremely high, so Yun Xuan rushed directly to Bai Yufu without any hesitation.

He first came to his guild player's side, and then left from Ye Yang and Bai Xiaoling's side. Ye Yang and Bai Xiaoling were worried at first that Yun Xuan would sneak attack at this time.

But what Ye Yang and Bai Xiaoling never expected was that Yun Xuan had no idea of ​​sneak attack.

This made Ye Yang feel very curious, why did Yunxuan have such a good opportunity, why didn't he sneak attack?

This is not a normal person's psychology at all, but when Ye Yang saw what happened next, he felt very desperate. Yun Xuan was holding the weapon in his hand and wanted to kill Bai Yufu.

Ye Yang wasn't a fool either. After seeing such a scene, he definitely knew what Yun Xuan was going to do.

"No, Bai Yufu is in danger!"

"Bai Xiaoling's magic night is beautiful!"

"You all stop!"

When Ye Yang saw that Bai Yufu was about to be attacked, he was shocked and asked Bai Xiaoling and Huanye to stop attacking.

Suddenly, Bai Xiaoling, Huanye and Fenghua all came to Ye Yang's side and looked at Ye Yang's fingers...

Bai Xiaoling and Huanye also saw them. At this moment, Yun Xuan was rushing towards Bai Yufu.


"This Yunxuan did not expect to be such a villain!"

"I actually want to attack Bai Yufu..."

Bai Xiaoling was also furious for a while, although Bai Yufu would sometimes bury him, but Bai Xiaoling didn't care at all.

Now Bai Yufu is in danger, he is actually as worried as Ye Yang.

But Ye Yang shook his head. He said faintly, "I'm afraid Yunxuan already knows that Bai Yufu can increase our defense a lot." I have 100% burst rate of online games,