1161 I'm going to do it

Before Bai Xiaoling could speak, Huanye directly asked Ye Yang, "President, what kind of monster is this BOSS?"

"Why does it have so much health? Isn't this too outrageous?"

As Huan Ye said, 500 HP BOSS, they did not meet a few before, but now they have just entered the first spine instance, they have encountered such a powerful BOSS

Ye Yang saw that everyone didn't know, so he explained directly: "This is an ancient evil spirit beast, and its damage is very high, and have you seen it?"

"It also has a very sharp sickle in its hand. If it is attacked by this sickle, it may be killed directly!"


Bai Xiaoling, who heard what Ye Yang said, was a little uncomfortable for a while, but he calmed down quickly, because when he looked into the distance, some players were indeed killed directly by the sickle.

At first they didn't believe it at all, but when they actually saw it, they all believed it.

Ye Yang, Bai Xiaoling, and Bai Yufu were all close to this ancient evil spirit beast. At this time, there were hundreds of players beside the ancient evil spirit beast.

These players rushed over directly after they got the news of their positions.

They were ahead of Ye Yang and Bai Xiaoling, but their combat power was completely unable to kill this ancient evil spirit beast.

This ancient evil spirit beast not only has a lot of blood, but its defense power is also extremely terrifying, especially the sickle in its hand, the damage is extremely outrageous.

Even Ye Yang's current defensive power, it is estimated that it is very suspended now.

Don't these players want Ye Yang to complete the first kill?

Ye Yang left it to them now to see if they could complete the BOSS first kill. Ye Yang directly opened the World Channel, and then directly announced the position of himself and everyone in the World Channel.

Ye Yang then said in the World Channel: "You all blame us for killing all the bosses, so now we won't move this ancient evil spirit beast, but you are here."

"If you can't kill it, don't blame us for killing it!"

After Ye Yang said these words, it aroused the approval of many players. In fact, there are still many players who support Ye Yang. After all, Ye Yang's reputation lies here.

And the players who got the position started to rush here for a while, and within ten minutes, thousands of players had gathered around Ye Yang.

These players all wanted to complete the first kill of the BOSS, but they blamed Ye Yang before and killed all of these BOSS, not giving them a chance at all.

After Ye Yang saw these people gathered, he said with a smile: "You are going to kill, what are you doing here? If the opportunity is wasted, maybe there will be another time?"

"Aren't you great?"

"I'm standing here, giving you this ancient evil spirit beast, you won't blame me anymore, will you?"

After Ye Yang said, a wicked smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. Ye Yang knew that this ancient evil spirit beast was very powerful, so he didn't dare to attack.

Someone happened to discredit him on the World Channel, and he could also take this opportunity to complete his own whitewashing.

These players originally thought Ye Yang would play any tricks, but after they got here. I have a 100% burst rate of online games,