Because that Kodaya is a city lord and the city lord of the central city.

Look, there is such a position, can it be a rich man?

Can there not be much hidden?

There must be a lot of things sent by people just to please him.

Ye Yang definitely found the right person this time.

However, when the beacon entered the City Lord's Mansion, it was still blocked.

But these hands holding him outside would look very polite.

It just made the beacon man a bit embarrassed here, but this is their duty, they have to do it.

"Sorry, Your Excellency Fenghuo welcomes you, but we need to inform the city lord first."

He was also polite when speaking, Ye Yang was even a little flattered.

This attitude has changed too much. If you let it go before, these people must have just yelled at this weapon and let him leave.

Because the difference was so great, Ye Yangyi's time was a little unacceptable.

But apparently the aborigines did not realize this.

When they saw that Fenghuo didn't speak, they thought that because they had stopped him outside, they were dissatisfied.

Hastily urged the person who went to inform Kodaya to hurry up.

"Fenghuo is really sorry, we will do it as soon as possible."

This person with such a good attitude made Ye Yang's expression even more strange.

This good attitude and before and after is simply a huge difference.

However, it was exactly as the two people who stopped him outside said, and soon someone had already notified Kodaya.

And after Kodaya knew it, he didn't stop it.

It was released soon.

"Your Excellency Fenghuo, sorry, I stopped you just now. I'm really sorry, you can go in now."

Ye Yang nodded, but this time he didn't bring all his subordinates in like when he was looking for Kasak.

He and Kodaya are not familiar yet, and the relationship must not be as good as Kasak's.

If you see him go to the City Lord's Mansion with so much weirdness, I'm afraid Kodaya will be blown up.

Of course, this was just what Ye Yang thought before entering the City Lord's Mansion.

After Ye Yang went in and saw Kodaya, he found that he seemed to think too much.

With Kodaya's current attitude, I am afraid that even if he brings twice as much blame, Kodaya will not blame him.

Ye Yang sat on the chair in the living room, facing like this. Because the chair Ye Yang is sitting on now is not something Kodaya asked others to move in. It is directly above this living room, which is the theme!

Isn't this position that only the host can do?

But after just entering, Kodaya immediately gave up this position.

And there was nothing wrong with what I did.

Ye Yang was a little surprised when he just sat down, thinking that Kodaya's mind was stuck.

But obviously Kodaya is not.

"Your Excellency Fenghuo was able to come here. It just made me overjoyed. I don't know why your Excellency Fenghuo came to me this time? Do you need me to do something for you? I must be extremely happy."

After finishing speaking, Kodaya also bent down slightly, showing that he was a lower position than Fenghuo.