Chapter 338 The Big Event at Sea

"Puff puff puff~"

In the restaurant on the sea, hot air waves emerge from the poured cup.

After a handful of fresh coffee beans are ground into powder and poured into boiling water, they emit bursts of mellow aroma.

After reaching the optimum point of boiling, Tu Fu neatly poured the fresh coffee into the two cups, and then lifted the pre-brewed milk froth.

On the surface of the full coffee, a budding flower was drawn with unskilled techniques.

Finally, they were placed in front of the ghost captain and him.

The whole process is very ceremonial.

After the Santa Maria was taken over by the new captain Tufu, the interior and exterior of the ship took on a new look.

Those **** traces also disappeared, and the rusty steel suddenly became like a brand new one.

Many equipment can be reactivated after the trainee captain becomes regular.

Tu Fu, who has always paid attention to the quality of life, naturally did not neglect the first guest on board. He carefully prepared a cup of hot coffee to entertain the strange looking ghost captain.

The latter stared at the rather artistic drink, and the expression of the flames was almost congealed.

"Are you sure... the meeting between our two ghost captains requires a drink."

"My friend, life requires a sense of ritual, not just the troubles in front of you." Tu Fu deliberately kept a smile on the corner of his mouth, and then said: "There are also creditors behind him and distant places that can't be reached."

"It's a good mentality. At the beginning, I also thought like you. Later, there was no later..."

Ghost Captain casually commented, full of sarcasm.

Just after the battle was over, the other party strongly invited him. He would never sit at a table with such a guy who has no bottom line, and that kind of guy whose soul is filthy. To him, it is simply trampling on his personality.

However, his curiosity about this gigantic ship that he had never heard of made him accept the invitation, and he boarded the ship only after finding out the information about Jack Sparrow.

Seeing the other party pouring hot coffee into his stomach, Captain Ghost’s expression changed several times, and his heart became even more unbalanced.

Why can he taste food at will?

Reason told him that the truth was far from simple.

Although I don’t know what price Jack Sparrow paid for obtaining the authority of this ship, no one can take advantage of the deal with the Seven Gods. If you get something, you must lose it.

Those who seem to be beautiful on the surface, who knows the heavy burden.

The ghost captain played with the cup of art coffee in front of him with bony fingers expressionlessly, "Jack, you should know how much I hate this guy, you cheated me and made me pay a lot for nothing.

If I could kill you right now, I would do it without hesitation. "

"But why didn't you try to deceive me in the first place, isn't it just a matter of balance."

Tu Fu refuted with reason and evidence. Seeing that the skeleton was about to go berserk, he changed the topic casually:

"In the future, there will be opportunities to do it. Why don't we talk about the outside world? I've been here for a long time. Is there any news worth mentioning?"

"The biggest news at sea right now is, of course, the fact that Jack Sparrow died in the spirit world. It has already spread throughout the sea. You won the duel with Captain Vader with your life.

This is the result given by Mingesa, and no one dares to question it. "

Captain Ghost deliberately provoked Tu Fu with words, "Interestingly, there are many people in the sea holding funerals for you. Look, a sea legend has just risen and then fell immediately."

"Not bad." Tu Fu said casually.

Just as he expected, he successfully took advantage of this opportunity to feign death, and finally canceled the account.

The period when Jack Sparrow was making waves at sea was the period when he was expelled from the kingdom.

If someone carefully explores his experience, he will inevitably find similarities between the two.

It would be best if the news of death came out now, everything would be over once and for all.

No matter what big event happened afterwards, who would suspect a dead person.

"However, as far as I know, the duel has annoyed Baia, their ships are getting faster and faster, and the large-scale sea army to clear the pirates has begun.

The pirates are not optimistic. Once you and Captain Vader die, you will lose two pirate lords, and the newly formed pirate alliance will be torn apart. Even Mingesa can hardly control such an alliance.

Maybe... Maybe in the near future, pirates will completely disappear in this sea. "

Captain Ghost is rarely pessimistic about this industry. Even though he doesn’t care about those peers who are too weak to even take a look, it doesn’t prevent him from feeling that the big era is coming.

"It seems that Victor and the others can only ask for luck."

Tufu prayed in his heart for the witcher and pirate group that had gone to the Weddell Sea.

However, in the five seas, even if you want to wipe out the pirate forces, you must first start from the Coral Sea. The pirates far away in the polar regions are not worth mentioning to the great powers of the Northern Continent.

"By the way, there is one more thing that is not too big or small. You probably don't have much interest."

"I am listening."

Ghost Captain was silent for a while, "Santiago has already contacted the Landis Republic, and plans to send the mermaid princess captured not long ago as a birthday present for their head of state in the next few days.

There will be a grand handover ceremony at that time. In case of mermaid attacks, Landis's fleet will arrive, and a few demigods will probably also appear. warn. "

"Prince Landis's birthday gift?"

Tu Fu muttered to himself. He had some impressions of the monarch of another neighboring country. His hard work and ambition were all positive.

seems to be a very smart and capable man, there is no reason to go to war for a birthday,

"Birthday gift using such a big ostentation, just for a mermaid princess?"

"I want to have something to do with another incident more than half a month ago.

The rumored once-in-three-hundred-year genius Tuf Capet, he met the mermaid princess in San Diego and had a good friendship. This incident is well known to many people.

Later, the demigod of Landis in San Diego reported the matter to the country. The head of the republic must have taken this opportunity to lure the big fish out, and then cut off Baia's future. "

Captain Ghost said with great interest that he hated the guy in front of him so much, and hated everyone in Baia together.

Tu Fu fell silent for a moment, he seemed to think everyone else was too stupid.

An existence at the demigod level can penetrate through the face-changing mask and know his identity. Francois also wants to take this opportunity to find out whether he is dead or not.

The more ostentatious this handover ceremony is, the more it will alarm him, forcing him to make a choice.

Once he dared to show up, he would face the familiar demigod situation again.

Thinking of this, Tu Fu pondered blankly. The leader of Landis wanted to kill him, but the monarch of Baia couldn't tolerate him. Even if he was hiding in such a remote world, the world would not let him go.

I am wandering in remote areas of the world like a foreign race.

is also responsible for the future of this world, just thinking about it makes me feel funny, what kind of **** world is he guarding.

In just half a month, so many major incidents happened at sea, Tu Fu has no intention of continuing to stagnate here at this moment.

"Thank you for the news, and you are welcome to come to my boat as a guest." Tu Fu slowly got up, as if thinking of something, he said: "But there is one thing, you must keep the matter of my death a secret."

"Heh, why should I listen to you? It depends on my mood whether to keep it a secret." Captain Ghost snorted softly. There are not many opportunities to manipulate the other party, so we must cherish it.

Tu Fu said calmly: "We will meet often at sea in the future."


"If you dare to disclose this news, I will beat you once I see you in the future.

If you don't care about this kind of thing, I will play with you when you drive away the undead, so that you can never finish the work. If you delay the business of the Nether World, you will never have a good time! "

"How dare you!" Captain Ghost almost distorted his face.

Although Tu Fu was expressionless when he threatened him, but based on Captain Ghost's understanding of him, he naturally knew that this murderer would definitely do such a thing without hesitation.

Seeing that the skeleton in front of him was almost smoking with anger, Tu Fulin added another sentence:

"If you don't believe me, try it."

"Jack Sparrow, you shameful bedbug, the guy who hates even the rats in the sewer, will be dragged into the coldest corner after death, even the dirtiest creatures in the underworld will spit on your corpse..."

In the galley of the Santa Maria, Captain Ghost’s cursing voice never stopped,

The atmosphere is extremely joyful.

Off the coast of San Diego, a coral reef 20 kilometers away.

A large number of members of the mermaid family appeared one after another, and they were discussing the plan to save the princess all the time.

This is the best safe distance not to be discovered. Now there are strong people in San Diego, hiding in such a place is the best choice whether to escape or fight.

"Father, Lantis' fleet has arrived in the Misty Sea."

"At least three demigods are coming this time, and no one can attack Santiago now."

"Why don't we do it before the handover ceremony, father, don't you really trust that human being?"

"I heard that he had a duel with another pirate lord, and he died in the spirit world long ago."

A word from the sons and daughters of the King of the Deep Sea is like a barbed knife piercing into His heart.

Before attacking San Diego, he would never have imagined that the situation would be so urgent.

But with the existing manpower alone, there is no way to shake the pinnacle of world power in any case.

No matter how many clansmen are sent, they will die in vain. To save Avril Lavigne alone, if the whole clan is involved, how can he, the king of the deep-sea mermaid clan, be worthy of the whole clan?

After being silent for a long time, the mermaid king said: "All plans remain unchanged, and the original plan will be carried out."

This sentence can be regarded as completely blocking the retreat of the tribesmen, and also cutting off their small thoughts.

Up to now, the King of the Deep Sea can only trust the child who has a very high status in human society.

A clever person like that will definitely rescue Avril in a smarter way.

But he seems to be the evil sequence of adventurers!

(end of this chapter)