Chapter 315 Slave Ship

Tu Fu, who got the spring of immortality as he wished, did not dare to stay too long in the small town for a moment, and immediately launched a teleport and left the top of the mountain.

Just a moment of gaming made him sweat profusely.

He sold a thing he couldn't decide to "God Tree, and the other party agreed to the deal.

"So but according to the agreement, He should go to my creditor." Tu Fu was thoughtful.

Whether it is the ghost captain or a certain high-ranking person who is eyeing on him, since they want to fight, they can fight for themselves.

As the saying goes, if you have too much debt, you will not worry.

If you owe the bank hundreds of thousands of crowns, you may be worried and depressed all day long, but if you owe hundreds of thousands of crowns, the bank should be the one to worry about.

The other party must do everything possible to persuade you to live well, for fear that you will be overwhelmed.

After getting the main material of this Sequence 5 Daydreamer, he just took a step towards the island, and the island behind Tu Fu gradually faded away.

Feeling the change, Tu Fu stared at the disappearing Shenshu Island with wide eyes, and sighed in amazement:


People frantically begging for water, babies crawling all over the ground, any crow changing cheeks, and even the "sacred tree" all disappeared at this moment, as if some kind of mission had been completed.


Tufu felt a chill down his back. He had no intention of exploring the strange phenomena on the island, let alone returning to this island full of madness and chaos.

These terrible things experienced should only be entrenched in the darkest depths of the heart,

Not to recall nor to try to understand.

Fastly along the original path, the teleportation ability was frequently flipped on the sea surface. Fortunately, the "Demon Hunter" was still waiting in place.

After several sounds of "唰" and "唰", he returned to his original position exactly.

Seeing Tu Fu returning from afar with a smile on his face, the container in his hand was already filled with clear spring, Miss Winster's eyes were wide open beyond measure,

"You really got it?"

"Of course, my dear, in addition to the 550 milliliters I need to refine the potion, I also specially reserved 50 milliliters for you." Tu Fu held up the bottle triumphantly,

"Don't worry about the side effects that Granny Shouquan said, those who didn't pay for those things will definitely pay back, but I have already paid for the fountain of youth in it, so you can drink it as much as you want."

"Oh, then you think I'm old and ugly." Sophie immediately became upset, and the angle was quite tricky.

This question is full of traps, no matter how you answer it, you will be dead, so Tu Fu simply changed the term,

"Honey, you have always been 100 points in my eyes, no one in the world can compare to you, but why refuse the opportunity to rise to 120 points."

Although the effect of the Fountain of Youth cannot live forever, it is not a big problem to maintain the youthful appearance for more than ten years. Such an effect is definitely the dream of countless people.

"But I remember it was a spring water made by people."

When Sophie thought about the origin of the fountain of youth, she felt a chill all over her body, and it was difficult to speak.

Seeing a boat approaching from a distance, he looked up and quickly changed the subject:

"Look, there is a boat coming."

"Beep beep—"

The whistle of a steamship in the distance came from a distance. It was a dark steam cruise ship. There were many guards with guns on the deck. There were no signs on the sails of the ship, and even the flag was not hoisted.

There is no doubt that there are no slave transport ships of any faction.

The crew of that ship also found the "Demon Hunter" when they approached, and the guards on the deck immediately pointed their guns at this side,

"Bang, bang, bang..."

The group of people fired warning shots one after another, and fired more than a dozen bullets on the Huanmai Na, and also landed around the Demon Hunter, as if to really warn the guys with the pirate flag not to mess around.

This can already be regarded as provocation.

"Slave Ship."

Tu Fu's voice was low, and he suddenly had a bad feeling.

"Yes, it is the slave ship. If you are interested in it, it will not be difficult to take it with the firepower of me and the ship."

Captain Victor, who has always been experienced, also took the gunner to the deck, squinted his eyes and glanced at the distance, and immediately began to analyze:

"A slave ship converted from a large handy cargo ship, with a load of more than 50,000 tons, about 50 guards, and a 4.5mm caliber high-pressure gun.

Maybe it was for the purpose of building a slave reformation room, but it did not install heavy artillery on the side of the ship, so its combat effectiveness was seriously insufficient. Judging from the direction of sailing, it was probably goods transported from the Misty Sea or the Coral Sea to the Southern Continent. "

After all, he was a pirate, so he must not forget his job of robbing houses.

Besides, as a dream hunting agent of Sequence 8, he is still very confident in handling a group of ordinary people.

This route is already quite remote, and there has never been any pirate activity.

It was a coincidence that the "Demon Hunter" pirate group appeared here. They ran into this group as soon as they came out of the depths of the misty sea.

Tu Fu considered his suggestion: "How long will it take to take down that ship?"

"It depends on the level and willingness of the captain on the other side. If we circle around and shoot at us, it will take an hour or two at most, and half an hour at least."

"One or two hours? This is really too slow, why don't we go and have a look first."

Tu Fu didn't like this kind of business, but he didn't want to waste such a long time, so he naturally put his hand on Victor's shoulder.

The latter repeated the last word in confusion, "We mean?"


Tu Fu was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, and directly activated his teleportation ability.

After teleporting to a maximum distance of 4,000 meters twice, the two arrived at the slave ship directly from the Demon Hunter, and appeared directly on the deck of the opposing ship.

This bold approach immediately caused a lot of confusion.

The guards who kept firing their guns saw the two uninvited guests, and they were so frightened that their souls almost came out in an instant.

"Enemy attack."

"Stay still, put your hands up."

"You pirates are so brave to attack our ship."

Immediately, dozens of long guns were pointed at Tu Fu and Victor Horta, whose face turned pale with fright. He never thought that Tu Fu would act like a madman and board the boat directly regardless of safety.

Although the dozens of guns were pointed at their heads, if Tu Fu wanted to, he could wipe out this group of people in a few seconds.

"You are Victor the Demon Hunter? I'm sorry, my subordinates are ignorant. Can you let us go for my sake? I am very grateful for this kindness."

Fortunately, there are still people on board who know the goods, and those who dare to enter the dragon's lair alone for no reason are definitely not easily threatened by bullets.

I recognized the notorious pirate Victor in just one encounter. A dark-skinned man with a gold necklace and ring, even his front teeth were inlaid with gold, came from the cabin.

"This is a little gift, please accept it."

The person who came out ordered his subordinates to take out a wooden box and hand it over, which contained some gold, silver and jewels, which was regarded as an unspoken rule for walking on the sea.

When you meet a difficult pirate, if you don't want to die, you will naturally send out valuables to make a friendship.

Tu Fu narrowed his eyes, and immediately recognized the person in front of him: "Varo?"

This man was the smuggler Varo who sent him away from the kingdom in Göttinghagen. The smuggler Varo was also surprised by another big man who came to the ship.

"You are 'your son' Jack Sparrow! It turns out that the news is true."

He was referring to the fact that not long ago, there were rumors in the sea that this young adventurer became the new pirate leader. Now that he appears together with "Demon Hunter" Victor Horta, it has already explained everything.

"Mr. Sparrow, you actually know me? I have heard of your name for a long time." The clever snakehead immediately got involved.

Tu Fu had no time to chat with him, looked around, and immediately noticed signs of life activity in the cabin below.

"What's in this ship."

"Some worthless cargo, murlocs, merfolk, and harpies." These are the basic cargoes of slave ships.

"From where."

"Coral Sea."

"Oh, but how do I remember that Harpies are usually active in the Misty Sea."

"You don't know, something happened in the Coral Sea area, probably war or something.

After the battle between the two sides, many sea creatures died. Even if they survived, most of them were disabled and had to flee around. Many whaling ships have gone to that area to try their luck to capture these creatures, and we have had some luck. "Varo apologized with a smile.

"You guys missed it."

Tu Fu snorted amusedly. The harpies he had been looking for for a long time were easily found by this group of people.

It really made him dumbfounded.

"Speaking of which, we are really nothing. A few days ago, a lucky guy caught a noble mermaid, and after inspection, he found out that it was actually a member of the deep sea royal family.

She was actually the princess of the mermaid clan. "

(end of this chapter)