Chapter 311 Spring Keeper

The moment the ancient bell tolled,

The town that was overcrowded just now, is empty in a blink of an eye.

Only the "Demon Hunter Pirates" who entered the island were left standing there in a daze, you look at me, I look at you, only you and me are left under the tree,

They saw surprise in their eyes.

Not only those young and strong adults, but even many children who were a few years old rushed to climb to the position of the sacred tree on the mountain, and their expressions of neither sadness nor joy were instantly ignited by passion.

"Perhaps you are right. Although that person is telling the truth, if he is wrong, it may become a lie."

Sophie used her ability to look around the town for a while, "I didn't look carefully just now, but when I calmed down, I realized that there doesn't seem to be an elderly person in this town."

"This does not mean that the Fountain of Youth really has the effect of eternal youth."

Victor’s well-founded answer,

"However, if I lead the team in to see this scene, instead of taking the risk of betting on the Fountain of Youth, it is better to loot all the wealth in the town now, and then run away and never come back again."

"That's right, I finally know why you have survived until now."

Tu Fu looked straight ahead, which was the direction of the so-called sacred tree.

After a while, the top of Kung Fu Mountain was already full of people, and the voice of babbling and babbling could be heard clearly even at the bottom of the mountain. After staring at it for a while, Tu Fu opened his mouth:

"I'm going to go up the mountain to have a look. I won't force anyone. If anyone thinks it's dangerous, they can go back to the boat now."

After waiting for a few seconds, the heads of the pirates in the team all raised their heads consciously.

"It took us a long time to get here, and going back would not be a joke."

"Eternal youth, even the risk is worth it."

"That's right, that's the legendary Fountain of Youth. There are priceless treasures on the market, so you don't have to do such a dangerous job if you just take some."

The crew members present all expressed their opinions afterwards. They finally came here, and they were about to see the legendary mysterious spring with their own eyes.

It would be a pity to give up at this point.

"Okay, let's go up together, but let me put it here first, and retreat immediately if the situation is not good."

Tu Fu didn’t talk nonsense, and after consulting their opinions, he immediately led a team of people in the direction where the townspeople disappeared.

They climbed up the mountain path.

The tall mahogany tree on the top is too conspicuous, even in the distance you can see the branches of the towering tree, and there is only one tree on the top.

The huge peak just shelters the praying townspeople from wind and rain.

This tree is about 40 to 50 meters high. I don’t know how many years it took to grow before it is now flourishing.

Panqiu's old bark is covered layer by layer, as if the wrinkles of an old person are accumulated on the face. The tree tends to be brownish red, and it can be determined that it is a species that has never been seen before.

In order to stabilize the minds of the team, Tu Fu went straight up the mountain without using teleportation. It took the group about ten minutes to finally reach the top.

When I arrived, there were already dense crowds of people kneeling here.

The townspeople here looked a little anxious, or kowtowed their heads to the ground, or muttered something, just like devout believers.

Men in their twenties and thirties, down to children who are only a few years old, all maintain consistent movements. From time to time, babies can be heard crying, and the crying is piercing.

And under the mangrove tree, there is an ancient spring well, which must be the rumored Fountain of Youth.

Beside the mouth of the well stood an elderly grandmother with a slightly hunchbacked back, wearing a set of dark hooded clothing, and covering her face with a kerchief.

Even so, you can see the dense wrinkles all over the face. She is so old that it is difficult to get the spring water from the mouth of the well, panting constantly, and filling the spring water from the inside back and forth.

Tu Fu looked at it for a while, and he already had the answer in his heart. This old lady is probably the manager here, with a rather dignified dignity, and she was the only one working around the ancient well from the beginning to the end.

Without the permission of the old man, the townspeople who knelt down and kowtowed did not dare to move forward at will.

It seems that she is afraid of her from the heart, so she keeps the lineup and acts according to the rules.

"Is that the Fountain of Youth?"

"Go over and see if it's true or not."

It took a lot of effort to get to the place. After seeing the ancient well, some people in the team couldn't help but eager to try it. Tu Fu squinted his eyes and then reached out to stop them.

"Don't worry now, there is something wrong here."

"Why doesn't the old woman guarding the ancient well drink the spring water in the well?" Sophie subconsciously asked when she saw this strange scene.

"That's exactly what I'm thinking about right now."

Tu Fu watched this scene from a distance. If there is really a spring of eternal youth, as a guardian, how could he not be moved.

The only explanation is that there is a problem with this spring water, and the problem is so big that even the guards dare not drink it at will.

After the group of them came up, they saw a woman in the golden age of life in the small town. She was very excited and moved forward with a bowl.

His expression was full of fanaticism, and he muttered in his mouth:

"It's my turn, it's my turn..."

The mother-in-law who guarded the fountain of youth did not say a word, and poured the spring water that had just been pumped from the ancient well, bright and shining.

Under the moonlight, it seemed to have some kind of filter, but Tu Fu clearly felt a large amount of energy overflowing with the breath of life, and what happened here made him vigilant bit by bit.

"Next person."

After the old lady weighed it with a spoon, she shook the spoon with the same technique as the aunt in the cafeteria, shaking off part of the spring water in the spoon, and then carefully poured it into the woman's bowl.

"Gulu, Gulu~"

The moment he received the water, the latter didn't hesitate at all, held the bowl and poured the spring water into the mouth without a drop, and poured it into the stomach, for fear of being robbed.

Immediately afterwards, like a puppy, he greedily licked every part of the bowl with his tongue. People who didn't know it thought it was a person who was dying of thirst in the desert.


Right after the woman drank the spring water, Tu Fu, who had turned on the witcher's senses, couldn't help opening and closing his lips.

There was a flash of astonishment, surprise, and puzzlement in his expression,

Everyone watching this scene couldn't help but have the same expression.

After the woman drank the Fountain of Youth, her skin became fairer at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the freckles on her exposed arms and face were also eliminated.

The rare wrinkles on the face disappeared without a trace at this moment.

The age that is not considered old seems to be several years younger in an instant, and it suddenly returns to the youngest and most beautiful time.

"No wonder this thing is priceless in the market. If it is taken out, the whole world will probably go crazy."

Tu Fu’s expression was equally astonished, and what he saw with his witcher’s senses was the same. It wasn’t some false trick. The cells and organs in the body of the woman who drank the fountain of youth had some changes.

All become younger and have higher durability.

What remains unchanged is her neither sad nor happy expression. This woman's mind is still occupied by a gray air mass.

Grey in the Tarot cards is usually interpreted by mysticism, which usually has gloomy, negative, and unfortunate meanings.

can also be used as an unhealthy concept.

"Interesting, obviously can become younger and more beautiful, but abide by the duty not to drink the fountain of youth, obviously become younger and more beautiful but can't be happy."

Tu Fu raised his brows, looking at the strange scene under the sacred tree with great interest.

"Hey, little brother over there, you can come forward to get the spring water."

An old and hoarse voice came from the side of the ancient well. It was the wrinkled old woman who spoke. Following the eyes of the kneeling townspeople, they looked at Tu Fu and his group all the way.

Tu Fu walked forward slowly without hurrying, and asked, "What is your relationship with the Fountain of Youth?"

"The person who keeps the spring."

The voice was gloomy, without any emotion.

"Then why is it our turn now, didn't they arrive earlier than us?" Without waiting for the spring guard to explain, a townsman next to him explained for her,

"Hey, be careful what you say. Anyone who comes here for the first time has the priority to drink the fountain of youth. Kneel down and pray like the sacred tree. It is a gift from the gods. Don't let the gods down."

"Could it be that the spring water of the Spring of Youth has something to do with this tree?"

Tu Fu didn't answer, and turned to look at the old woman Shouquan.

Her pale eyes were devoid of expression, she no longer looked like a person, just a short peep caused him great pressure,

I don't know if she is still the "Sacred Tree" or "Ancient Spring" here, but Tu Fu is always overwhelmed, and this unreasonable perception cannot be false.

He was sure there was something terribly terrifying here.

Since he couldn't force it, Tu Fu said bluntly: "Dear spring guard, I don't drink the spring water in this well now, I just need to take some of the fountain of youth."


The old voice directly rejected him, and the mother-in-law who guarded the spring raised her head and said in a rambling manner: "The spring water of the fountain of youth can only be drunk next to the sacred tree, and if the interval between two drinking is too long, it will lose its original effect. ,

Can't help but have no effect, and the drinker is cursed by the fountain of youth instead.

You must take the spring water for a full cycle until the body returns to its original form. Only by reversing the cause and effect of life and regrowing can the true effect of the fountain of youth be exerted.

This process requires a little waiting. "

The old lady who guarded the ancient well asked earnestly. The hoarse and heavy voice did not sound like a fake.

"Back to the original? So the children in the town are actually transformed from adults back, and the spring of youth has such a powerful effect."

Tu Fu suddenly realized, and suddenly felt a chill down his back.

"Then, what does it mean to reverse the cause and effect of life?"

A townsman with empty eyes next to him explained: "After disrupting the order of life, as long as you wait until you return to infancy and then grow to the most ideal youthful age, you can truly live forever and stay young forever. .”

Hearing this, for some reason, Tu Fu had the urge to run away.

(end of this chapter)