Chapter 309 Invasion of the Misty Sea

"Goo, goo, goo..."

The skyline crosses a row of newsbirds with mailboxes hanging on their feet.

They fluttered their exhausted wings, completely ignoring the injuries encountered on the way, enduring hunger, thirst and wind and frost to soar freely in the sky, the tide ebbs and flows, the clouds roll and the clouds clear,

The only thing that remains the same is their hard-working two shifts sending news work back.

For the life of the beloved birds, they must work like machines. I don’t know how many difficulties and obstacles I have to overcome along the way, and how much determination I have to do this.

Compared to loyalty to love, probably even many people are inferior to the birds of Crete.

This group of newsbirds coming from afar leaned over and slowly passed a sloop, and then heard the sound of "babbling" music, or it is not an exaggeration to call it a magic sound.

The disorganized and disorganized music fell on the sea like a disaster,


One of the Cretan birds, whose wings were about to fall off, was probably too exhausted. The moment he heard the sound of the instrument, he fell from the sky after a scream, and landed on the "Witcher" accurately.

A palm on the deck firmly caught it, and by the way put away the magic flute that played bad music, took it out of the mailbox, and casually flipped through a roll of the latest newspaper.

"Sure enough, the pirate meeting couldn't escape the government's intelligence network, and even my story was reported, and the whole world knows about it."

Tu Fu stroked his chin in thought.

Two days after leaving Shipwreck Bay, the Northern Continent powers naturally strongly condemned the pirates’ arbitrarily elected “talker” and they did not recognize the status of the leader of the Five Seas.

In disguise, they do not recognize their so-called elections.

But people from all walks of life in the southern continent or the islands must recognize the status of these people at sea,

The smarter ones have already started paying money to manage these vicious pirate groups.

What everyone didn't expect was that Jack Sparrow, a Byerian, became one of the leaders of the Five Seas. He was not elected as a pirate, and he was full of mystery.

"Sophie, help me get the manuscript from the room."

Taking advantage of the gap between these days, he took the opportunity to finish compiling the next issue of "The Adventures of Captain Jack".

This long-term autobiography was quite popular during this period. His deeds satisfied most people’s longing for the sea. This big event will definitely make his work a sensation, and it is best to cause a wave of sensation in the world.

Even though Miss Winster was still angry with him, she obediently came out with the latest manuscript, because her angry cheeks seemed to have been punched,

She curled her lips in dissatisfaction: "What did you write this time? I guess it must have something to do with the Pirate Conference, and use ugly pirates to set off your wisdom."

"That's right, the adventurous Captain Jack came to the Pirate Conference unintentionally. After witnessing the ugly fight for power, he conquered this group of stupid guys through wisdom and courage."

"Not bad, shameless as always."

Sophie was not surprised by this at all, she flipped through the content again, "There is also the matter with Vader, how dare you include the duel?"

"Anyway, the newspapers have already repaid it. I can't hide the fact that he and I are going to duel. Why don't we make some changes and make use of it?"

"How to change?"

"Because he couldn't understand the brutal behavior of Captain Vader of the "Black Medan" at sea, so the wise and brave Captain Jack stepped forward regardless of the danger, intending to eliminate harm for the people through this ancient tradition."

"As expected of you."

Tu Fu smiled triumphantly. If he couldn't suppress his opponent in terms of strength, at least he could crush him to death in terms of public opinion.

Immediately, he put in the manuscript and the money that was more than double the market price.

This is one of the unspoken rules of sending letters by sea. If you are not on a public ship, private ships will have to pay more if they want to use newsbirds.

Equivalent to the handling fee to the postman and the postal company.

"Go, cast a good tire in your next life."

After putting the things in the mailbox, Tufu blew his flute again to wake up the sleeping Newsbird.

After flapping the other party's wings and feeding them some food, the news bird revived with full blood and immediately pierced the skyline.

A bard should spread and praise the glorious deeds of a hero everywhere, even if the hero is himself.

"Hey, why do you still have the mind to do such a boring thing? Isn't the most important thing now is to recruit soldiers? Use some contacts in the Northern Continent."

Miss Winster's tone was a little irritable, she was really worried about Tu Fu.

But after leaving Shipwreck Bay that day, I didn't see him worrying about this matter at all.

"That's a Transcendent who is a Devil Path Sequence 5, but it's not so easy to recruit soldiers. If someone really comes to help unconditionally after a month, it's probably true love."

Even Tu Fu couldn't help but sneered, in fact, he already knew it in his heart.

It would be strange if those people in the Northern Continent really didn't know anything about such a big event.

He didn't dare to bet on whether people from the Northern Continent would help, so he wanted to send Sophie and the others away in advance.

Seeing that Miss Winster was worried, Tu Fu said deliberately: "Besides, no matter which side is stronger in an ancient competition like this, if you dare to use other people to join the battle, you will be outraged.

I am mentally prepared for this. "

"Oh, it's up to you."

Sophie returned to the cabin with a displeased expression on her face, as if she didn't forgive Tu Fu who made the decision without authorization.

She hates that Tu Fu hides things from her, as if she is like dragging oil bottles and will only bring him down.

He always shoulders all the burdens silently on his shoulders, but this time Tu Fu's determination is unusually firm, and they must leave each other on the eve of the decisive battle.

Since the ship sailed into the depths of the Misty Sea, the sky was filled with heavy fog, and the atmosphere seemed extremely unusual.

At this time, a voice came from the cabin below, it was the voice of "Demon Hunter" Victor,

"Captain Jack, we did as you asked.

Go to the depths of the Misty Sea first. Speaking of which, our luck is really good. Almost all the monsters hiding in the mist along the way have disappeared, and there are very few creatures attacking the ship.

You will be able to reach the right destination in a short time. That place has always been remote, so you are here looking for something. "

"Yes, I was indeed looking for something here."

Tu Fu chuckled, "I didn't expect that thing to be in the Misty Sea. What a coincidence, it's hidden so deep."

"So, what's that?"

"A good thing that makes the body never fade, and the fountain of youth will be cursed if you drink it."

Coral Sea, Deep Sea Palace.

When the pirate meeting that shocked the sea spread across the sea, a tragic race war had already started here.

In just a few days, a large number of alien species have invaded this sea area. The sea is dominated by spirits such as Harpies and Misty Goblins, who specialize in capturing and attacking fleeing targets.

The deep sea is even more restless. The ferocious and terrifying deep sea monsters are attacking. The war led by the murlocs is too sudden, appearing quietly and surrounding the palace.

The war between the two parties lasted for three days. The tragic war left a batch of corpses from each of the two races, which have probably been eaten away by plankton.

Passengers of the steam ferry passing by the sea all sighed at the tragedy after seeing this scene.

From time to time, strange corpses of creatures are seen floating, and half of the sea is dyed bright red. This battle seems to be continuing.

The war between races has always been cruel. There is no moral concept, only instinct.

"Help, help..."

In a remote sea area, a little mermaid covered in bruises cried out weakly.

And behind her was a whaling ship swimming on the water with full power, and the sharp grapple of that ship could no longer break free when it touched it.

The other party seems to have been eyeing her for a long time, and pursued her relentlessly all the way.

The value of a mermaid is enough to make the nobles of the Southern Continent tempted.

Although she knew it was useless, Avril still waved her tail vigorously, pushed aside the icy sea water, and exhausted her last bit of strength to leave this place of despair and the cage that imprisoned her.

Such a memory is like a nightmare for Avril Lavigne. The palace was attacked, compatriots died one after another, and even the most powerful father was entangled.

The royal family of the deep sea has never suffered such a heavy blow.

Fortunately, the old king of the deep sea sent his sons and daughters away first, and then fought the invading enemies with all his strength, barely giving them a glimmer of life.

But now he is being hunted down by unknown humans, and even living has become a luxury.

Avril Lavigne wandered in the icy sea like this, only feeling that her whole body was getting colder and colder, and all kinds of messy memories in her short life floated in her mind.

Especially the memory on the isolated island is the most vivid. He can always hear all kinds of wonderful stories every day, but he is the only one who refuses to tell the end of the story in "The Daughter of the Sea".

This has simply become the most regrettable thing for Avril Lavigne.

Thinking of the few jars of frosting that someone still owes me, I feel sad for a moment.

The weak Avril seems to think of a name, the name that can bless her for life,

So I shouted hard over and over again,

"Tuff Capet...Tuff me..."

The name echoed again and again in the icy sea with the whirlpool, but there was no response.

(end of this chapter)