Chapter 289 Santiago

Misty Sea.

The search and rescue ship headed for Rogri Island is sailing steadily in this sea area.

Tu Fu, who was lying on the deck chair, put on his sunglasses and basked in the rare sun. Even though the conditions on the ship were a bit harsh, it was much better than the environment on the isolated island. At least someone talked with him to relieve boredom.

"Hey, this is not Captain Jack. Shouldn't you be riding on the back of a sea turtle and wandering in the vast sea? Or chasing pirates for dozens of kilometers at sea and hacking people to death."

As soon as I heard the mocking tone, I knew that Sophie hadn't run away.

Once the new issue of "Sea Observer" was launched, the popularity of this name in the sea increased sharply.

The reason is that Sophie successfully published advertisements in major newspapers, and Tu Fu wrote his legendary experience in his autobiography. Such an effect is also a matter of course.

Tu Fu glared at her, then let out a chuckle:

"I should have included you in it long ago. A rich daughter loves Captain Jack's noble character and charming charm, so she did not hesitate to part with her family... woo..."

He still wanted to continue to perfect this **** story, but Miss Winster gagged his mouth and gritted his teeth to warn:

"If you dare to talk nonsense in the newspaper again, I will make you and your sea turtle a lifetime companion."

"Yes, Miss DeWitt Bukett."

Tu Fu smiled meanly, but ended up with the cup she brought up.

When Sophie came out of the cabin, she carried half a bottle of rum in her hand. She poured a few glasses of wine into the glasses. The hot taste added some flavor to the itinerary.

There is only the last distance left to Rogri Island, and nearby ships frequently appear at sea.

There is always a lot of goods coming and going between the north and south continents. Handicrafts, clothing, weapons and ammunition in the north continent, tea industry and anesthetics in the south continent. I don’t know how many people travel between the two seas every day.

The most conspicuous one is nothing more than a ferry that does not fly the flag of any country.

A large number of guards are patrolling the deck, as if they are escorting extremely important cargo. There are always all kinds of weird calls from the middle layer, crying, roaring, and calling for help.

Unmarked boats are especially numerous in this area, and they form a row of unique scenery in front of many commercial and passenger ferries.

Tu Fu lying on the armchair turned his head and happened to see such a strange scene,

asked involuntarily: "What kind of ship is that?"

“A slave ship for transporting slaves.”

Sophie answered truthfully, but a trace of fear flashed in her eyes, "It's better to stay away from them, all countries in the northern continent are engaged in the slave trade, and the colonial army personally controls the transfer.

This is also the first time I have seen so many slave ships, my God, how many slaves are there. "

"But why are there so many slave ships here?" Tu Fu cheered up.

Just as the two were discussing this issue, the voice of Captain Dak Bryson sounded,

"That's because the front is San Diego, which is close to the southern continent, and almost all the slave ships that come and go pass by here.

Whether it is to sell slaves or transport them to the North Continent, it is inevitable to perform this procedure here. This is also the only island where the slave trade in the South Continent is legal, so it will be so lively. "

"Legal slave trade?" Tu Fu repeated consciously.

He thought of one thing in vain. In the conversation with Avril before, she vaguely mentioned a place.

People will send all the slaves of the intelligent race to an island, and after a hellish transformation, the surviving slaves will be sent to the northern continent.

The place that all intelligent races are afraid of is probably this slave island called Santiago.

"Then who is in charge of this island?"

Knowledgeable Captain Dak sees that Tu Fu is interested, and patiently popularizes science:

"San Diego does not belong to a certain country, but is managed by a group of people, a group of nobles who came here earlier.

This island is said to be the first island that people from the northern mainland arrived in the southern mainland on a steam-powered ship a hundred years ago.

After arriving here, people realized that in addition to the continent we live in, there is another continent in the south that is rich in products, climate matters, and vast. It is really a remarkable thing to say. "

Tu Fu fell silent after hearing this.

From their perspective, the adventurers who first arrived in the Southern Continent were heroes, great men, and celebrities who made history.

As far as the natives of the Southern Continent are concerned, they are just a group of shameful invaders who step on their doorstep.

The invaders not only plundered their land, but also carried out criminal transactions on this land, whether it was anesthesia or slave trade, everything was covered with blood.

Captain Duck looked at the island in front of him and couldn't help sighing: "Times have changed, and San Diego has now become a land jointly taken over by various countries.

Furthermore, the frictions and disputes of various countries in the southern continent are all resolved in this neutral position, and the island owners mainly send their efforts to the nobles or rich people of their own countries in their daily life. "

Tu Fu understood and nodded, "In other words, San Diego belongs to the Northern Continent Economic and Trade Organization."

"You can understand it this way. Businesses like the slave trade, especially involving intelligent races, no one dares to do it privately without an official unified order."

Captain Dak Bryson expressed regret,

"The conflicts among the various races are closely related to the attitude of the intelligent race in the North Continent, but if such a deformed industry exists for a day, there will be no real peace."

Miss Winster looked a little sad, "Will such a system be abolished?"

"It's very difficult, at least in recent decades it has never been possible."

"Sir, can we follow up and see if we can visit in a private capacity." After listening to his introduction, Tu Fu suddenly became interested in it.

"No, absolutely not possible."

Captain Duck gave the answer without even thinking about it, "The real owners of San Diego are the descendants of the first batch of officers and nobles who arrived here, and their status in the southern continent is almost like that of emperors.

What kind of temper do people like this have? I guess Mr. Sparrow, you should know better than me. They will never allow people of low status to enter the island at will, let alone ordinary ships, otherwise it will be regarded as a provocation.

Even if we just parked the ship at the ship, we would be attacked by the army immediately. "

Tu Fu's expression immediately changed wonderfully,

"Oh, is it? Since this is the case, there is no need to force it. Let's just go around San Diego and take a look at the head office from a distance."

"That's no problem." Dak Bryson was relieved when he saw that Tu Fu had finally suppressed that dangerous thought.

After speaking, several people on the deck saw the island of Santiago, which is close to the southern mainland.

Although it is not as grand and prosperous as Narnia, this city has a unique momentum. Fortified and indifferent buildings are distributed on all sides, and the highest point is a castle composed of dozens of spiers.


Captain Duck ordered the helmsman to stay close to the edge of the island as he steered the ship.

Tu Fu immediately saw a continuous layer of masonry fortresses on the highlands of the island. This project was so large that it even surrounded the entire city of the island.

The sense of déjà vu of the city within the walls.

There are guards everywhere, even if they are just passing by, there are guards looking at the ship vigilantly, as if they will directly shoot and destroy the unknown ship as soon as they make a move.

If it is true as Captain Duck said, Santiago’s sense of superiority is above everyone else, even if he accidentally kills an ordinary person by mistake, he will not be punished by law.


Tu Fu simply jumped up and stepped on the mast, and opened Hawkeye to look directly.

From a distance, you can see the main city of Santiago. The main building is a magnificent silver castle, and the flags of the northern continent countries are hung on the towering spires.

And there are countless people or intelligent races walking in and out underneath. There are cold chains on their hands and feet, indicating their status as slaves.

Tu Fu originally wanted to use his teleportation ability to go in and take a look, but the towering castle made him feel an inexplicable danger.

This strategically important place where countless races are imprisoned, there must be high-sequence transcendents sitting in it,

Beware of intelligent race reprisals.

"What's that?" There was a dark tower standing next to the castle, and the airtight environment without even a single window made the overall look very depressing.

Tufu opened his hunter senses again, only to notice the oppressive and painful gray air mass all over the castle,

Especially in that tall tower, the condensed gray air mass was so thick that it was impossible to see anything clearly.

Probably the place where intelligent races are imprisoned and domesticated.

I don’t know what kind of painful things happened there,

The gray air masses of depression and grief are about to catch up with the layers of gray fog outside the "Santa Maria".

(end of this chapter)