Chapter 272 Confession Bureau

"I heard that on the day Mr. Capet left, the whole country of Baia saw him off, which caused quite a wave."

"More than that, there is still a statue of Mr. Capet contributed by the Smith family in the Donggang Wharf area. His heroic deeds have been praised by poets.

The Royal Society of Göttinghagen awarded him an honorary member, and Miska joined the University of Göttinghagen to submit a letter to the Ministry of Education, applying to print this wonderful deed into history textbooks so that every generation of students can understand this history.

Even if His Majesty was unhappy because of this, he had to obey the public opinion and acquiesce in this matter. "

"Then his family."

Judge Henry stroked his chin and responded: "I heard that Winster's hot pot restaurant has begun to expand in the capital, and the hot food is simply a gift from God.

Tried once even if I couldn't get used to that stuff and had to make an appointment with the gut doctor the next day. "

He imitated Tu Fu's sense of humor when he spoke, which made the atmosphere of the meal quite good,

"As for the police officer Winston who was promoted because of this, he became the director of the Lance District Police Department. I have met that police officer. In my opinion, he is really special because he is overwhelmed by too much work after taking office. Even applying for early retirement..."

At the dining table, Cheryl, the eldest daughter of the judge, listened longingly to her father telling what happened in Göttinghagen recently.

"It is an important wish in my life to see Mr. Capet in person."

In just over a month, earth-shaking changes have taken place in the country, and his reputation quickly reached its peak in a short period of time. Such a miraculous effect even made Tu Fu himself feel exaggerated.

In fact, it is difficult to understand if you think about it carefully.

It is not so much an act of people's spontaneous respect for me, but it is more like the low-level must elect a person as a spiritual banner in order to survive the crisis period before the "perpetual motion machine" incident.

Using the frenzied democratic spirit to make the people more divided in the crisis, and the younger generation has candidates who are more suitable for that banner than themselves.

"Jack, did he hear that?"

Capet rolled his eyes and glanced at Tu Fu expressively. I actually had the nerve to initiate that topic.

"heard it."

Listening to us praising ourselves with all the praises, Tu Fu grinned slowly to the ear, "Before you heard the story of the famous Mr. Sophie, you thought it was too much to be treated like that."

"My God!"

Gong Jian raised his forehead eloquently.

"Everyone, let's respect Mr. Tufu Sophie together."

Tu Fu was the first to hold up the glass filled with champagne, and paid tribute indistinctly.

When the few people under the dining table or the Baiyan people outside the same cabin heard the legendary name, they also raised their wine glasses to join in the ceremony.

"God, if we know that the person we pay homage to is hiding among us and boasting about himself, we know how we will feel."

Before that incident, Sister Landis almost buried her face away from the table. She didn't know whether it was because she tasted too little alcohol or was ashamed by Tu Fu's embarrassing manipulation.

Your white and smooth face suddenly turned red, just like a plate of steamed shrimp.

Listening to Tu Fu bragging about "Mr. Sophie" with Xiao Jia, the level of calmness of his speech was too much for Capet, a con artist, so he had to cover his face and imitate this big girl Tina.

Put all your attention under the full plate, and eat with your head depressed to cover up your embarrassment.

The experience was like being in prison, and the two families finally started talking for nearly two hours.

Apart from bragging about each other, they also gained something.

Tu Fu also learned about some changes in Göttinghagen from the mouth of the family.

Life in China is easy, the cost of the several-year "perpetual motion machine" project is expensive, and the damage to the national power is incalculable.

If it was Prime Minister Sollens' Lijiao alliance policy, Baia would have been blocked by the small countries Winster and Ryan.

Before that time, the relationship between Baia and Winster was deteriorating slowly, and each other increased their troops around the border. Winster's super project on the border, which cost a lot of money, was about to be completed.

It is said that this is the world's first line of defense built of reinforced concrete, and it is said that millions of troops will be destroyed.

The two countries have started an arms war since the early years, and that conflict has intensified the conflict, saying that it is possible to start a war at any time.

Perhaps there was no such reason, which made judge Henry Thoreau and his family simply apply to go to Santa, Baia’s colony in the southern continent, to seek a more stable life after the war.

"Fortunately, you left in time."

Tu Fu, who heard about the political changes in the country, was secretly glad that if I was still in Göttinghagen, I would definitely be drawn into a certain camp by now.

Dinner begins.

The gentlemen in the restaurant escorted the man next to him to leave.

Tu Fu also held Gong Jian's hand in a similar way, walking on the deck like a real couple.

Under the blue moonlight and the sea breeze blowing, handsome women and men holding hands always arouse people's imagination.

The two stood under the guardrail looking at the small white sea,

Feeling the turbulence of the waves, even time seems to be coming up soon.

Gong Jian untied a strand of blond hair, loosely draped it over his shoulders, and released an elegant fragrance, revealing the boy's best years. His faint eyes were fixed on the dark white sea, as if waiting for Tu Fu Actively speak,

"Hey, it's been so long, does he have anything to say to you?"

"What you said to him, you mean..."

Tu Fu repeated that sentence before comprehending it instantly, and changed the subject with blinking eyes:

"Capet, what you want to talk to him is like the stars in the sky, the rushing tide, endless, and it will always be the end."

"He means that as long as the stars are disillusioned and the sea is dry and rocks are rotten, he will have something to say to you from now on."

Sister Landis raised her brows, and the brows of the willow leaves fluttered down, showing anger and prestige.

If I dare to say a wrong word, the names of "Tufu Sophie" or "Jack Sparrow" will disappear in the world.

"Well, in fact, before this little incident happened in the next few days, you thought about it for a long time and didn't have much to say to him. You just knew where to start."

"Is it not related to the turmoil in Narnia this night?" Capet keenly sensed that it was right.

"Yes, a guy from the adventurer path used a certain ability to make you fall into a terrible hallucination. As long as it is something you care about more, it will appear in the hallucination, and it once made you feel collapsed."

"He must have seen you? My God, what did he see." Gong Jian covered his face with some embarrassment, probably some strange fantasy would appear.

"Of course, he is an important part of the illusion."

Tu Fu is also frightened in retrospect, and simply confessed: "This is the most realistic scene you have ever experienced, and there are not many mixed elements, which once made you distinguish between reality and illusion."

"Get to the point."

"The point...the point is in the illusion..."

Tu Fu was silent for two seconds, and directly summarized the main point: "He is dead."

"Heh... what about him." Sister Landis gritted her teeth and smiled weakly.

"You can only watch him when you are late, even though you are sad."

"That's all?"

"Actually, there is not a part, but the point is to end with his death." Tu Fu said confidently.


"Sir, the frosting has not been licked."

On the eighth day of the experiment, Cindy was so excited that he ran all the way and woke up Tu Fu,

Finally came a good news.

I followed the eldest girl all the way to the place where the frosting was poured under the deck.

Desserts that are in the form of colorless liquids are seldom used as dipping sauces and eaten with bread, especially sea water is extremely difficult to wash away.

However, according to the area where the icing sugar is distributed, the color of the syrup will inevitably become lighter, and the icing sugar that Cindy smeared around the hull does not have a single defect.

"It is indeed a sign that marine life has come. It is impossible to say that it must be a murloc."

Tu Fu stared at the mark carefully, and evenly licked a small piece. I naturally thought of the next experiment of these extraordinary people on the Homecoming.

In addition to the mermaid, the murloc may also like sweets, and the difference between the two species is wisdom and use. The head of the murloc can indeed be used to make fish head soup.

"But the wisdom of the murlocs can always leave a mark under the boat." Cindy pointed to the side of the boat, which is another discovery of yours.

Under the small piece of frosting, there is indeed a crooked skull mark,

This is the consistent symbol of the pirate group.

(end of this chapter)