Chapter 264 Distorted Cognition

The Governor's Mansion in Narnia is still as usual, there is no volcanic eruption, no earthquake, and the magnificent and majestic mansion stands in place.

The sound of fighting at the port subsided a lot after daytime.

It took too long this time. Even if General Phyllis ordered the navy to be transferred, such a long time was enough for the remaining garrison navy to take action.

"Witch" Karina's ability to control the pirate group has weakened, and the pirate coalition forces that have awakened,

It is no longer the bravery of last night, and it is retreating steadily.

The reason why Narnia today has not become a **** on earth.

Because there are always people standing at the front.

The highest combat forces on both sides of the pirates and the Church of the Storm also fought together after the fight, from the battle of the Governor's Palace to the Church of the Storm.

Compared to the personable and personable appearance when he came, Floyd, the adventurer of the Rosicrucian Society, had a lot of clothes torn, his mature face was connected with a soil-colored hair, and the hair was like withered grass. The whole person was quite destitute.

He tried his best to suppress the blood flowing from the corners of his mouth, which had already hurt the internal organs.

In the confrontation with the stubborn old man just now, he was completely defeated, and it was not easy to suffer this beating.

"Don't be distracted when you fight me, it will kill you."

Carl Hoffmann, who was wearing the cloak of the Church of the Storm, spoke coldly. With his experienced experience, he recognized at a glance that this lunatic was fighting on two fronts, so he suffered such a big loss.

Not only was he dealing with him at the same level here, but he was distracted to deal with Tu Fu on the other side. This move almost drove the kid crazy.

"The ability of a daydreamer?"


Floyd didn't realize that he was almost killed, but instead smiled, "A gift specially prepared for him, that is the core ability of Adventurer Sequence 5, daydreaming.

Distorts his perception of reality and instead falls into a prison of dilemma.

The more he cares about something in his heart, something will leave him, and he will often suffer from the pain of Steven Ferris losing his wife.

If the little guy couldn't bear the pressure and was really injured, he would die in reality. "

General Phyllis, who was standing by the side watching the battle, seemed not to have heard all this. After learning that the formation formation could not be used, he closed his eyes and waited for the end of everything.

Never see the glory of the past.

"What a terrifying ability, just a child of Sequence 7, is it worth doing?"

Carl shook his head in dissatisfaction. It's not that he hasn't tried to stop the opponent, but Freud would rather endure the damage and get distracted and deal with Tu Fu first, otherwise he won't be defeated.

"Priest, you don't know much about the path of adventurers. They are complete lunatics. Even if they find a chance, they will fight you to the end. It is really dangerous. Even I hate such unstable factors. "

Floyd learned of the existence of such a dangerous person when Tu Fu took the risk of exposure to stand up and kill Karina, so he made this decision in his heart.

This uncertain accidental factor must first be cleaned up.

This is all right, even if Tu Fu lost contact with him, the other party's spirituality has been exhausted after a lot of trouble.

I also saw the gap in the higher sequence of the same pathway, and people who are a little smarter should know that they have to run away.

He glanced at the half-dead "Witch" Karina, and looked towards the port again. It was time for this absurd farce to end.

"High Priest Hoffman, I respect you for being a man and for years of persevering in leading the Church of Storms on the island. This time it is because our arrival has broken this balance.

I am sorry for this, I will ask the organization to give you some compensation afterwards.

But I also have to say that Karina and I are here just to do things for the organization, not our original intention.

Now that the human formation has been destroyed, and Karina has paid for her mistakes, we still have no reason to continue the fight, why not let this account be written off. "

"no way."

High Priest Karl naturally knew what he meant, and he was going to kill him now, so he was naturally unwilling to continue to do it.

But letting him leave with that witch is simply slapping him in the face, making what the members of the Church of Storms who died at the port think, and what the crazy Tu Fu thinks.

"You can't get out of Narnia, the church already knows what's going on here, you can't get away."

"You don't think I'm afraid of you, I just don't want to waste time."

Floyd laughed contemptuously, and wiped off the marks on his face, "Even if the Church of the Storm knows, so what, I'll run away long before they come."

He glanced at his companion on the ground. If it was really a last resort, he would have to leave him and run away.

No one can stop an adventurer who is determined to run.

Hearing the rampant attitude of the other party, the white-haired and long-bearded wise man Carl Hoffmann looked at him with contempt in his eyes, "Really? The Rosicrucian brat.

Why don't you try to leave first and see if you can still run? "

What's the meaning?

Feeling that the atmosphere was not right, Floyd frowned and activated his teleportation ability without hesitation.

But no matter how much he used his extraordinary power, his whole body remained motionless.

His body seemed to make a "swish" sound, but his hands and feet seemed to be pulled so hard that when he activated this proud life-saving skill, it directly failed.

"Can't move, can't you?"

I saw the old man with white hair and beard slightly raised his arm.

This conscious move immediately caused Floyd, who was about to run, to react slightly in his arm, and he couldn't help raising his arm.

"It's you."

Floyd struggled for a moment, woke up suddenly and looked at the old man Carl Hoffman in fear, and asked, "When did you drop the puppet line on me, I couldn't have not noticed."

"Just when you were distracted." High Priest Karl replied quietly.

Such a large gap is enough for him to complete meticulous operations when launching an attack.

The puppet silk thread can not only control dead objects, but also living people. Even if the pulling force and flexibility are greatly reduced, it is still very simple to entangle the opponent and disable his teleportation.

Floyd's eyes also became extremely cold. He already understood everything, and his eyes were full of hysterical madness.

Just when Karl made this decision, he was already planning to fight the opponent to the end.

Although this extreme method temporarily traps him, it also binds himself on the same thread as him,

Compete for life and death

Only one of the two ends of this line is destined to live.

"My head hurts."

Blowing the salty and humid wind from the sea, and the layer after layer of never-ending fog.

Tu Fu didn't know what to do other than stand there blankly and open his mouth wide in surprise.

As he expected, it was all fake, and when it was all over, there was only pain and regret intertwined, which was especially uncomfortable when hope was shattered.


Tu Fu suddenly came to his senses, returned to the seat just now, turned on the monitoring screen in front of him, and immediately adjusted the monitoring time forward.

After he left, Sophie also found Cindy on Leicester Street. Apart from encountering a few hooligans who wanted to take advantage of her along the way, they were easily resolved without any major incidents.

Just comforting the little girl.

Feeling lost just now, after seeing Sophie, she immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and kept sighing that luckily it was all fake.


From the surveillance screen, Tu Fu clearly saw his figure running towards that street.

Exhausted all the spirituality in the body out of thin air to launch teleportation, steel hardening, and finger guns, crying and shouting at the joint like a madman.

Fortunately, he ran and teleported all the way, and the situation on the island was not optimistic, and every house closed their doors tightly.

Few people recognized that he had been there.

If Sophie saw his weeping face, he would probably be ridiculed to the point of being written on his epitaph after death.

Tu Fu followed the monitoring all the way, and he finally fled to the coast after going around the island, and once tried to strangle himself in a state of mental breakdown.

Fortunately, fortunately, the ghost ship "Santa Maria" seems to have received some kind of induction.

It came directly to his cognition at the most critical time, and finally broke this unsolvable dilemma.

Relying on one's own strength to get out of this predicament, just thinking about it makes it impossible.

After watching the whole process, Tu Fu roughly guessed some of the details of the adventurer's ability in Sequence 5, and secretly speculated: "The collapse of the Governor's Mansion will not kill me. As an extraordinary person, I know this very well, so I didn't die, but If it is an ordinary person, it should be scared to death.

It can be seen that this ability is not an illusion or a dream, but changes what people see and hear about reality, and then counteracts and harms those who see and hear. "

This advanced ability of an adventurer is like an interesting psychological test.

Blindfold the prisoner and take him to a room and tie him up, pretending to cut his wrist with a sharp instrument to create the illusion of bleeding, and place the prisoner next to the sound of water droplets from a water pipe to imitate the sound of bleeding.

Accompanied by the rhythm of dripping water from fast to slow, the condemned prisoners felt a great sense of fear in their hearts.

He felt his blood was draining little by little.

Various detection instruments truthfully recorded his changes, and the prisoner eventually died of typical blood loss symptoms.

And at the prisoner's wrist,

In fact, there is no scar at all.

(end of this chapter)