Chapter 235 Long Journey

Göttinghagen, Baker Street 45.

Mrs. Anfeier reluctantly packed up her daughter's suitcase for her upcoming trip.

This beautiful woman over forty years of age was still dissatisfied when she was working: "Goddess, I just lost a child, why did I let my other child travel far away.

Sophie, your mentor must let you report first during this holiday? "

"Exactly." Miss Winston said.

"'lost', wow, I must love that word."

Ethan Winster, who was dressed decently enough, said so.

His untimely naughtiness succeeded in exchange for his wife's furious eyes, a pair of flashing red eyes like a man-eating beast.

This January has been more difficult than any previous January, and it has hit Mrs. Amphier much harder.

According to the plan, the family was supposed to go on vacation on the sunny beach of Bania, but Tufu was imprisoned in a blink of an eye, and expelled from the kingdom in a blink of an eye.

And my beloved daughter also applied for the foreign student quota at Ryan University, and was so anxious that she didn't even have time to accompany them for a vacation, so she had to go to Duds University with her tutor for a year of further study.

This is undoubtedly an eye-opening opportunity for Miss Winster who has only lived in her own country or even just came to the capital.

Ryan Kingdom is undoubtedly more open, with larger cities and more advanced technology.

Girls at this age need the opportunity to run around the world. Experience and conversation are essential for every journalist.

Also studying at the University of Göttinghagen, especially the girls who grew up in the capital are mostly from good families,

The countries they have visited in their visa books are far older than their own age.

Having seen the different cityscapes of the northern continent, seeing the primitive and roughness of the southern continent, visiting the tropical style of the archipelago and the glacier area at the top of the world, it has become a place for outings for the rich and famous.

In this world, except for the mysterious polar region, there is no place they cannot go to.

Many wealthy students have already practiced several languages ​​​​during the journey before applying to universities, which is something ordinary people dare not think about in their lifetime.

They even have to think twice about the cost of hiring an Assyrian teacher.

This spiritual and material gap will not be reduced because everyone went to the same university. The two people have always been two crosshairs with only a little cross.

The one and only point of intersection in life is going to the same university.

But that doesn't mean anything will change.

Maybe out of guilt, Mrs. Anfeier, who has always been keen on comparisons, came to the capital to see more and more, the more she realized how small her family was, and she even agreed to Sophie's plan to study in Rui'en.

As for Mr. Ethan Winster being silent most of the time,

He, who has always been rough-minded, carefully looked at the luggage of his precious daughter this time.

There are mostly daily necessities there. Sun hats and silk scarves are incompatible with the weather in the North Continent, and sunscreen products are all available. Compared to going to a capital with a climate that is not much different from Baia, such equipment seems a bit weird.

The old police officer who had worked in the police station for many years immediately smelled something different.

He lowered his head and pondered, focusing his eyes on one point. He always did this every time he encountered a difficult case in the past.

Although most of the time it is still impossible to solve the case.

Officer Winston buried his head for a long time, and sighed faintly,

then slowly added: "Sophie, how can you go out without insect repellent, and you must bring a compass, so as not to get lost and not know the north, south, east, and west.

Speaking of which, there are also canned vegetables for vitamin supplements. Remember, you have grown up now and are a polite girl, but you must also know how to take care of yourself, so that you will know how to take care of others in the future. "

Such an amateur proposal once again made Mrs. Anfeier roll her eyes and pouted:

"Come on, Sophie isn't going camping."

"good advice"

But such a proposal just made Miss Winster's eyes light up, and she agreed repeatedly.

For sea expeditions, this is really a good proposal.

And this is not over, Ethan emphasized again: "After going to Ryan, I remember sending letters home every month, and I remember your handwriting.

If we don’t receive the letter of the month, I will definitely go to Ryan to visit you. Remember, I will go there at all costs. "

In the serious tone of her father, Sophie, who was about to go out, was suddenly overwhelmed, or she was nervous because she was afraid that her plan would be seen through, and she wanted to say something, but her throat was blocked.

In the end, there was only a hum.

Which means she will.

The clever Miss Winster had already thought of this before. In order to reassure her parents, she and her best friend Shakira had already planned a countermeasure.

At that time, she will use the contacts in the other party's family to make her deliver the letter to a certain address in Saint Nordin, and then the people there will send the letter to Göttinghagen regularly.

She herself can also send letters to her family from nowhere under the guise of business affairs.

Compared to putting that crazy idea into practice, it is easier to plan a big plan that hides the sky.

Sophie has thought about it in great detail, or in other words, it is not an easy task to put in such courage to chase an uncertain future.

"Sophie, from the coming-of-age ceremony, I won't stop you from doing anything. You can choose your own path, and you have to bear it no matter what happens."

Mr. Ethan Winster's tone has been very serious throughout the day, "I said this to my husband when I was in Leeds, and now I will repeat the same words to you."

“The path I choose will definitely be completed by myself.”

Before going out, not only did Mr. Winster not send his daughter off on a long trip, but he also refused to let Mrs. Amphrey do it.

is to let Sophie walk to the port alone, and feel the embarrassment of being alone in advance.

If it’s still too late to regret before then,

There is still time.

Mr. Winster prayed in his heart.

"I love you all forever."

It's just that Sophie carried the full suitcase alone, and wanted to turn back several times, but gritted her teeth and suppressed the throbbing emotions in her heart.

In the end, she went step by step to the route that someone had walked last week.

Familiar Göttinghagen Docklands.

There's the ship she needs to ride on.

One week after the release of the new law, whether it is a worker or a miner here, no matter how hard or tired they work, their faces are always full of smiles.

Because each of them is full of hope.

Someone gave them hope.

Sophie is not afraid of walking forward alone. One of the most important reasons is that someone gave her enough courage.

The road in front of her has already been walked by someone, now she only needs to follow the road he walked, see the scenery he saw, hold the same urgent mood, and finally reach the end of the other shore.

From the day she stepped into the charlatan path, she understood one thing.

When the first lie is told, the liar will use thousands of lies to perfect the first lie in order not to reveal the truth, and what she has to do is to fill in all the details perfectly.

No regrets.

The passenger ship at night is not like the rapids during the day.

In order to allow passengers to experience a comfortable environment, the "Homecoming" has always maintained a relatively stable speed.

At a quarter past nine, the cabin beer room is very lively. Guests can order beer or wine here, or play some games for money.

This is also a rare entertainment on a boat, and everyone cherishes such a time.


Tu Fu, who won another hand of Texas Hold'em, looks like a proud warrior,

Satisfied, he put away the pile of bright banknotes signed on the table, and returned a part of the other party's enough money to survive, then he looked at the group of people in the corner of the cabin.

Among the four people, there are men and women, and they look no different from ordinary people.

But according to Tu Fu's observations in the surveillance, there are many signs that indicate their identities as superhumans. This group of people are familiar with each other and have established their own small circle after boarding the ship.

This is normal, extraordinary people have always had their own circle.

Tu Fu didn't want to use his identity as an extraordinary person to integrate into them, there was no need for that.

These people may be members of a supernatural organization, or they may be superhumans who go out to find opportunities, but it doesn't matter.

At least compared to myself who knows nothing about maritime intelligence.

If you can talk to them, there may be unexpected gains.

Noticing the same looking eyes, Tu Fu smiled. If he went up to buy them a drink alone, it would be too suspicious and not in line with his current personality.

As a result, Tu Fu took the chips he had just won and went straight to the bartender at the bar. He whispered in the other's ear, and the latter looked at him with admiration after listening.

Half a minute later, the bartender shouted to everyone:

"To celebrate the end of this storm, all consumption in the beer room of the "Homecoming" tonight will be paid by Mr. Jack Sparrow."

(end of this chapter)