Chapter 230 The price of freedom

House of Parliament.

The solemn atmosphere makes every visitor extremely serious.

The royal descendants of the House of Lords, hereditary aristocrats, government officials and southern mainland colonial agents have all arrived.

Most of them behave elegantly, wearing noble clothes that only this class can wear, with exquisite embroidery floating on the surface.

Even if those cloaks or long skirts are dragged on the ground, completely wrapping people in thick clothes, and some of them are so ill-fitting that they make people turn red, no one is willing to change their glory.

This is the etiquette exclusive to the nobles.

Better than suffering, decency is more important than anything else.

Compared to the old aristocrats who have a serious tendency to dress retro, the representatives of the House of Commons are elected by the people of various places. There are representatives of the emerging bourgeoisie who have brought huge wealth, and there are local officials who have benefited one side.

Most of these people are well-known doers who were trusted by the people and elected to the parliament.

Compared to the House of Lords, most of them wore refined and indirect suits and swallowtails, and uniformly wore a heavy top hat, which made the original solemn atmosphere even more solemn, and they didn't even dare to breathe too loudly.

The most front seat in the House of Lords is undoubtedly the Duke of Weimar. On the side of the aristocratic forces, he is a figure who can speak in the House of Representatives.

The land and wealth of this ancient Baia family is also the reason why the old duke speaks confidently.

Sitting opposite him is the leader of the Conservative Party in the cabinet and the current Prime Minister Thilo Sollens, he is the one with the best mental outlook among the people present.

After the "King's perpetual motion machine" incident, the original rumors of his impeachment have long since disappeared, and he is still firmly seated as the prime minister.

A few days ago, the Lantis border guards were operating on the Baia border, and there was a lot of wind and rain before the war.

But in the few days since the war madman came back, many operations stunned everyone.

Being a diplomat, he quickly formed an alliance with the easternmost Sa Loren Empire with the speed of fighting fires, and opened trade stations with several small countries.

Not interfering with Sa Loren's interests in the Far East, in exchange for many years of peace in the future, and a powerful ally.

The most important thing is that once there is a war with Landis, there is no need to deploy troops to guard the border to the east.

The second thing is to win over the Kingdom of Ryan, which has become a climate in the west.

William II's incident spread throughout the Northern Continent. Prime Minister Sorens justified his inability to open up colonies in the Southern Continent on the grounds that his national strength was seriously depleted, so as to show his favor to the Ryan royal family.

From then on, the Baia Kingdom voluntarily withdrew from the contention for the remaining colonies, and the remaining land was exchanged to several other major countries.

So far, the strongest allies on the east and west lines have isolated Landis. In the next few years, they will compete for the interests of the southern continent, naturally forming a contradiction.

In Thilo’s view, political and diplomatic negotiations are the art of compromise,

The purpose of temporary regression is to make better progress.

Although there are many people who are dissatisfied with this, including His Majesty the King who is interested in the whole world, the policy of reducing colonial rule is equivalent to self-defeating martial arts in their eyes, and it is an act of not thinking about making progress.

But it was precisely because of Prime Minister Sorens' move that the restless Landis finally withdrew its minions.

Within a day, all border guards were withdrawn to the west of the border.

Under the premise that the interests have been divided, the price of another move is that the east and west lines will fight at least three major powers at the same time, which is neither reasonable nor dominant.


A heavy sneeze rang out, and sitting in the middle of the council seat was a pale young king in poor condition.

The past few days have not been smooth for William II.

Ever since he was tricked by that bastard, he was so angry that he fell into a coma with a high fever and almost killed himself.

This is not the most hateful thing. Speaking of it, what makes him most uncomfortable is the word-of-mouth of Mingjun, who was led by the wise leader in the past few years, and it collapsed into a mess in an instant.

Not only was it ridiculed by the people, but it became a joke that could be recorded in history among the countries of the Northern Continent.

All the hard work he put in in the past, just because of one mistake, it was gone in an instant.

King William II lined his chin with his hand, and asked absently: "What are you talking about?"

"Your Majesty, the reform of the new law should now have a result."

Mr. Prime Minister who spoke, once again submitted the new law that he had changed countless times.

"You don't need to read it, just do it like this."

This time, William II didn't become self-willed again, and directly agreed.

After this incident, his reputation among the people has fallen to the bottom, and relying on welfare bills to please the people is also a good way.

After the passage of this bill, many people breathed a sigh of relief.

"Your Majesty, there is one more thing you need to decide."

The speaker is the leader of the Labor Party. He carefully looked at the color of William II, "Last night, an enemy from abroad invaded the Catalan Prison, and it seemed that they were targeting the prisoner, Tufu.

Unfortunately, a guard team was completely wiped out, and Tu Fu himself was seriously injured. "


Hearing the news, William II's eyes lit up immediately,

The sluggish expression just now became energetic.

If he hadn't been concerned about so many people, he would probably have been so excited to ask how the person was injured and whether he was dead now.

"The people are reporting this incident, the twelve states have sent delegations to the capital, and the Seven Schools Alliance has also protested against it, and the protest in Göttinghagen is the loudest.

If he is not released again, they will form a protest group of 100,000 people to organize a demonstration in Göttinghagen... If Tu Fu really dies in prison, Baia will really turn upside down. "

The voice of the Labor Party leader's words is getting lower and lower.

Because William II's face was so ugly that it was already wrinkled, there is no doubt that if he continued to speak, he would have the urge to lift the table.

"Your Majesty, why not start the voting process, and let the two houses decide whether Tu Fu should be released or not."

Tillo Thorens spoke slowly after watching for a long time, and put forward a reasonable proposal, a method to save the king's face and reputation.

"it is good."

William II gritted his teeth and agreed, "However, the voting process must be open. Voters raise their hands, and only when the voting rate exceeds 80% can people be released."

The purpose of this rather harsh condition is very simple. It is to let the supporters show their identities in front of him, and he will now write down the names of those who dare to sing the opposite.

But after the words fell, someone from the House of Lords had already stretched out their hands and completely despised his authority.

It was the Duke of Weimar. The middle-aged man raised his hand without any hesitation.

He didn't care about William II's revenge. He was well-informed about the matter of Tu Fu saving his precious daughter. He had already received the news, and made a decision without hesitation after the voting session started.

"Mr. Sir." William II stared at him with a serious tone.

"Your Majesty, the Weimar family always repays favors."

The Duke of Weimar has no expression on his face, he is not afraid of the so-called revenge.

After he voted, the House of Lords raised their hands one after another. The upper-level family is a one-line interest group. After the head of the group made a decision, the entire Baier noble group had an answer.

Shua! Swish! Swish!

In an instant, more than half of the votes in the House of Lords alone were on the resolution to release Tu Fu.

As for the House of Commons, needless to say, people raised their hands one after another. They are representatives elected by the people. The purpose of coming here is to explain the voice of the bottom like the above.

And there is only one voice at the bottom, Tu Fu was acquitted.

The forces behind the House of Commons are different. It is unusual to be able to unify the right to speak at this moment. This made William II see some clues.

There are not many people who can integrate the power of the House of Commons. After he saw the clue, he squinted and stared at Thilo Thorens,

"Prime Minister, what do you mean?"

"In my opinion, Tu Fu is just an ignorant child. As a child, he will make mistakes. As long as he is willing to correct, there is nothing that cannot be forgiven."

After Prime Minister Sorens finished speaking, he raised his hand in agreement with a smile, "So, I am willing to vote for him."

His team immediately unified the three major parties in the cabinet. Counting the number of people in the two houses of parliament who supported the release of Tu Fu, the total number probably exceeded 80%.

Such a ratio is unprecedented.

This is public opinion. When all the voices tend to be the same, even the king has to consider the consequences of nonsense.

"The Duke, the Prime Minister, members of the three parties, who else, why not stand up together." William II's face was stern, and he had no intention of fulfilling his promise at all.

"Your Majesty, I also agree."

At this time, a discordant voice among the members of the royal family broke the stalemate.

It was Friedrich William. After hesitating again and again, he sighed softly, and his raised palm was very conspicuous in the royal court.

This almost deposed prince, even at the risk of danger, must use his last bit of strength to help the person who saved his life.

Finally, the last solid force on the royal side was completely disintegrated, because Friedrich stepped forward, and members of the royal family raised one hand, two hands, and more and more hands... The last party in the field also showed that manner.

The battle for the throne is not just the appointment and removal of the previous king, but also the inspection of the cabinet.

Since all members have expressed their views, it is not worth the loss to stand against the public at this time.

The third prince's rebellion became the last straw that overwhelmed William II. Even his own son stood on the opposite side of him at this moment.

"Traitors, all are rebels!"

In the huge Capitol, only the angry roar of William II echoed on the roof.

Tu Fu, who was still lying in the Catalan prison, was like a salted fish without dreams, lying on the bed doing nothing, and the wounds on his body were scabbed with blood.

"Mr. Capet, please."

"Eat something even if it doesn't heal."

"Drink some water."

Tu Fu's aggressive behavior made all the jailers panic.

If this man really dies in Catalan Hell, not only will they be stabbed in the back by neighbors when they return home, even the officials of the judicial system will not let them go.

But this attitude of not cooperating with life and death made this group of jailers even more humble than criminals.

I beg my grandpa to tell my grandma to tell him that no matter what happens, please be strong and live on.

He has always turned a deaf ear to all this.

What really changed Tu Fu's attitude was the afternoon of the second day after he was assassinated. The news of the arrival of a big man gave his decadent thoughts a shot in the arm.

"Eat something to heal your injuries, and then change into a clean set of clothes. After all, you have to be decent when you go out."

A man with a thick voice came from outside the prison. The obvious scar on his face was very recognizable.

Before, Tu Fu would never have thought that Prime Minister Sollens would come here to meet him in person.

After hearing these words, Tu Fu immediately understood that there was still a turning point in the matter, and got up and widened his eyes: "Sir, they decided to let me go, right?"

"Yes, you can go." The latter nodded, and before Tu Fu could cheer clearly, he said "but".

"But His Majesty promised to let you out, and there is one condition, which is the basic requirement for your survival."

"I think I'm ready."

"After this incident, his reputation has suffered a huge blow, which is inevitable.

His Majesty declared in the parliament that he could let you go, but he didn't want to see you again in Göttinghagen, or even the Kingdom of Baia. Thilo Sollens added:

"For at least two years, you can't go back to Baia."

Hearing this harsh additional condition, Tu Fu's eyes changed from longing to doubt. After a brief struggle, he finally accepted that this was already the best ending.

"it is good."

Tu Fu nodded invisibly, which meant that he agreed with this decision.

Children who make mistakes always have to apologize for themselves.


This is the price of freedom.

While going through the procedures for release from prison, the prison doctor also treated the shocking injuries on his body, and the guards carefully put on a new set of clothes for him.

From the moment I stepped out of the foot prison, the sun was rarely seen on this cold winter day,

The light was perfect, and Tu Fu was forced to stretch out his hand to block the sunlight in front of him, but he couldn't help but look at it a few times.

that light,

It's so dazzling!

(end of this chapter)