Chapter 210: The grand ceremony is coming

Chapter 210 The Grand Ceremony is Coming


45 Baker Street, Reims.

In a two-story bungalow, the family specially opened a bottle of fine champagne to celebrate Tu Fu's safety.

The fruity aroma quickly permeated the whole room.

My aunt, who had been busy all day at the hot pot restaurant, deliberately made the potato stewed lamb at home before my uncle got off work.

The milky aroma of the meat and the softness of the potatoes are combined into one pot, and the long-lost fragrant smell stimulates the pores of Tufu.

It's been a long time since I tasted my aunt's handicraft, but Tu Fu misses it very much.

Seeing this delicacy always reminded him of his days in Leeds, and he changed completely. Compared with the small seaside city, both life and class have improved qualitatively.

The family not only has two college students from top universities, but also owns a set of real estate and hot shops in the local area. The uncle of the head of the family also has a good job.

The current Winster family may not be a famous family in Göttinghagen, but it is definitely not someone that ordinary people dare to provoke.

"You mean that guest is Mr. Prime Minister?"

Blinking her eyes, Sophie almost dropped her jaw when she heard that Tu Fu brought up the weird guest earlier.

"If it's true, he is Kelan's kind father. It's a surprise, isn't it?"

"It is indeed different from the rumors." Sophie nodded subconsciously.

Although the name is well known, few people have seen Baya's iron-blooded prime minister. He rarely appears in newspapers, and that name is mostly spread among the people.

In people's eyes, he is a terrible war lunatic, a desperate bloodthirsty maniac, an iron-blooded diplomat at the negotiating table, and a hero of the rise of the kingdom.

An angel and a devil side by side in one person.

At least, in Sophie's impression, Prime Minister Sorens should not be a father who cares about his son.

Tu Fu sighed while finishing the dishes, "Unfortunately, we just missed a good opportunity to make money."

"You mean making money? What is it?"

“When Mr. Sollens or Prince William came to eat at the restaurant, I should use the camera to take pictures of them coming to the hot pot restaurant, and then hang them on the wall for publicity.

Even the prince (Prime Minister) is here, so why don’t you come? I guess the store’s business will improve a lot. "

Tu Fu shook his head. Many online celebrity shops in later generations have always done this.

"Good idea, I guess they will kill you if they find out."

This is of course just a joke, but the appearance of the prince in the commercial street of the university town is a sensation in itself.

It is equivalent to making a good signboard advertisement for Winster's hot pot restaurant.

At that time, Tu Fu will definitely be mentioned in the newspapers. His name is a full deterrent to many troublemakers and businessmen who want to embezzle their business.


There was a sound of closing the door, and Ethan Winster returned home with his tired body. No matter how tired Officer Winster was when he got home, he would always put on a relaxed expression. After he hung the sheriff's coat on the coat rack, , He sniffed the delicious food and came to the table.

"Uncle, are you busy recently?"

Tu Fu took the initiative to help him pack his clothes.

"Of course, this is Göttinghagen, there are thousands of things to do every day, to arrest the evil believers who preach other than the Seven Gods, to be careful about the infiltration of spies from neighboring countries, and to touch people who always die Extraordinary idiots, if this continues, you might as well just kill me."

Uncle Ethan is now like a social animal who has lost his dreams. Recently, he even tells a lot less cold jokes.

"In comparison, I still miss my job at Leeds."

Ethan naturally refers to helping grandma in the same neighborhood find cats and bringing lost children home. The most tangled thing in the day is what to eat for lunch every day.

He then pointed to his head, and now even the hair on the side of his forehead has lost a lot,

"Look, now I have less hair than the conscience of the gentlemen of the police department. If this continues, I will die of overwork sooner or later."

"Oh, my poor dad." Sophie set off the atmosphere appropriately, expressing her sorrow.

"No, poor one and you, I remember that hair loss is a kind of heredity." Tu Fu looked at Sophie with the same pitiful expression, and the latter touched her thick blond hair subconsciously, with anxiety in his eyes.

"Honey, don't complain, we can go to Isabi Island for vacation together when this holiday comes, I guess you must be free then."

Auntie brought a plate of cold dishes at the right time, with a smile on her face.

Isabi Island is located in the area of ​​the Kingdom of Bania. Even in winter, there is still plenty of sunshine.

Beaches, sea views, beauties dressed in less cloth, magnificent classical churches and shopping malls importing specialties from all over the world are one of the most popular holiday destinations among people.

When it comes to the holidays, middle-class people always gather together to talk about the holiday experience, and will take the initiative to roll up their sleeves and show their tanned skin to friends and neighbors to prove that they have spent a fulfilling holiday.


The petty bourgeoisie of the middle class.

"If I remember correctly, the assessment of the University of Michigan's semester ends in January, and there will be at least a month's vacation after everything is over."

Tu Fu remembered this incident, and when he went back to Miska again, he could go on vacation with peace of mind after completing the assessment for this semester.

"So do we." Sophie raised her hand to signal.

Columbia University’s arrangements in previous years were also similar, probably to compare the results of the two top universities, and even the time of the assessment day was almost the same.

But today Columbia University must have lost the mind to compare.

No matter how great the genius is, it can't change the fact that the University of Michigan has a monster-level guy who has established a complete physics system by himself.

Tufu managed to do it.

The gap between people is bigger than that of dogs.

Seeing the two children were very happy, Uncle Ethan raised his hands and feet in favor of this vacation plan,

"I will apply for a leave of absence, but this will be after the grand ceremony of His Majesty the King. Everyone is ensuring that the grand ceremony can be held smoothly, and strictly investigate the Lantis people who have recently arrived from abroad.

This is a lot of work, even the color of their underwear has to be figured out. "

This untimely cold joke caused the two ladies present to roll their eyes.

"The King's Gala?"

It was not the first time that Tu Fu had heard this term. In the beginning, Uncle Roman's Extraordinary Team Black Swan knew about it.

Later, many professors at the University of Michigan also knew about it, and they probably had already sent a list of invitees.

Now even the police station where my uncle works is in charge of this matter, so the scale of the event will definitely not be small.

"I heard from my colleagues that the Baia government will invite many celebrities to come over. Scholars from the two major universities, and big figures from the political and business circles will probably attend this grand ceremony."

Uncle showed an envious expression, and it was quite an honor to be recognized by the Baia government.

He suddenly shook his head and looked at Tu Fu, "Little husband, they will probably invite you then, right?"

"He is a legend of the Royal Seven Schools Alliance, how could he not have a place."

Sophie spoke sourly.

Tu Fu, who was moving the bowl and chopsticks, froze, and his movements obviously slowed down. He shrugged his shoulders, "Sorry, I haven't received any invitation yet."

"Oh, if they didn't even invite you, they must be blind, why don't you go see an ophthalmologist first."

Not only the uncle, but even Aunt An Feier sighed like this.

Although they don't know the status of quantum mechanics in the academic world, and don't know how many amazing things he and Tu Fu have done in the past year, it doesn't prevent them from thinking that their children are quite amazing.

If he is not recognized by the government, the Winsters will be sad about it.

Tu Fu looked down at the sumptuous meal in the bowl, but seemed absent-minded, "Uncle, Aunt, Sophie..."

He called his family members by their names one by one, with a sluggish look on his face,

"If I didn't attend the feast, or refused to attend the feast because of some reasons I think are necessary... will you be unhappy?"

In his opinion, he always feels a little sorry for refusing to participate in a super grand ceremony presided over by the king, and forfeiting the opportunity to make the whole family honorable.

But once he participates, he tacitly agrees to his support for the king, which is equivalent to letting him deny himself and the physics discipline established in this world, and agree to an extremely stupid thing.

I don't want to see the funds in the treasury flow into the manufacturing of perpetual motion machines.

It is more from the heart, unwilling to accompany those who are smarter to wave the flag.

After Tu Fu's answer was presented, there was a slight silence at the dinner table.

All kinds of voices disappeared for a while, and Tu Fu suddenly felt abandoned, and his whole body felt cold.

beep, beep, beep...

The cuckoo clock dial hanging on the wall makes a sound, and the second hand rings step by step,

It sounded more like some kind of scary countdown to him.

Finally, Uncle Ethan spoke first.

"Honestly, although I don't know why you think so, it doesn't matter, because this is your decision, Mr. Capet's decision.

Don't do what you don't want to do, let the ridiculous ceremony go to hell. "

First the uncle put his arm over his anxious hand, then the aunt did the same, and finally Sophie put her hand on top.

The candlelight on the dining table was burning, bright and dazzling.

No matter how long the wanderer drifts outside, how tired he feels.

In a certain house,

There is always a lamp for him,

A bed that you can lie on comfortably.

(end of this chapter)