Chapter 190 Return of the Celebrity


The steam train puffing out white smoke slowly moved forward along the rails.

Following the sudden acceleration of the giant steel beast, the sliding wheel set under full acceleration all the way sparked with lightning, leaving behind an unstoppable galloping figure.

The scenery by the window changes all the way, the tall buildings gradually get lower, and the horizon gets higher and higher.

It has always been so far from civilization.

Tu Fu, who was sitting in the first-class workshop, leisurely flipped through an academic journal called "Archaeological Boundary".

The latest issue is the remains of the elves in the village of Hannoy in the Black Forest.

During the week-long research of the expedition team, those experts systematized the elves of the Jackdaw tribe.

The reported photos are full of the architectural style of the Jackdaw Tribe, such as miniature palaces resembling water lilies, towers carved from ivory, and bridges connecting trees with weak weeping willows. These primitive buildings give people a very exquisite feeling .

When describing the elves, most of them are based on the statements of the locals and eyewitnesses, and then combined with the data to summarize the characteristics of the elves. The following description is given.

"Their height is far higher than that of humans, and their skin is much paler. Their streamlined muscular structure makes their bodies light, and they have great advantages when moving in the forest.

The elves are not much different from ordinary people when foraging. Their staple food is fruits and grains. They always drink water by the river together at twilight, move in groups, and use clans as tribes. .

Although their lifestyles are relatively similar to ours, so that we have been unable to accept such similarity for a long time...because they are purely heterogeneous. "

Seeing the arrogant words of the leader of the Göttinghagen Archaeological Society, Tu Fu had already adapted to it a long time ago.

At the bottom of the journal, there are scholars in the field of archaeology who give it a very high evaluation, and there are many scholars from the Southern Continent among them.

It seems that all races in the northern and southern continents agree with the audience in the paper as a matter of course.

After browsing through the disgusting compliments, Tu Fu shook his head and chuckled a few times.

Before the connection between the North and South continents, because the Lionheart King who was a white race led to the unification of the Assyrian Empire, the world became dominated by white races.

And some alpine races and red-skinned races are always the targets of discrimination.

Later, after the Southern Continent was discovered due to the opening of the age of voyage, the people of the Northern Continent unanimously attacked the colored people in the Southern Continent, massacred, enslaved, and then established colonial dependent countries, and established countless trade sites between the two continents.

During this period, politicians and scholars from countries on the two continents fought countless wars of words over the issue of skin color.

And the reality even beat out the dog's brain.

The advanced weapons of the Northern Continent's army can easily kill a large number of indigenous people, but they will never be able to crush their thoughts.

Over the past century, in one blood debt after another, many conflicts have accumulated between people of different skin colors.

Countless people had difficulty solving this problem, but when he made the Jackdaw Tribe public, the issue of skin color suddenly became a secondary contradiction.

This time, regardless of the races in the northern and southern continents, from politicians to scholars to ordinary people in the market, they all stand in the united front without exception.

Naturally repelling foreigners.

As for Tu Fu, he does not stand for any point of view, nor does he intend to make any comments.

Time will always give the answer.


The sharp whistle sounded, and the steam train also stopped in the small town of Villedo in due time.

Tu Fu, who was wearing a simple white shirt, picked up his leather bag and put on a brim hat and pressed it down to make himself look less conspicuous.

He got off the station all the way from the crowd, came to the familiar waiting area, and took another public carriage that he hadn't sat in for a long time.

It only costs two pennies to go from the station to Miskar Stark University.

Although there are tens of thousands of crowns in the savings card, which is enough for him to buy a house in a middle-class community, and hire a cook and two maids by the way, it is only enough to buy one-fifth of the mansion fragments by the Murray River.

He knew very well the importance of thrift to the realization of wishes, so he could only merge with the smell of strangers in the sultry weather, and spent this short period of time in extreme discomfort.

After going through a steep journey, I finally saw the iconic school emblem of the University of Michigan, which symbolizes the truth.

After attending Ms. Weimar's coming-of-age ceremony, Tu Fu stayed in Göttinghagen for two more days. Fortunately, before coming, he had already taken the latest courses from the teaching teacher Mr. Walter Gross.

Counting the extra credits obtained by the Challenge Cup and the expedition team, there is no need to worry too much about the final grade of this semester.

"Hello, gentlemen."

Greeted warmly to several school guards one by one, and the familiar middle-aged guards recognized the person at a glance, not only responded enthusiastically, but also rushed to help him carry the bag.

"Mr. Capet, how can I let you carry the bag by yourself."

"The celebrity from Mississippi University has finally returned home."

“All the teachers, students and staff at the school are proud of you.”

Immediately, four or five people came forward to help carry the bag. During this time, no one knew that there was a student in their school who was in the limelight. He looked so humble.

"I really don't bother you, gentlemen."

Tu Fu shook his head in embarrassment, repeatedly rejecting their offer.

This situation really made him dumbfounded. What’s the matter with asking the security personnel of the University of Michigan to help him carry a freshman’s bag.

This is not the end, from the moment they arrived at the University of Michigan, people on the way saw him pass by and couldn't help but stop. They stopped to see how sacred he was, and looked at themselves curiously like watching an animal.

Young and beautiful ladies whisper and let it go.

As long as he stood still and stared back, without saying a word, he would surely scare them so that the little deer blushed and ran away in embarrassment.

The key is to meet some elderly teachers at the University of Michigan. When they see themselves, they will always come up and say a few words. Their eyes are full of admiration, and the smile hidden in the wrinkles is hard to hide.

The feeling of being pushed on by someone made the back of Tu Fu's neck feel cold, making him feel even more uncomfortable.

So for the rest of the journey, he simply trotted back to his bachelor apartment as if he was escaping orders.

It wasn't until the moment the door was closed tightly that Tu Fu dared to take a breath.

His eyes searched around the room, but fortunately there was no one hiding here.

Even if you haven’t come back for a while, fortunately there is someone to clean it, so you don’t have to worry about dust.

"There are too many things going on recently, I have to rest at the University of Michigan for a while, and let other things go first.

Consolidate the knowledge in the class, wait for the final assessment to pass, and then buy raw materials from the brotherhood, and help Sophie get the potions for the three paths.

After she has selected, the remaining two will be sold through the fraternity, and she may make a small profit. I guess becoming an extraordinary person is probably one of her wishes. "

Tu Fu, who knows Sophie's thoughts quite well, has already made a decision in private, and he will do it like this.

For Tu Fu who just came back, life at school is not as easy as he imagined.

Ms. Winnie, who was in the second grade, told him to meet Professor Kane, and the leaders of the Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences were also there. It took less than fifteen minutes since he came back and was notified to go to the academy for a meeting.

The venue for the meeting is the administrative center of the Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences.

On a very long desk, surrounded by a group of people, it seems to be the group of old antiques that Professor Kane mentioned.

They talked about the recent follow-up plan of the Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences, as well as the distribution of education funds for various majors,

Each of these is no small matter.

Professor Kane’s purpose for letting Tu Fu come here is probably to help him get on the right track from now on, and maybe also to establish a good relationship with these old guys for the restart of the Polar Program in a few years.

Tu Fu has always hated long-winded meetings, especially listening to a group of middle-aged and old men who are over fifty years old, chattering about irrelevant things.

Fortunately, some of his old friends were also present, including Crane, Bella, Mr. David, and Miss Weimar. They took notes while listening to the lecture.

The administrators of the School of Humanities just let them listen in, at most discuss their ideas in the link of providing opinions, and the final decision-making power still falls in the hands of the old guys.

It's really meaningless.

Tu Fu has been absent-minded for a long time, looking at the lady sitting opposite from time to time.


Professor Kane noticed that the kid’s eyes were staring at Elena Weimar, so he coughed lightly to wake him up.

"That's all about the disbursement of funds in advance. There is one more thing, Tu Fu. Tomorrow, the courtyard will hold a commendation meeting for you. At nine o'clock in the morning, the venue will be in the lecture hall. Remember to attend when you arrive."

"Okay... Hey, what kind of commendation meeting."

Tu Fu was startled, his careless behavior immediately displeased many people in the meeting.

Seeing his embarrassment, Ms. Weimar naturally helped him out, "The small meeting dedicated to commending Tu Fu's academic achievements in physics and archaeology will invite some students of the same year of this academy to listen to your sharing. success experience."

"I see."

Tu Fu nodded after he understood it, and now he understood.

It turned out that he was asked to make up some hardships on the road to success, so that this year's freshmen could emulate him.

Eileen had noticed the way Tu Fu looked at her long ago, unconsciously recalling the gift he gave that day, her thoughts were racing for a while,

"Why has Mr. Capet been looking at me just now? Is there any special idea? Judging from past experience, it shouldn't be.

But then again, that gift was specially made for me, does it have any special meaning?

That thing is not cheap, it is not like Mr. Capet's usual style.

So what did Dad say to him that day, does it have anything to do with me?


So why was he looking at me just now. "

Compared to the complex and troubled mind of a literary girl, Tu Fu's mental activities are much simpler.

He lined his head and kept thinking about a problem.

"How to ask Miss Weimar for a reasonable fee without losing elegance,

This is really a problem. "

(end of this chapter)