Chapter 169 Necklace

Lance District.

"Time" beer house.

Tu Fu put on his mask and carefully observed his surroundings.

No one followed him after he got off the station.

Since the elf tribe in Hanoi Village was on the news, his name has been quite loud during this period of time.

Especially those few famous quotes that have been published, "The so-called genius is nothing more than 99% sweat and 1% inspiration", "This is one small step for me, but it is a giant leap for mankind".

Now it has been included by many educational institutions and spread widely among the people.

"If a traveler comes again in the future, no matter what he wants to copy, he will be surprised to find it.

This sentence was first said by Capet, which was Mr. Capet's most proud invention. Mr. Tufu Capet is indeed the most precious gift God gave to mankind in the Quaternary Epoch. "

Tu Fu thought of such a picture, and thought it was funny for a while.

He walked towards the beer hall, and no one in the house paid attention to him. Fortunately, when he approached the fraternity, he deliberately changed into a mask.

Otherwise, his identity as a secret transcendent would have been exposed long ago.

"It's unbelievable that there has always been an elf tribe in Hanoi Village, you all know it."

"Heh, monsters with pointed ears? They even have their own villages. Could it be that they really regard themselves as human beings, and I don't know when they will be wiped out completely."

"Speaking of which, even the recent unrest in the sea and the mermaids attacking the kingdom's fleet caused quite a commotion, which made me have no business to do recently."

Some sea traders are worried.

"An alien race again? Don't worry, sooner or later they will be crushed into a ball of stinky ash by our cannons and giant ships."

"We are not as afraid of the sea as we used to be. The Royal Navy can send those **** back to the deep sea with a single shell. There are also legendary pirates. They even control a coalition army."

"This messed up world doesn't deserve a second voice."

"Long live the Kingdom of Baia!"

Supernatural beings in twos and threes and guests from all over the place are talking about the hottest things recently, or some great newcomers have appeared somewhere.

Each spread their deeds, and exchanged the news they heard.

Regardless of whether the news is true or not, when a group of people from all over get together, there is always a lively discussion.

While waiting for Mr. Jose, Tufu habitually ordered a glass of 1 Pole milk beer, which was much more expensive than Litz.

"Mr. 'Captain' is here?"

Frank Jose, with an owl sleeping on his shoulder, is a shrewd little fat man in the fraternity, with a smile on his chubby face, and when he saw Tufu listening to the rumors in the tavern with great interest, he kindly reminded him:

"Just listen to some deeds. The treasures of the Lionheart King, the ancient ruins, and the secrets of becoming a **** are actually mostly deceptive things. Even the legends of some great pirates on the sea are mostly just ballads sung by boring poets. "

"Oh, Mr. Jose, have you ever traveled in the sea?"

“When I was young, I did try my best to break out of my own world, but later I realized that with my strength, I can only hang out in an area near the sea.

And many things that are circulating now are actually rumors. Since the birth of the powerful fleet of the Northern Continent, it has cleaned up the original old order, which is no more difficult than cleaning up the ashes on the ground.

But someone was right just now, cannons and giant ships are the theme of this era. "Franck Jose was also filled with emotion for this great era.

"But I always believe that Onepiece is real."

Tu Fu smiled without saying a word, and tasted a cup of sweet milk beer.

This low-alcohol beverage alcohol was born for him. He raised his glass, and when he heard Frank talking about this topic, he raised his glass like other people:

"Long live the Kingdom of Baia!"

Frank Jose also raised his glass and joined the atmosphere group of the beer house.

Until then, he opened the box retrieved from the library.

Inside are the potion ingredients that Tufu wanted for adventurer Sequence 7 outlaws, or precious herbs, or parts of extraordinary creatures, rare blood, all of which are of high quality.

5,000 kroner is just a little more than the purchase price, and there is really no profit.

"Here are the materials you want. To be honest, the transaction of this kind of list is really boring.

The materials are almost all sold at cost price, in order to get some support from extraordinary figures like you who are about to approach the mid-sequence, just to be able to help the Brotherhood when it is in trouble. "

"Very happy."

The little fat man scratched his head, "Although I don't know how you did it, in my opinion, no one in Göttinghagen has more accurate and faster information than you. What you gave us is the Sequence 7 potion formula .

I really can’t think of another organization in Göttinghagen with such a strong network that can obtain any Sequence 7 potion formula within a day. "

Tu Fu shrugged his shoulders and didn't explain.

Such a powerful trading organization is precisely the Brotherhood you belong to, Mr. Jose!

He checked the contents of the box casually, and found that they were all good items in good condition, and he didn't do anything wrong with them, so he accepted them with satisfaction.

"Mr. Jose, if the potion formula of Sequence 7 is 20,000, can you tell me how much the potion formula of ordinary Sequence 6 is worth?" Tu Fu said, adding by the way:

"Tell me the price as soon as possible, so that I can give up early."

The little fat man shook his head like a rattle, and the owl, which was still resting on his shoulders, was also woken up by his violent action, and let out a few "coo-coo" in dissatisfaction.

"We never sell the potion formula of Sequence 6."


"Because even the fraternity hasn't collected all of them, even if an organization of the same nature as ours owns individual potion formulas of Sequence 6 or higher, they can't be traded at will." Frank Jose was very serious preaching.

Low-level potion formulas are worthless.

But all the above are mid-sequence potion formulas, which are real violations.

The reason why the Church of the Seven Gods turns a blind eye to organizations like the Brotherhood is because they do not pose a real threat to society.

It's always just a small business, and it can't achieve much.

But if they wantonly sell mid-sequence potion formulas, and let there be more mid-sequence transcendents in ordinary cities, then the nature will be changed, and they will definitely be strictly supervised, so they will never sell them.

"The Transcendents of the Middle Sequence generally have their own private circles, and they only exchange formula materials with each other in the circles.

Or some powerful underground organizations and the Church of the Seven Gods, generally have a sequence formula to the demigod. "

Frank Jose’s words gave Tu Fu some new ideas, but it was basically the same as saying nothing.

Joining an underground organization naturally entails taking sufficient risks. They are usually evil organizations that believe in strange gods, and you will be caught off guard if you are not careful.

The Church of the Seven Gods will lose their freedom even more, which is not a good choice.

It was not until this time that Tu Fu felt that it was really difficult to walk alone in the extraordinary world.

He didn't bother with this matter anymore, but asked another matter. After showing the Stone of Life to Flick, he expressed that he wanted to find a reliable handmade shop to inlay or process this thing into an ornament.

"Congratulations, you have asked the right person. Go to Winks Street 32 ​​to find Master Ford. He is the best craftsman in Göttinghagen, and he likes to do some challenging jobs.

As long as my name is reported, the price is absolutely fair. "

Franck Jose showed his big white teeth when he spoke.

With the mentality of trying, Tu Fu found Winks Street.

After all, what he wanted to make was not a conventional item, and he was afraid that ordinary craftsmen would destroy his Life Stone.

It is better to simply find a master of the artisan path, this is also a Sequence 7 master of the artisan path.

Transcendents at this level are not only satisfied with simple puppet making, but can also add unique rune marks on objects. The value of objects passing through their hands will be multiplied several times.

Tu Fu found the address along the number on the side of the road.

Finally, I saw a not-so-big processing shop. The interior decoration was covered by ordinary curtains, so I couldn’t see anything clearly inside.

When Tu Fu came, a gentleman just left, and the other person's face was not friendly.

With sharp eyes and a hooked nose, a high-end suit is next to him. Under the clothes, there is a layer of bulging muscles, no matter how you look at it, it is not easy to mess with.

After looking at each other casually, Tu Fu saw that he was about to take something from the shop.

First wrap it in a handkerchief, then carefully look into the box, wondering what treasure is worth keeping like this.

And when he approached the shop, there was a voice of regret from inside, almost crying, "Justin, you violated your own principles and did such a stupid thing for others. You will definitely fall into the abyss after you die."

It was a man dressed plainly and with a very Byerian face. He had a rectangular face with angles, a wide forehead, and bags under the eyes on the straight bridge of the nose.

At this moment, the craftsman was teary-eyed. He didn't know what pain he had experienced, and he kept confessing his mistakes to God.

"Mr. Justin, what happened?"

Tu Fu's self-familiarity made him a good fit for this master craftsman with a unique personality.

After seeing that the person who came was a stranger, the man immediately changed his expression, "This is none of your business, I will never accept it if it is not a suitable job."

"Well, in fact, Mr. Jose recommended me to come here. He praised your craftsmanship as the best in Göttinghagen." Tu Fu said with a smile.

"Damn fat man, that **** asked me to help and never gave money, I really want to peel off all the fat on his body..."

When Justin talks about shameless fat frat boys, he can't wait to curse him to die immediately,

I didn't expect this man to act like Mr. Roman.

It wasn't until after scolding for a long time that Justin looked up at Tu Fu, "So, what work do you have that is worth my doing?"

"A trinket."

"It's accessories again, listen carefully, I will never help you ordinary people make such boring things..."

"Why don't you take a look first."

Before the other party refused, Tu Fu took the initiative to take it out of his pocket and showed the Life Stone that he had carefully crafted.

The beautiful and ancient runes dazzled Justin, and a strange look suddenly appeared in his eyes. The moment the item was displayed, he said loudly without hesitation:

"I do!"

"Master, can you tell me that the gentleman who went out before, he asked you to help make accessories?" Tu Fu found a loophole in his words just now.

"I can only tell you that it is a necklace, and I will never reveal any other information."

"Okay. It turns out that a master like you can't help but do some boring things."

Tu Fu deliberately tried to say, and sure enough, these words immediately angered the other party.

"You idiot don't move at all. That necklace is different from ordinary jewelry. Its craftsmanship is very special and surprising. It is not like the current technology. I am obsessed with it."

"I guess you must have left some evil runes on it." Tu Fu guessed based on his previous performance, "So now I repent for it."

This Mr. "Great Master" with a unique personality couldn't help cursing, "If I hadn't lost a lot of money, I would never have helped such a gangster do such vicious things.

Speaking of which, the sapphires of that necklace are really dazzling, as well as the diamonds. The most commendable thing is the welding technology, which is like welding with an extremely precise machine.

The name of the necklace also has a very beautiful name, it seems to be called...called..."

"Heart of the Ocean?"

After Tu Fu heard Justin's detailed description, he thought about it, and the more he thought about it, the more familiar he felt.

The moment the name was announced, the other party suddenly nodded.

Tu Fu's heart trembled.

The surprise necklace was exactly what he pulled from the chest of the living corpse Anna when he was short of money, and resold it to Mason, the Brotherhood.

A cursed necklace.

(end of this chapter)