Chapter 162 Careful Adventurer

Hannoy Village, Moqua Valley.

A mountain stream rushes out from a high place, and after a sharp turn, it falls into the depths of the bottomless pool.

Several birds come up with the water droplets from the waterfall.

In the cool and quiet valley, the noise of clear springs echoed.

The village has been completely developed over the years. Fortunately, the rumor of the forest **** made the villagers put down their knives and axes, and preserved the last virgin forest with beautiful scenery.

Two young figures stood in the valley, and at a glance, the dark and dense jungle covered most of the mountainside. When approaching the vast and mysterious mountain jungle, there was an urge to worship.

The chilly wind blows, chilling the back of the visitor.

Your son Calvin Gus wiped the sweat off his head. He only felt that when he looked at the forest, it brought him endless sense of mystery and inexplicable panic.

He often hears from his family members that once he has such a bad feeling, please believe in his own feelings.

Never go any further.

There are too many unknowns and dangers hidden in this world. Once you see a mysterious event, the most important thing is to save your life.

Sooner or later, he will inherit the business of the Gus family, and he cannot have an accident in such an unknown place. This is why Calvin refused without hesitation when Tu Fu invited him.

"Let's stop here. Don't tell the professors about this for now. If I still haven't come back after two hours, you will immediately take the professors away to find the Church of the Seven Gods."

Tu Fu tidied up his attire, and out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of Calvin's trembling calf. When he talked about what might happen here, the kid was trembling non-stop.

"Tufu, if you see Vera, please tell me, she is my favorite, and I have been trying to find a way for her..."

"Don't worry, if I can see Vera, I will tell her this. Mr. Gus is also crazy in anxiety, but unfortunately he is only one step behind me, what a pity."

"That's right, that's it." Calvin saw him speak so well, and his favorability increased sharply.

"However, this is another price."

Tu Fu still upholds the original intention of being a "bounty hunter".

For tasks other than tasks, the additional money should not be less.

"It's a deal."

Looking at Calvin Gus, who was full of smiles, fawning, and begging faces, Tu Fu couldn't help feeling amused.

This high-spirited and domineering young master seldom speaks as cowardly as he is now. The younger the middle and upper class, the more complete the information he gets than ordinary people.

Knowing what to touch and what not to touch is a smart person, and maybe such a person will live longer.

He didn't bring any weapons and equipment, and he was only dressed in a very ordinary white shirt, black overalls and a deerstalker hat. He rushed to the Moqua Valley not far from the mountains and rivers.

After walking for a while, I saw the forest temple where the villagers came to worship during the festivals. A simple temple was cleaned very cleanly, apparently with traces of regular maintenance.

The forest vegetation that covered the sky and the sun almost prevented the afterglow of the hot sun from shining in at all, which was even more shady than the initial feeling.

There are no obvious roads in the jungle, and there are tall trees and wild grasses that grow wildly.

Relying on his fairly flexible body, Tu Fu kept following this place deeper and deeper.

He opened up his hunter senses early on and inspected all the way. There were wild beast footprints of various sizes on the ground, but there were no traces left in the room from last night.

The complex route of this primeval forest is simply a maze, and with the area of ​​a whole tree, it is no less than a small city.

Besides, there are similar elements everywhere in the forest, so dense that it is impossible to distinguish them, and ordinary people really have no way to get lost in it.


The moment the sound of piercing sounded in his ears, Tu Fu's heart jumped suddenly.

As far as the eye can see, an arrow is shot from afar,

He does not dodge.

The sharp iron tip broke through the sound of the wind and fell steadily to Tu Fu's feet.

The archer seemed to be warning him that before he dared to approach again, the next feathered arrow would pierce his vitals.


Tu Fu narrowed his eyes slightly, and his heart has been hanging since he entered, especially when the jungle is full of eyes patrolling back and forth, he has long been accustomed to it.

They are the darlings of nature, especially when they are everywhere in the jungle. Their eagle eyes that turn movement into stillness, and their extraordinary archery skills are their proud abilities.

Maybe, since I entered Hanoi Village, I have been stared at by distant eyes.

Tu Fu, who also has the eagle eye ability, naturally noticed one after another quickly passing figures in the jungle, which made him secretly admire the number of elves in this group.

Just because the elf I saw yesterday was at least the same level as Sequence 8, there is such a big force hidden in the southern region.

"I guess you won't do anything to a gentleman who comes to negotiate in good faith, and he doesn't even have a knife in his hand."

Tufu smiled and raised his hands, sincerely speaking to the elves all around him.

He spoke the not-too-familiar Elvish language in case the other party did not understand his northern accent, and even used ancient Assyrian and the common language of the North Continent again.

Deep in the primeval forest, a voice of vicissitudes was separated by an unknown distance, and he wrote lightly:

"Move forward."

The response to him was the official language of Baia.

The elves hiding in the tree and aiming their bows and arrows at him are always watching his small movements. It seems that if Tu Fu makes a slight movement, he will be shot into a hedgehog by countless arrows.

Hearing the other party's answer, Tu Fu's heart was relieved.

Since we can talk, it's good, and there is still room for negotiation. What he fears most is that after entering this place, the other party will do it without explaining.

After going deep and walking a little way, Tu Fu really came to the address of the elves, which is composed of more than ten big trees in the sky.

It is no smaller than the giant tree at the gate of Hanoi Village.

The village and the jungle are built together, and the main components are stone tools and wooden tools. Bridges and stairs are even built in the forest, and a layer of exquisite village main roads is built on the main tree trunk.

An elf village suspended in mid-air, the scale is really not small.

The elven tribe is much more interesting than investigating the Hanoi village. When he saw the buildings of non-human creatures for the first time, Tu Fu's eyes almost straightened.

The elves standing in front of him were all about the same size, including the young elf who went to his room yesterday.

At this time, the wound on the unlucky elf's body was exposed, and the green herbal medicine was applied, apparently specially bandaged.

He looked at Tu Fu with bad eyes, and most of the elves looking at Tu Fu had fierce eyes.

The only exception is the Elder Elder at the head. His back is a bit bent, his hair has turned white, and his face has so many wrinkles that it can kill a fly.

"I'm afraid it's over two hundred years old."

Tu Fu secretly speculated that the lifespan of elves is generally very long, and he guessed that this number is at least three or four times that of humans.

According to statistics, the average life expectancy of citizens in the countries of the Northern Continent is less than 60 years old. The main reason is that babies are holding back. In this regard, even the royal family is not much better.

While watching Tufu, there are many elves who are less than 1.6 meters tall and living a good life. They are curious about the arrival of this stranger.

The eyes of the older elves were a kind of hatred, and there were bursts of murderous intent in the clear eyes.

"Put him to death."

I don't know who yelled the first sound, but the consistent and harmonious voice spread throughout the elves.

This sentence in the common language of the Northern Continent also made Tu Fu squint his eyes. He had already guessed that the elves had no affection for humans, but he never expected it to be so bad.

"This is your freedom."

Tu Fu looked at them fearlessly, "But before that, at least give me a reason."

"There is no reason to kill you."

"Humans hate all races that are different from their own. Even if it is only the difference in ears, you have never treated us as the same kind."

"You plundered the land belonging to the elves, drove us out of our homes, and then let us move to more remote places. Until now, you even want to take away the last piece of reserved land. It is really hateful."

"You have destroyed everything in this world. The sunshine in the sky is not what it used to be, the air has changed, and the water in the river has been polluted and you can't drink it anymore. Humans have even caused us to starve to death."

"You are truly remarkable. You have conquered the entire world by force. You are more vicious than the most terrifying demon in the abyss. Now even the world has to give way to you."

The elves in the village of Hanoi passionately spoke the common language of the Northern Continent, counting the crimes committed by humans in the past two centuries.

From the perspective of elves, it is not an exaggeration to say that there are too many books.

They almost had to eat Tu Fu alive to relieve their hatred.

Seeing that the scene was almost uncontrollable, the restless atmosphere made every elf present feel restless, and they might kill Tu Fu to sacrifice the flag at any time.

Looking at the situation that was about to get out of control, Tu Fu took a deep breath, and talked about it like a cannonball with his best confidence,

"To tell you the truth, I have already recorded what happened here and sent it out in a letter. If I can't get out today, the entire Baia Kingdom will know what happened here soon, and the Church of the Seven Gods will surely destroy this place.

Before that, I have to say these words.

I am deeply sorry for the actions of humans, and I also sympathize with the tragic experience of elves and other races.

But I still say that humans are doing right, because even you do the same.

Fortunately, with the Lionheart King, there is a unified Northern Continent, and with the current human beings, our descendants don’t have to hide in dark corners and eat the leftover food of other races.

Thanks to the powerful Baia Kingdom, our citizens have a more stable life.

Frankly speaking, I really sympathize with you. I have suffered a lot, but I am soberly aware of my own powerlessness, so I can only vent my anger on me, a small person.

Come, noble, graceful gentlemen of elves,

Even if you pierce me mercilessly with your sharp arrows, it will be your revenge against the entire human race. "

Tu Fu became emotional for a while, and with all his strength, he growled with his firm and unyielding words, and the thick voice spread throughout the entire elf tribe in an instant.

Sentences of sharp words like chisels hurt the hearts of every elf.

Looking at his expression of resignation to death.

At this moment, even as an enemy, I have to admire the courage and courage of a stranger who dares to speak to the elf tribe,

Really shocked every elf.

However, what they don't know is.

Before saying these words, this cautious and brave adventurer prepared to recite the spell of the teleportation ceremony in advance, and if the situation was not good, he would immediately run away.

(end of this chapter)