Chapter 136: "The longest distance in the world"

Chapter 136 "The Farthest Distance in the World"

Actually, since Tu Fu took the stage, there was no suspense in this round of competition.

The invention of "electric light" has crushed a large part of the inventions displayed by Columbia University, whether it is commercial or imaginative.

This is exactly the kind of product that can really change the technology of this era, allowing thousands of households and everyone to enjoy the great, cross-century creation of nightlife.

By using this platform, Tu Fu finally spoke his mind.

Although he has only been in this country for less than half a year, he still has some feelings. For the sake of the overall situation, he wants Baia to make achievements on the road of electricity first.

Maybe when the economy develops by then, there will be no need to sell pots and sell iron to prepare for an arms race as before.

Everyone can make progress in a more civilized way.

As a personal wish, Tu Fu just wanted to add a few electric lights to every household, and help his poor wallet by the way.

"I don't know where the future of this country will go in the future." After finishing their group's presentation, Tu Fu also put away the lights and walked off the stage.

At that moment, countless Columbia freshmen looked at him with hatred. It would be enough for this **** to just show off his work.

It's too deceiving to even step on the work of Columbia University.

Tu Fu didn't care about this at all, and left with a smile.

At this moment, the group of students from Columbia University's School of Mechanical Engineering in the background also completely lost their previous appearance of winning.

"Who opened the champagne just now."

The young man named Guti looked angry and ashamed, as if he had foreseen something bad, and asked who opened the champagne first.

As for the bunch of red flowers in my hand, I don’t want to hold it or throw it away.

It was extremely embarrassing.

"Nobody pops champagne before a game, it's embarrassing.

If I took the second place, let alone looking for a lady to present flowers, I would like to dig a hole and hide it immediately, lest people see the ugly face of the loser. "

Tu Fu whistled at the other party, and taunted him without any pressure by taking advantage of his status as a student of the University of Michigan.

"what are you saying."

Young Master Guti's handsome face twisted into a ball, like a powder keg about to explode.

Fortunately, Crane, who was helping to recycle the wires in the background, hurriedly stopped him, "Hey, this is just a joke."

"Steam pump? My God, even the dog in front of the library at the University of Michigan couldn't come up with such a bad idea... Well..." Tu Fu continued to output, but his mouth was covered.

"Don't pay attention to what he said, it's just a joke." Fortunately, Crane stopped the other party in front of him, and more importantly, David even stepped forward to stop Tu Fu's actions.

If Tu Fu is allowed to play to the fullest, the Columbia University students will definitely beat this kid into a pig's head.

It was only then that they noticed that Tu Fu was hiding such a vicious side.

made them even more confused.

Mr. Capet, who has always been sensible, shrewd and reasonable, does not know why he targets Columbia students in this way.

"You did a good job." Guti, who was already so angry that his hair was shaggy, stared at Tu Fu fiercely, and threatened: "Bastard, it's best not to let me see you in Göttinghagen, otherwise..."

"Guti, matters in the school must be resolved according to the school's rules, otherwise others will use the same method to deal with you. What do you think?"

Clan Sollens frowned after hearing his words, and gave a verbal warning in a gentle manner.

It was not until this time that Guti and a few students from the Mechanical Academy opposite remembered the identity of this person.

Even the unfavored youngest son of the prime minister is the top figure in the second-generation circle, and he is really not a big man they can fight against.

"Mr. Sollens, I apologize for being reckless just now, but you must know that the selection is not over yet. There are two rounds of the Challenge Cup, and don't forget that this is the home court of Columbia University."

Guti put down his words unwillingly, and took away the people from the Mechanic Academy along with the flowers he was about to confess.

Even if Tu Fu's score is high, his work score will never be too low, the gap between the two is at most about ten.

There is still a chance to counterattack.

The poetry appreciation, which was just an appetizer, has become very precious now, especially the 10 points that can be pulled by the students of the school.

They are now mobilizing off-site forces to start canvassing votes, and the group that specializes in sniping the Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences may have hope in the end.

"Why deliberately anger them."

Klan looked at Tu Fu with some resentment in his eyes, not knowing why Tu Fu did this.

"It's just that I can't understand their arrogance, and as a student of the University of Michigan, isn't this a normal thing?"

Tu Fu shrugged his shoulders, and also used this reason to convince himself, which made the two of them speechless, not knowing how to refute.

David didn't care about these things at all. Compared with this trivial matter, he was more excited to see the potential of the electric light.

Once this invention is mass-produced, it will definitely seize the lighting source market. At that time, all countries in the Northern Continent will face demand. It will be tens of millions or hundreds of millions of orders, which can instantly turn a small merchant into a giant monopolizing the market.

"Tu Fu, is the agreement we made before still valid? I said it was about the electric light."

"Of course, even a verbal agreement is valid, but this is not a simple matter. It will take time for generators to become popular across the country."

This is Tu Fu's worry. What he is really worried about is what William II thinks.

Everyone knows what His Majesty the King wants. In order to truly take power and win the hearts of the people, he must make achievements in a short period of time, and for this purpose, he will do whatever it takes.

Even if the electric revolution is launched in time, I don’t know how long it will take,

I don’t know if they can still catch up with the other countries in the Northern Continent?

Besides, suddenly stopping work on a project that has been in the works for a long time means denying all previous achievements and facing up to the mistakes you have made.

It takes a lot of courage and responsibility.

But obviously, William II is by no means a king with such courage.


The three of them sighed at the same time, and they didn't know whether they were sorry for the shattering of the dream of a strong country or the dream of the richest man.

In the blink of an eye, the second round of the Challenge Cup came to an end.

The remaining works that can be produced are at most students from the Academy of Natural Sciences of a few schools, and they are only improved on the basis of many machines. In terms of shocking effect, they are not even as good as Guti's steam pump.

Besides, after Tu Fu's demonstration, the judges' tastes were directly elevated, and they were even less interested in those ordinary inventions and creations.

Both the students and the teachers in the auditorium had a difficult time.

Fortunately, at the end of the two rounds of the competition, the judges of the Seven Schools Alliance and officials from the Ministry of Education of the Kingdom discussed how to give time points, and the organizer released the poems that the judges had scored.

Now it is the turn of the students present to vote. Each college has only two poems selected, which will be recited by a special person on the stage. The students vote according to their preferences and professionalism, and finally give points according to the voting ratio of the students present. .

"Columbia students, please don't vote for Michigan University."

"We can't let them do this at our home court."

"This is absolutely humiliating, humiliating!"

Since Guti and his group returned to their seats, they have been passing notes or whispering to the freshmen, and they cannot vote for the students of the University of Michigan.

Such despicable behavior naturally aroused the dissatisfaction of Sophie and even Shakira from the same school.

"I'm blind. I recommend this kind of person to you, Sophie. From now on, you must stay away from this narrow-minded man. He will do whatever it takes to win. He will only make you unhappy. It's really not as good as Mr. Capet from the University of Michigan. .”

Shakira rolled her eyes, and Sophie also reached a consensus with her thoughts, nodding to indicate that she was right, "I've seen it for a long time."

While the two were talking, the host on stage had already recited seven or eight poems, and now it was finally the turn of the poem submitted by the Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Michigan.

One is "A Teardrop" by Ms. Elena Weimar. This poem with a girlish heart is extremely beautiful, and it has won the praise of many people since the host recited it.

"Next, there is the second poem of the Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Michigan, a work written by Mr. Tuf Capet—"The Farthest Distance in the World."

The host on that stage said this, which also surprised Sophie. She stared at the seats in the front row with wide eyes.

After being together for so long, she never knew that Tu Fu had the talent to write poetry.

Shakira Barrera commented excitedly: "Wow, the name doesn't sound like a poem about love."

When the host recited this poem, everyone present fell silent

It was also at this time that Clan Sollens, who sat in the front row and memorized the content after a glance, followed the voice of the host and whispered:

“The furthest distance in the world is not the distance between life and death, but when I stand in front of you, but you don’t know that I love you.”

What fine words, what simple language,

How sincere and passionate it is to write such words.

The lady in their group, Miss Bella, also followed the second sentence of the host and recited together: "The furthest distance in the world is not when I stand in front of you and you don't know that I love you, but because I love you so much that you can't say I love you."

"The furthest distance in the world is not that I can't say I love you, but that I miss you so much, but I can only bury it deep in my heart."

David Smith also chanted with his companions. Although he never had such a style, it did not prevent him from liking this artistic conception.

"The furthest distance in the world is not that I can't say I miss you, but that I love each other but can't be together."

Miss Elena of the Weimar family, no matter how many times she heard this line, she felt something in her heart, and a feeling of grief suddenly rushed into her heart. She didn't know whether the meaning in the poem would also be her own destiny.

Children of big families, marriage has never been in their own hands.

"The furthest distance in the world is not loving each other but not being able to be together. It is knowing that true love is invincible, but pretending not to care."

When the judges of the League of Seven Schools heard this poem, no matter how many times they heard it, it always made people's eyes shine.

Except for the judge from Columbia University, all of them gave brilliant high marks. Who can refuse a work that has a progressive structure and is really invested in emotion.

“The furthest distance in the world is not the distance between trees, but the branches growing from the same root, but they cannot depend on each other in the wind.

As long as there is a long distance in the world, it is not that the branches cannot depend on each other.

It's the stars looking at each other, but there is no intersection trajectory.

The furthest distance in the world is not the trajectory between the stars, but even if the trajectories meet, there is nowhere to be found in an instant. "

Tu Fu, who had already returned to the stage, thought of something and gave a bitter smile.

For him at the time, sometimes when the trajectories intersected, he had to work hard, but even if he had nowhere to look for in the future, at least he never regretted his decision.

"The farthest distance in the world is not that you can't find anywhere in an instant, but that you have not met before, and you are destined not to be together." When Shakira in the back row heard this, her eyes were red, and she was lying on the shoulder of her best friend, feeling a little sad .

Such a rare good poem made her unable to restrain herself.

"The furthest distance in the world is between birds and fish. One soars into the sky, while the other dives deep into the sea."

With some complicated feelings, after listening to this breathtakingly beautiful poem from beginning to end, Miss Winster's eyes were filled with crystals.

I don't know when, but her eyes were full of tears.

PS: I know some people might say it’s embarrassing, but this may be something that I think is very romantic. When you are being bullied, teach the person who bullied you a lesson, and then express my feelings with poems that can no longer be said to be cryptic, I hope you can also experience... Alas, the second child is sick

(end of this chapter)