Chapter 118: perpetual motion machine

Chapter 118 Perpetual motion machine

Miskar Stark Great Hall.

The young King William II made a very successful speech. He stood on the podium and talked slowly, talking about the future of the kingdom and international relations, with a sharp edge in his young voice.

The UM students below were immersed in the bright future promised by the king, and a strong sense of pride arose in the hearts of every student of their own nation.

The students studying in Miska School from other countries were in such an atmosphere and secretly wrote down what they saw and heard today.

If the king and the people of a country are of one mind and convert all production resources into weapons for foreign wars, and twist them up and down into a rope to unify the outside world, even if they can win, they will probably lose most of their national strength.

Baia is different from other countries in the Northern Continent. At least such a strong national sentiment cannot be felt in those countries that have been prosperous and powerful in the Northern Continent.

Especially in the Republic of Lantis, which is adjacent to the west of Baia, even after long-term turmoil and dynasty iterations, long-term accumulation has made the country rich and the people strong.

But when Landis suddenly noticed that the neighboring country had grown into a behemoth, it was too late.

Tu Fu listened to William II's tone, and felt more and more that there might be a high probability of a battle between Baia and Lantis in the next five to ten years, which would determine the hegemony of the Northern Continent and the Southern Territory.

In fact, during the vacation after the 101st high-level selection, Tu Fu has been reading the history books collected by Professor McGovern, and also studied the history of the rise of this martial nation and country in the past few decades.

Strictly speaking, Baier's achievements now have nothing to do with William II on stage.

Since the last king of Baia, William the Great (I), the country has accumulated primitive capital. At that time, Baia was not strong. The twelve states in the country were torn apart, and each state refused to obey.

In the international field, it is used as a **** in the game between big capital countries, and it is a small and weak country that is bullied casually.

Emperor William the Great embarked on the reform of the road to industrialization and made almost no mistakes during his ruling career.

Reform the military and improve diplomatic relations. The most important step was to use Mr. Thilo Sollens, a member of the Conservative Party who was almost unknown at the time except for his achievements in diplomatic work, as the prime minister.

A king and a prime minister joined forces to reform the long-weak kingdom system. One was in charge of the inside and the other was outside. With the consent of Emperor William the Great, the extremely tough prime minister not only overthrew the old aristocratic group in the country, It also completely reformed the solidified domestic system.

Not only that, the Prime Minister Mr. Thilo Sollens has also made achievements in the international political arena.

Negotiations, commerce, and maritime colonization have been single-handedly reformed the original old-fashioned system in the military field. A mature mechanized army and navy have been developed in the past 20 years. The first thing after that was to teach neighboring countries other than Lantis a lesson.

If there were no Emperor William the Great and Mr. Sorens who is currently sitting as Prime Minister, there would be absolutely no Baia Kingdom now.

"If it wasn't for the fact that William the Great didn't invent modern technology and plagiarize something, I really doubt that this person is actually a time traveler."

While listening to William II on the stage boasting about the achievements of the kingdom, Tu Fu's thoughts drifted to another time and space.

However, since the death of Emperor William the Great, the power of the Hohenzollern Dynasty has fallen to the greatest hero, Prime Minister Thilo Thorens, when the young William II had just inherited the throne.

The young king didn't have the ability to wrestle with the prime minister at all. As long as he wanted to, he could subvert the country's political power at any time, but in the days after that, the throne was always named Hohenzollern.

Such a huge country completely concentrates power in the hands of one person, no matter how great this person is and how much he has made contributions to the country.

If he has the power to make the entire kingdom live or die, then everyone from the nobles to the common people will be afraid.

Up to now, the image of the Prime Minister has changed from a pillar of the country to a power-hungry ruler in Baia, and even the image of the military **** he created in the past has begun to be deliberately discredited. Become an unreasonable tyrant in the eyes of people.

“There is no doubt that we were born in a great country, we have gone through a lot of hardships and pains, and we have achieved some impressive results, but now our country is facing a huge problem.”

It wasn't until the atmosphere got better that William II talked about what he really wanted to say. He straightened up and raised his head, and said word by word: "Since my father governed Baia, a lot of resources have been spent in order to take the road of industrialization. This is like a bottomless pit that consumes a lot of finances every year to support the current road.

So, gentlemen and ladies, should we stop what we are doing now? Then go back to those days. "

"no way!"

Not someone in the crowd immediately yelled loudly, but one after another in the great hall shouted the same slogan. When the atmosphere rose, such a voice immediately gained the upper hand.

This answer also made William II very satisfied. He also gritted his teeth and said: "Of course not. Every upright citizen of Baia will never allow such a thing to happen again, because we are on the right path and must not give up halfway.

"What does he want to do?"

William II's purpose of coming here seems to be more than a few injections of chicken blood in Mitali. It is only now that Tu Fu has vaguely figured out the taste.

"In order to solve this problem, the Royal Academy of Baia and the Institute have been working on a great invention for the past few years, and everyone knows that there are factories like that all over Göttinghagen.

Just recently, that machine has had a big breakthrough recently.

Once this project is realized, all the people of Baia will say goodbye to the severe cold and hunger forever, our army will have run out of bullets, and everyone will be able to live in a warm house... At that time, Baia will truly become the most perfect country . "

After finishing his speech, William II waved his hand to signal the waiter to bring out the things prepared in advance, "Bring up the 'magic wheel' for everyone to see."

In fact, since he just talked about the history of Baia, the future of the kingdom has been constantly paving the way. At this point, the real purpose is finally revealed.

A man who looked like a waiter lifted a huge wheel up from the bottom, and cantilevers were hung around the disc. A pendulum was installed under each cantilever, and a strange thing called a wheel shaft was in the middle.

When William II signaled the waiter to stretch out his hand, after turning the first cantilever, it drove the disc to slide down, and the power driven by the pendulum at the end of the arm caused the top cantilever to slide down when it fell.

The whole object is like a chain reaction of dominoes, but the difference is that it is a circular structure, and as the first cantilever pendulum falls, it can drive the whole machine to move together.

Its structure is not complicated. Students of the School of Mechanics and Technology only need to take a look at it, and with their strong hands-on ability, they can imitate exactly the same thing in no time.

Seeing that the timing was about the same, William II immediately said: "As you can see, this is a conceptual product derived from the project I mentioned by the 'Academy of Science'. Everyone must know what this means. It can last forever without fuel and energy. An efficient machine for movement."

The IQ and vision of most of the students who can come to the auditorium are absolutely outstanding. After seeing this concept product, some people have already begun to think about the logic behind this principle.

A machine that can work forever without consuming energy and manpower, and can maintain high-intensity work efficiency is definitely something that Baier capitalists dream of.

Once successful, it will even subvert all people's previous cognition... Unlimited production lines, just thinking about it is already very exciting.

"It really is a perpetual motion machine."

Tu Fu, who was sitting in the back row, still couldn't help sighing, thinking of the Big Mac factory he had seen at the Central Station when he came by train the day before. I am afraid that this research began a long time ago.

He finally understood the intention of His Majesty the King. William II probably wanted to use the invention of the "perpetual motion machine" to make a fortune for his political achievements, and had the capital to really compete with the Prime Minister.

And the cooperative relationship with the University of Michigan is probably related to this matter.

Unfortunately, this path was wrong from the beginning.

The concept of "perpetual motion machine" has long been denied countless times by countless scientists in his original world. The first type of perpetual motion machine can be infinite without passing any energy, and it was passed because it does not conform to Newton's first law.

The second type of perpetual motion machine absorbs a small amount of other forces and converts 100% of them into the required force, which again violates a law of thermodynamics.

In the era he lived in, almost all well-known universities and research institutes announced hundreds of years ago that they would no longer study "perpetual motion machines".

For things like this, probably only the legendary "Minke" is still tirelessly wasting time.

"But this is an extraordinary world, where everything is possible."

For some reason, Tu Fu chuckled a few times, and turned to look at the waiter who was displaying the "Magic Wheel" on the podium.

After a while of demonstrations, feeling the enthusiasm of the students in the great hall, the Minister of Internal Affairs who bowed his head followed the king's eyes, raised his arms passionately and indignantly at the people below,

"Ladies and gentlemen, a really good time is coming!"

(end of this chapter)