Chapter 114 School starts

In fact, no matter in the past or now, the parents of the students bring their children to the school to report.

At this time, parents are carrying big and small luggage.

It has become a beautiful landscape on campus.

The most face-saving 18- and 9-year-old children always yearn for independence. In fact, it is difficult to accept that their parents will help them manage everything in front of their peers.

But always unable to convince the worried parents, in the end they could only bite the bullet and follow behind them.

In the past, Tu Fu probably hoped to come alone.

But the mentality of being a human being after two lifetimes has also changed my original thinking, and I gradually understand the entangled psychology of wanting to let go but not at ease as a parent.

Uncle Ethan’s proper stop is the practice of a qualified parent, because he is not at ease and sends him on the road where he can. He did not send him the last stretch because he hoped that Tu Fu could walk by himself.

Since the road ahead is his own choice, he should walk on it no matter what he encounters.

Seeing many students around him cast envious eyes at him, Tu Fu, who was dragging a huge suitcase, did not feel proud of his so-called independence.

The only thing he feels right now is... how heavy the suitcase is.

If it weren't for the great improvement in physical fitness after becoming a superhuman, he might not even be able to carry this box of "heavy love" at this moment.

"Hello, Freshman Report."

Finally, after handing over the admission notice to the security uncle at the door, Tu Fu passed through a tall pink building under the guidance of the other party, and was able to see the so-called freshman registration office.

At the moment, the number of people here is in twos and threes. Each college has set up a sign and a group of students is responsible for receiving new students.

There are not many people in the recruitment department. In total, the University of Michigan only recruits 1,000 people in this year's advanced selection in Baia, while the enrollment quota for other countries in the North Continent is only 500 people.

The number of people who add one piece is not too many, because the total number of people in the four grades of this university is only 60,000 or 7,000.

These students are evenly distributed to five colleges. There are only 3 or 40 students in a major in each grade, and there are only a few students in less popular majors.

It’s actually not difficult to understand, because of the strict requirements for applying for college entrance examinations and the consideration of family circumstances, even if all the candidates from all countries in the North Continent add up, there are only 200,000 to 300,000 candidates, which is far less than the coverage of the college entrance examination he has experienced.

The number of the two top universities in Göttinghagen is controlled at around 3,000. Despite the small number of students, these students are the descendants of the middle class at worst. They have received excellent educational resources since they were young. It is a veritable elite education model.

It is not difficult to understand that once they graduate, these talents will become elites in various fields of the kingdom, inheriting the assets and connections of the family and continuing to make the family flourish.

So, rich people will only get richer, and children from poor families are already doing their best just to survive.

After taking a detour, Tu Fu found the location of [Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences], and there were a few tables in a corner.

Sit there are a few men and women who are also young but old-fashioned, and they seem to be senior students.

Noticing Tu Fu walking towards this direction, several senior ladies in the recruitment department, dressed in fashionable clothes, had a good look at this handsome newcomer from the School of Humanities.

No matter where they are, people with good looks can always get preferential treatment.

"Hello, my name is Dave, and I am the student leader of the School of Humanities and Social Sciences."

A boy with round eyes handed out a piece of paper with fatigue and said casually: "Please write your name and major on it, and we will send students with the same major to send you to the student apartment."

It’s a very simple process. Today is the first day of the freshmen’s report. Each major has senior students who are responsible for introducing the school environment and explaining the rules to the freshmen.

It's almost a tradition.

Of course, being able to come here does not mean that they are very capable. Almost all of them are good old people with good personalities. After being pushed around, they come to welcome the new students in a daze.

"Thank you."

Tu Fu instinctively wanted to call "Senior", but it was difficult to find such a word from the dictionary.

In the school of the North Continent, it seems that there is no such thing as a superior-subordinate address among students, and naturally there is no such thing as a deformed student relationship society where he went to college in the past.

"School of Humanities and Social Sciences, major in Archeology, Tuf Capet..."

When the man read the name in the last column, his fatigue just dissipated at this moment, and he looked at this handsome big boy with the eyes of a monster, his eyes were full of disbelief,

"You are Tufu? The founder who discovered the double-slit experiment?"

After he let out a low cry, many students in the recruitment office nearby were also shocked. Don't look at the fact that the experiment was not widely spread among the people in Göttinghagen, and the name Tufu is not very well-known.

But the students who come here have good family backgrounds. Most of them get information from the upper class, and who doesn’t pay attention to the special journals of the academic world? Even before coming here, the elders at home have told them to make friends with valuable people in the school in advance.

The site of the double-slit experiment comes from an unknown area called Leeds, and the name of Tuf is more famous than that city.

"Unless there is another student named Tufu Capet." Tufu used humor to ease the embarrassment, "Otherwise I should be that person."

"Oh my God, I can't believe it's really you. They all said that a genius like you should choose the Academy of Natural Sciences or the Academy of Technical Engineering."

Dave, wearing round glasses, glanced at the people at the recruitment office of the Academy of Natural Sciences. When this name appeared in the crowd, many students of the Academy of Natural Sciences showed resentful eyes, as if they were disappointed by this level of brain drain. Pity.

Dave quietly asked: "This is a question that I am curious about personally. Why did you choose the archeology major in the college?"

"Why choose Archeology?"

In fact, even Tu Fu himself couldn’t explain this question clearly before, maybe because he felt guilty for embezzling Mr. Thomas Young’s scientific research results?

Certainly, a thick-skinned person like Tu Fu is not because of this boring moral trial.

It’s not that he hasn’t considered choosing a subject in the direction of physics or chemistry, and then relying on nine years of compulsory education and three years of high school knowledge.

Taking advantage of the academic bonus of the Solvay Conference where the gods returned to the world, just some initial knowledge can make him a well-known scholar in this world.

Being an ordinary university professor, lying on the credit book of the past and waiting to die, that is really a very good life.

This kind of thinking was actually maintained until the arrival of the evil **** of Liz, and Tu Fu really changed his original thinking.

There are dangers everywhere in this world, and the national war will break out in the future. Ordinary people like him and the Winster family, if they are not paying attention, may become a series of cold death figures in a certain report.

He can fight for nothing, but when danger comes, he can't do anything. Uncle Roman's lesson is right in front of him, and he doesn't want to repeat the same mistakes.

So Tu Fu must become strong, strong enough to support his small family.

Taking the extraordinary path is currently the only effective method.

Choosing the archeology major at Michigan State University is also to go further on this road. Miskar Stark University has its own channels all over the world, and even has a special sea route.

This convenient condition is just suitable for him to explore some dangerous restricted areas in the future. .

Somewhere, he always felt that the adventurer's later stage was connected with historians. Even if it didn't work, at least digging into the history of the Tertiary Epoch would be of great benefit.

The last and most important point is that Tu Fu wants to learn about the origin of the "Santa Maria" through these channels and knowledge. He is always afraid that if he cannot control this ship one day, it may bring terror to the world disaster.

“The reason is very simple, perhaps because my parents were professors of history, and I hope to inherit their will.”

Tu Fu pondered for a while and gave a completely different answer. When he told nonsense, he never had to draw a draft, and he had to act on the spot.

"I see." Many people in the recruitment office nodded at the same time.

After all, his identity has long been no secret. Anyone who is interested will know that his parents are one of the scholars who carried the ship provided by the University of Michigan. It is natural and reasonable to choose this major.

The appearance of Tu Fu caused a small sensation at the University of Michigan, which was predictable.

Although the University of Michigan has many noble children and even some distinguished royal family members, as well as geniuses in various disciplines, scholars who have made great contributions in a certain academic field are still quite rare.

It is very rare to take a photo with half of the world in the field of physics at such an age, not to mention the exaggerated status of "the founder of optics" given to him by the old jazz and others.

Wang Guo did not confer titles only because he was too young. Once he can produce more academic works in a few years, his name will be destined to leave a strong mark in the academic world.

With the effort of three or two sentences, more and more students came to the recruitment office to watch. After filling out the personal information, the students from the Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences all rushed to grab the seat responsible for picking him up.

"Why don't you let me take Mr. Capet there."

"Don't argue with me, I am more familiar with the University of Michigan environment than you."

"Doris, if I were you, I would wipe the drool off the corners of my mouth first."

Several fashionable ladies from the same college have long shown interest in this classmate, especially after knowing the other party's identity, they tried their best to recommend themselves.

Others, who are also freshmen at the University of Michigan, looked at such a figure in the same class who had already obtained the right to mate in advance, with only envy in their eyes.

The student in charge of the reception, Dave, had a headache after being quarreled by students from various majors. After thinking about it, he called the person in charge of the history major.

"Winnie, since you are all students majoring in archeology, why don't you take Mr. Capet to his apartment building.

Remember, don't let those weird guys in school get close to him. "

He enjoined emphatically.


Under Dave's instruction, a cute girl in the recruitment office, who was taller than others, slowly squeezed out from the crowd and quickly led Tu Fu out.

Her brown hair and ordinary appearance are not outstanding in the crowd, but her bright eyes add a lot of points. This classmate named Winnie came out bouncing, looking full of vitality.

Under the resentment of all the people, she took the initiative to take a suitcase in Tufu's hand and enthusiastically introduced the situation of the school to him, "Mr. Capet, my name is Winnie Dallow, and they all told me that I don't have a high temperature. Ni.

I hate this title, **** it's going to be hard to find a partner when I'm my height. "

"You can also call me Tufu."

Looking at the chatty girl in front of him, Tu Fu used his proficient words: "As for the latter, there is no need to worry at all, because everyone never lacks a pair of eyes to discover beauty."

"Tufu, it's a pleasure to meet you. I really like what you said." The short girl was embarrassed by the praise, and a few clouds floated on her face, and she took the initiative to introduce the situation of the school.

“There are some very important things you must know in advance, because of the special nature of admissions at Michigan State University, most of the students in this school are... quite special.

So, no matter what you see in school later, it is normal, don't feel strange. "

The petite girl named Winnie suddenly said in a solemn tone.

(end of this chapter)