Chapter 106 Chameleon

Not surprisingly, Uncle Ethan would rather take some risks and still insist on buying this house in Göttinghagen. After all, it symbolizes wealth, household registration, security, and the future...

It was the third day when they officially moved in. The Winsters lived in the master bedroom on the first floor, and Tufu was allocated a large bedroom on the second floor, directly opposite Sophie.

In this room, there is a shutter facing the sun, no retro decorations, a solid wood floor, a bright chandelier, and a wardrobe the size of a wall.

There is a simple piano beside the soft bed, and there are things like a coffee machine and a juicer beside the soft bed.

As a residential house sold as a commercial house, the furniture inside is naturally available, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a shotgun change.

But the trouble is that the Winsters are still struggling with the settlement work at home.

Especially Aunt Anfeier, since she came to Göttinghagen, she hasn’t had much rest for several days, because it is not easy to move to the capital from other places, and there are extremely strict review systems and procedures.

The Civil Affairs Bureau will conduct a layer-by-layer investigation of the property owner, such as work income or criminal records, to prevent someone from embezzling sacred private assets through some improper means.

If this problem is not solved, naturally there is no way to complete the loan like a bank.

This matter is not too big, and it is not too small. This requires a local reputable guarantor to complete this procedure for them, otherwise all plans will have to be suspended.

But the Winsters are new to the town, which is a problem in itself.

"The experience just now reminded me of a joke."

After completing the entry procedures at the police station, Ethan went to various departments for a day to find connections. After returning from get off work, the children talked about the experience of being kicked by a football today.

"A spy from Landis chose to surrender himself after being tired of lurking for many years. He came to the relevant department and was told by the staff whether to leak the secret. If so, please go to the fifth door. If you bring a weapon, go to the seventh door and carry the secret Please go to number ten...

The spy finally met the department leader, who was furious when he knew the situation, and asked him why he didn't complete the task since he accepted the task of the spy department. "

The joke that Uncle Ethan told is actually not funny, it is very suitable to tell at a celebration party, it definitely has the effect of stopping the atmosphere with a basin of cold water.

However, his experience today proves the old-fashioned character of the Bayer people who do not know how to do things.


Tu Fu opened his mouth, and laughed a few times cooperatively. In the hot weather of August, listening to his uncle tell jokes is definitely an effective way to cool down.

"Pull up your tooth-piercing jokes, Ethan, pack up the house quickly, and wait for guests to come over." The aunt yelled several times to Ethan, who was not doing his best.

"Why don't I know that we have guests at home?"

"I had asked someone to contact him several times before I made an appointment. He was a well-known old resident on Baker Street, and he was also a purchaser of the administrative department.

Many people here rely on his relationship for settlement procedures. Perhaps today's afternoon tea will bring our two families closer. I hope this Mr. Paul Spencer can help us resolve this matter. "

Auntie is a person who is skilled in both emotional intelligence and workmanship. On the day of check-in, she visited various houses in the neighborhood and often invited them to her home for afternoon tea. Everyone presented them with handmade chocolates and cookies.

Such a gift is not expensive but the etiquette is here.

Invite friends to the house, and send maids to prepare black tea and snacks to flatter each other. This kind of dinner party was originally an etiquette of the upper class, and later spread to the wealthy families. Now even the middle class likes to imitate this set.

It seems that as long as they learn from the nobles of the upper class, they themselves become nobles.

"Endless afternoon tea, ma'am, I'm almost throwing up."

Ethan was full of bitterness. He really hated this kind of hypocritical friendship. Talking about empty and uninteresting topics in a relatively private space with people he didn't know well was simply torture to the soul.

"Since we have come to Baker Street, it is inevitable to establish friendly relations with everyone. It is not easy for people to settle in this street. Among them are engineers, lawyers, doctors and other professions. Ethan, this is also the future for us. It’s an opportunity for business.”

Born into a wealthy businessman's family, An Feierfu has always had a good business acumen.

Treating people well is just right. If the Winster family has not been maintained by her these years, I am afraid that Uncle Ethan, who has always been careless, will have been eaten by this society to the bone.

"Ding Dong~"

While talking, the doorbell rang, and the uncle who was still angry about this incident just now had to put on a friendly face and accompanied his aunt.

Say hello to Mr. Paul Spencer and his wife who work in the administration.

It was a shrewd-looking man with drooping eyebrows and closed mouth. A striped suit with a not-so-tall figure seemed inconsistent.

Both parties were very polite when they first contacted each other. They didn't mention the things that were difficult to invite before, and they had selective amnesia in a tacit understanding.

"Mr. Spencer, those are my two children, Tufu and Sophie, and we decided to move here because they were going to school here."

Ethan introduced his family to the other party very kindly.

"Gottinghagen is a good place, I believe they will have a bright future." The other party also praised casually.

As expected, this meeting was as dull as the usual afternoon tea party, always talking about boring topics and ending in mutual agreement.

In fact, Tu Fu and Sophie rarely participated in such tea parties. Most of the time they just came out to say hello, chatted with the guests and then walked away.


After lightly pressing the eyes twice, the hunter's senses were activated.

In addition to being able to use this ability for tracking, an additional function is spiritual vision, which can distinguish the current state from the other party's state of mind and aura.

He looked directly at Mr. Spencer, the purchaser who was still chatting, and his brain area showed a mixture of two colors, black and dark blue.

“The interpretation of these two colors in occultism can indicate anxiety, depression, extreme pressure, and some hidden calculations. This is not a friendly sign.”

Tu Fu began to interpret through the air masses that enveloped the other party. It seemed that it was not easy for this gentleman to come to such an afternoon tea party.

At the dining table, my aunt took the initiative to deliver the prepared desserts. Spencer was taken aback for a moment, then suddenly chuckled, "We usually hire nannies or maids for housework like this, and they are more suitable for such things.

I can refer you to someone in this area if needed. "

"This is actually my personal opinion. I haven't agreed with Ethan after talking about it several times." Mrs. Anfeier naturally smiled and accepted the words, and saved some face for her husband.

The purchaser Spencer was thoughtful, "May I ask, Mr. Winster, where do you work now?"

"Always in the police department, worked there for many years."

Hearing this answer, Paul Spencer's tense body relaxed, and a relieved smile suddenly appeared on his face.

"So that's how it is. I heard from a police officer friend of mine that they always do hard work with very little salary. It's not an easy job."

"Actually, this work is not so hard."

Uncle shrugged his shoulders and told the truth, concealing the matter of fishing at work.

"As neighbors on a street, I would like to give some advice to the two of you. Living on Baker Street with such a salary is really stressful. If there is no clear career plan or other plans, the ability to rashly buy a house will affect the future risk resistance. It has dropped a lot, and it needs to be considered carefully.”

Spencer spoke in the tone of a person who has experienced it, which is a kind of pride in his own identity.

"Thank you for your kindness. We do have some other plans, such as taking over a store and operating it." The uncle replied with a reluctant face.

"Linda, it seems you are lucky enough."

Unexpectedly, after hearing this, the other party snorted unabashedly.

In Göttinghagen or even the Kingdom of Baia, letting one's wife go out to work is definitely the most shameful thing in their class, and it is about the only face a gentleman has.

Talking about this kind of sake, Ethan doesn't want to continue talking with this person.

If he didn't ask for help from others, he would want to drive them out now.

Tu Fu, who has been observing from the perspective of a hunter, found that the gentleman's tense state of mind just now changed from a black air mass to a yellow mass, which indicates a wise, bright, and confident personal mood.

Just now, after his uncle told about his career and future plans, Spencer's vigilance has eased a lot, and his voice has also increased a lot.

But he didn't talk about the business at all. The buyer began to talk about this country and some recent policies.

As if bringing myself into the identity of a decision maker, telling these things from the perspective of local people, one mouth is "what will happen to us Göttinghagen people..."

At this moment, the color air mass surrounding his brain began to turn red, which represented excitement, vitality, and enthusiasm.

"Sir, would you like a cigarette?"

Speaking of excitement, I saw Spencer took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and handed it over to Uncle Ethan, who frowned slightly and waved his hand to refuse, "No, thank you for your kindness .”

Unexpectedly, at the next moment, the purchaser was puffing in the room as if no one else was around, while his wife, Linda, just held her nose lightly and didn't stop it, as if she was used to such situations.

"We in Göttinghagen always like to have a cigarette when talking about things. I think you will learn more in the future, sir."

Paul Spencer talked a lot about some past experiences. His burning cigarette permeated into the room, and even made Sophie who had never experienced smoke feel seriously uncomfortable, and had already coughed several times.

Sophie wanted to say something but was afraid of disrupting the arrangement at home, so she could only bear the grievance.

The expressions of the rest of the family were not good either. Aunt An Fei'er endured it for a long time, and every time she wanted to mention that matter, she was either unable to speak or was actively interrupted.

Tu Fu, who had been watching from the sidelines, noticed that the red air mass in Uncle Ethan's heart began to expand at an extremely fast speed.

It seems that it may explode at any time, and give some warning to the blind guy opposite.

Once it is not handled well, it will be very difficult to expand this matter.

Aunt Anfeier seemed to have seen her husband's anger, and called him away one step ahead of time. After the two returned to the master bedroom, they began to whisper, discussing how to deal with this matter.

"Gentlemen, does anyone need fruit?"

Just as the atmosphere in the living room was almost stalemate, Tu Fu, who had been silent all this time, came out of the room.

He carried a plate containing orange juice and fruit from the kitchen, and more importantly, a piece of discarded newspaper was used under the fruit plate.

"what is this?"

The chattering Mr. Spencer took the cup naturally, but the moment he picked up the fruit, his eyes were attracted by the newspaper writing and photos at the bottom.

An "International Herald Tribune" published in the North Continent a month ago, a newspaper with a good reputation in the world, the people on it are the real big shots.

What Paul Spencer noticed was that there was a strange group photo on the front page of the newspaper used to cushion the cup.

"Founder of optics and his inspirer?"

Paul Spencer read along the handwriting, and was surprised to find that the young scholar in the photo had exactly the same appearance as the child in front of him.

He quickly read along the article, and the more he read it, the more frightened he felt.

"This is Sir Daniel of Barnia?" Spencer suddenly looked at Tu Fu with a flattering smile.

Tu Fu, who brought the fruit plate, heard this, and seemed to have noticed the content of the newspaper. He frowned and said dissatisfiedly: "Oh my god, why is this last month's newspaper here? It's really rude."

Hearing the surprised tone of the other party, he said flatly, "To tell you the truth, sir, fortunately, I was able to make this discovery with the help of that old gentleman. Speaking of which, I really have to thank Sir Daniel and my brother. Professor Edmund from the University of Michigan, Professor Kane from the University of Michigan, Professor Mings..."

When he spoke, he recited every single name, and every time he recited a name, this Mr. Spencer's face became more livid.

Because no matter in Baia or other countries, academics are more important than anything else, and every scholar who is awarded the title of professor is definitely the country's most important weapon.

They themselves do not participate in politics, but the students who graduated from the two famous schools have already spread all over the political and business circles.


Right in front of him was a kid who had connections all over the Seven Schools Alliance in the academic circle.

Thinking of what he did just now, he felt as if he had fallen into an ice cellar.

Spencer, who has been in the system, knows too well that a few words from the other party in front of a certain big shot, even without provocation, can bring his career as a buyer to an end if he tells the truth.

At this moment, the aura in Mr. Spencer's body unexpectedly changed again, becoming a mass of rich gray, indicating an unhealthy state of mind, but also connoting reconciliation and repentance.


Indistinctly, Spencer suddenly heard the voice of the child, and couldn't help shivering.

Noticing that his uncle and aunt were still discussing in the bedroom, Tu Fu suddenly raised his hand and chuckled:

"I'm really nothing, but just now you saw my younger sister Sophie, she is very remarkable. The University of Göttinghagen, who was admitted with the best grades in the state, has been accepted by a professor as a student. .”

"Awesome, you really have some great gentlemen and ladies in your family." Spencer was even more awe-inspiring, but his legs were trembling badly.

Tu Fu said blankly, "But she has a little problem, she doesn't like the smell of cigarettes very much."

"Oh, the conversation with Mr. Winster was so exciting that I made a big mistake." Spencer pressed the cigarette **** under the leather shoe and stamped it out without hesitation.

At this moment, after discussing with his wife, Ethan came out of the master bedroom angrily. He had already made up his mind to drive this man away.

But when they came out, the Winsters came across such a conversation.

Tu Fu said lightly, "I seem to have heard you talking about my uncle's work just now? That work is indeed very hard."

“In fact, I think every gentleman who works in the police department deserves the respect of all Baia people. I really can’t imagine how bad this city would be without them.”

"Actually, I quite agree with your point about the full-time housewife. It's really great."

"To tell you the truth, I have always believed that starting a career is a quality that women lack nowadays. Linda, you shameful slob, why don't you learn from this shrewd lady."

Spencer gritted his teeth at the lady next to him feigning anger, his eyes almost popping out.

Tu Fu suddenly chuckled, "Since you are so busy, sir, we won't delay you.

I believe that Professor Kane of the University of Michigan or Mr. Edmund of Columbia University may sell my face, which is just a trivial matter. "

"Since it's a trivial matter, why bother to disturb the professors who are busy on the front line."

The poor purchaser, Mr. Spencer suddenly looked up, and immediately the Winsters who had just come out of the master bedroom promised: "Mr. Winster, such trivial matters as settling down are entirely on my shoulders, tomorrow, no, today It can be solved!"

"Just... what did I miss?

" The bewildered Ethan couldn't understand the completely different words of the buyer.

Sophie, who had been upstairs to witness the whole thing, winked quietly at Tu Fu, full of approval.

In fact, judging from the performance of this Mr. Spencer, the people of Göttinghagen do not seem to be as arrogant and inflexible as rumored.

They always know what to do and when.

Tufu's hunter senses have never been turned off. From just now, Paul Spencer's aura has changed from black to yellow, and from red to gray.

At this moment, it is even more chaotic, constantly changing between various colors.

It’s like a chameleon trying to survive, changing its skin color in the noisy society, and in the end even I feel very strange to myself.

Two more

(end of this chapter)