This is a large building in a corner of the Royal City that looks like a palace or a museum.

「That’s all for today. Don’t forget to review your study.」

A stern-looking middle-aged woman closes her textbook at the sound of a slow bell signaling the end of class.

The girls in their mid-teens leave the classroom to go to their club activities or home. There is no need for cleaning, as it is done by a cleaning contractor.

Students who belong to indoor athletic clubs enter the big auditorium, which is lined up like twins on the school grounds.

「Begin flexibility training!」

A dog-eared girl clad in a black low-rise bikini shouted and a group of dozens of girls in bikinis started to move.

She is the captain of the 『Flower Arrangement Club』 and this is one of the auditoriums dedicated for the Flower Arrangement Club’s activities. Incidentally, there are a number of the other club and they use the building next door.

『The Flower Arrangement Club receives significant preferential treatment.』

The reason for this is probably because this is a school for young ladies.

『A lady who won’t be embarrassed to show it no matter where it is.』

They are putting a lot of effort into it because they want to nurture their students to become such ladies. Because the flower arrangement is sure to be useful in the social world where the girls are supposed to make their debut.

Thanks to their efforts, they have been winning competitions in the royal capital for the past several years.

「Captain! May we begin the free-style* training?」

[*TL Note: One of the training forms and methods of Japanese Jiu-Jitsu, Judo. Also practiced in some Aikido schools. A practice method that freely combines techniques.]

They must have finished warming up. One girl asks the dog-eared girl.

The captain, who’s from the werewolf tribe, pauses for a moment after pulling back herself from her train of thought. She then quietly nods and opens her mouth.

「Yes. You may go as crazy as you like.」

Big fights start instantly after that. From the edges of her sight, members of the club were attacking each other, making each other scream charmingly, or getting counter-attacked and raised a charming scream themselves.

The auditorium has turned into a sea of writhing bodies with tides splashing everywhere. The dog-eared captain, watching alone, brushed her shoulder-length hair out of her face with her hand and exhaled from the bottom of her lungs.

(What should I do? I can’t seem to find a good solution…)

The reason why she’s acting strange like this is because of a big problem.

It all started with the first round of the Flower Arrangement Tournament that was held not long ago. Her thoughts fly back to the venue at that time.


A dog-eared werewolf girl stands up from her seat in the audience in surprise. Her eyes are glued to the match, however, she realizes that she must not block the view of the other audience behind her and drops her butt.

She had come to see how the girls from the rival girl were doing, but contrary to her expectations, the girl who was the vanguard for the match squirmed first while letting out a scream.

『The girl persistently keeps on attacking both her opponent’s breasts and crotch while also using her mouth.』

This is the rival school’s specialty, called 『Mamezanmai』. A technique that they suffer from every year.

But even with that technique, and although she was alone, the rival school was beaten by an unknown school, and by a technique called 『Rubbing the surface of the skin with fingers』.

(Was she out of shape? Or was she accidentally get hit in the weak spot that she herself didn’t know?)

The second player of mamezanmai team stands in front of the vanguard of the blue bikini team that remains on the stage. As she watched the match that began with the referee’s signal, the dog-eared captain thought to herself.

But halfway through, she had to change her opinion.

(It wasn’t a coincidence.)

The winner was mamezanmai. However, Blue Bikini, who was a finger fighter, put up a good fight, and the match was a close one.

If she hadn’t received any damage from the first match, Blue Bikini would have won the match, or at the very least, it would have ended in a draw.

(But, it’s strange.)

Pinching, rubbing, or shoving it inside. It would’ve made sense if she used her fingers that way, but the blue bikini just rubbed her fingers over her opponent’s skin.

She was not convinced that it could compete with tongue stimulation.

But no matter how much she found it strange and questioned it, the reality remained unchanged. The winner-takes-all battle, which went on and on, finally came down to a battle between the generals.

(It’s decided.)

The blue cloth on her lower body is stripped off, and the girl’s legs were forcefully spread wide open with both ankles held in her hands.

Mamezanmai general put her mouth on the base of her legs and begins to suck violently like a hungry cub chomping on her mother’s milk.

『She’s cornered.』

Almost everyone in the audience seat must have thought so.

They were amazed by that finger technique, but they still believe that it was the Mamezanmai team that would win the tournament.

(No way!)

However, everyone’s expectations were shattered immediately afterward.

To their surprise, the girl wearing a blue bikini only on her upper body pulled off the head of her opponent who continued sucking on her crotch.

This is because Mamezanmai, who was getting her neck and ears stroked, could no longer stand the sweet rhythm, and opened her mouth to let out a sigh.


Taking advantage of this opportunity, Blue Bikini kicks away the hand that grabs her ankle. When her opponent’s posture is broken and away from her crotch, she moved behind Mamezanmai and put her fingertips behind her ears, neck, and back.

After a while, along with a frustrated scream, Mamezanmai team’s general abdominal muscles trembled.


The captain of the prestigious school’s flower arrangement club was left speechless.

She then left the venue and starts gathering information. However, as a student, she could not gather anything of note.

(The second round… or perhaps in the third round. I was hoping they would lose somewhere in the middle of the tournament.)

The feeling of weakness which is uncharacteristic of a school that always wins. It was probably due to the fear of unknown opponents.

But the werewolf girl’s wish was not granted, and the blue bikini team was finally in front of them.

(If we fight them as is, we would probably lose.)

The semi-finals are this weekend. That’s where their battle against the blue bikini will take place.

He returns his consciousness to the present. Dog eared captain returned her attention to her present self who was observing the practice at the flower arrangement club.

She unconsciously touches her own neck with the same hand that she used to brush off her hair. She thought while stroking the place where the general of Mamezanmai team was attacked.

(I would never let the championship streak come to an end in my generation.)

This must be the curse that came along with the prestigious name.

Incidentally, the school with the blue bikini was once a very strong contender as well. However, since they had been failing in the preliminary matches for a while now, the captain did not know about them.

(If only the coach were here right now…)

She thought of an adult woman with long black hair, a fearless face, and warrior-like beauty.

『I’ll accept anyone’s challenge.』

With these words as her motto, she has made a name for herself in the red-light district. It can be said that it’s almost impossible for a club to be led by a successful active brothel worker.

Recently, however, she suddenly quit and they could not find a replacement at this point in time.

『My arrogance in teaching others led to that defeat. I want to go back to my roots and train myself again.』

According to the elderly woman who was the principal of the school, the coach said this when she resigned.

She said that she had been 『teased*』 by a pair of very skilled men until she was driven crazy.

In the end, the staff had to invoke a magic circle by the bedside.

[*TL Note: Kanji is “嬲”, which is literally kanji for women sandwiched between kanji for men.]

「She probably couldn’t come to forgive herself for that.」

This was the principal’s impression that followed after the explanation.

Apparently, the act was a first in the coach’s life.

(Above the sky there is another sky, huh.)

A female warrior with lustrous black hair was so high that they could not see the summit for themselves. Never in her imagination, even if it was just the two of them, that there would be men who could make the coach say that.

She was impressed by the profoundness of the red-light district, but there is another crisis looming here as well.

(I don’t think there is any way to avoid being touched. Isn’t there… Isn’t there anything we can do to counter it? Think, me.)

The black bikini with dog ears and a short tail carries a heavy responsibility while being a student.

Unfortunately, no good ideas came up that day either, and the club activities came to an end.