Chapter 706: : Like an old father

Shen Yi flashed a few thoughts in his mind, and then continued what he was doing.

"However—" He came to a turning point, "This great mission is not something that can be accomplished simply. What we have to face is not only various disasters that destroy civilization, but also the development potential of mankind itself. The data from the Pan-Human Guardian Association that has saved countless human civilizations shows that the number of civilizations destroyed by their own internal factors is far more than the civilizations destroyed by external factors, and such civilizations are also the most difficult to save. They have lost the potential for development. Therefore, we are the guardians of humanity, not the guardians of civilization!"

If the previous words made everyone excited, then the current words are undoubtedly pouring cold water.

However, there was not much surprise, or incomprehension.

Because Shen Yi has been laying the groundwork for a long time.

Long before the association was not announced, but only as a "returner", he used his account to post similar words.

They are saviors, not guardians.

What's more, truly smart people can understand the destructiveness of relying too much on others for the development of civilization, and can understand that the actions of the association are the most beneficial choice for the future of their civilization, which undoubtedly further confirms Shen Yi's words. The authenticity of the association confirms the sublime nature of the association.

——It is obvious that you can easily control the entire civilization with the help of the identity of the savior, but he refuses, and instead encourages the civilization to grow by itself, how selfless and how great this is!

Like an old father full of expectation and selfless love.

And Shen Yi, also at this time, talked about the really important things.

"Therefore, we will not solve all the enemies for you, and even, we will leave soon." Shen Yi with a faint smile, throws out this conclusion that surprised everyone, not to mention watching The vast crowd of the live broadcast, even those high-level human beings standing behind Shen Yi, were caught in a little commotion, and many of them had surprise and obvious unease on their faces.

Will not take down these dangerous enemies and leave soon...

Even if the Association has eliminated a lot of enemy troops this time, humanity is still in danger of being destroyed.

However, this unease endured because of the trust in the association.

They believe that the Association, as an experienced savior, will not leave them any hope.

Everything should be a test.

And the result, it is.

After a short pause, Shen Yi raised a finger at the TV.

"One hundred years." He said very clearly, "Before I leave, I will leave behind my strength and will to protect your plane for one hundred years. During this one hundred years, no one is hostile to human beings. This is my rule, and it is my last refuge for you, and it also contains my most sincere expectations for you - I hope that after a hundred years, you will be able to rely on If you do it yourself, then your civilization will have a bright future that truly belongs to you!"

He didn't say what would happen if it couldn't be done.

But in fact, many high-level executives understand.

If the test fails, everything will go back to square one.

Their civilization will still be destroyed, and this time, the association will not try to save it, but will take away the fire of their civilization.


Will it really fail?

Some high-level humans looked at each other, and in their eyes, they saw the burning fighting spirit!

This is a hundred years, a hundred years belonging to all mankind! With so much science and technology, extraordinary inheritance left by the association, and even the plane of giants, which can be opened up to the outside world! If human beings are still unable to become truly powerful after that, they will still fall into despair as they are today.

That's not the fault of the agreement, it's the fault of their higher-ups, their civilization!

Not only these people, but even ordinary people can clearly realize this.

"One hundred years! Enough!"

"It's only been fifteen years since we started the War of Ten Thousand Races! There have already been earth-shaking changes! Not to mention a hundred years!"

"I have begun to look forward to how strong we will be in a hundred years!"

"The Pan-Human Guardian Association is indeed a saviour organization with rich experience, pure purpose and high moral character! They did not solve everything for us, but gave us hope, and let us work hard for hope. No doubt, what we really need is the latter!"

"The glory belongs to us!"

"I seem to see a loving old father teaching his children to grow up."


Even though there are still some people who feel uneasy, they can't say anything more in the face of a hundred years of protection.

After all, Shen Yi said everything clearly.

It includes the origin of the Pan-human Guardian Association, the mission of the Pan-human Guardian Association, and the philosophy of the Pan-human Guardian Association.

This incomparably sublime everything makes people feel shocked and yearn, but they are unable to make any doubts and refutations at all.

And the alien gods, who were also listening to this speech through their own channels, fell into complete silence at this moment.

They are not stupid.

Naturally understood the intention of the association, including Shen Yi.

This is to use their race as a whetstone for the entire human civilization! To shape the potential of the entire human civilization!

After a long silence, the Lion God suddenly raised his head and laughed loudly.

"How confident, how arrogant! Good! What about the whetstone? I want to see if humans can be what you think they are!"

Although this laughter did not shake the world, it was equally undisguised.

The rest of the gods have heard more or less.

Their attitudes have changed one by one.

That's right!

What about the whetstone?

Now your association is stronger Your strength is enough to completely destroy us, but, while you are honing the human civilization in this universe, you are not giving us hope! The human race has a century of development, and so do we! If the human race can really catch up and surpass us at that time, then they are eligible to win!

Start now!

The alien races around the human plane, and even the alien races in more distant places, will feel the pressure from human civilization and the pressure from the Pan-Human Guardian Association!

They will abandon all flukes and focus their great attention on the human race!

They will do everything in their power to stop the growth of mankind!

Just like what Shen Yi was worried about when he first hid the existence of the association.

When the existence of the Pan-Humanity Guardian Association is made public to the public, human civilization will inevitably become the target of the entire war of all races!