Chapter 426: : Simple and rude tactics

I created Chapter 426 of the Salvation Organization Text Volume: Simple and Cruel Tactics. Although in the past fifteen years, the earth has been propagating the threat of aliens.

But in fact, as the high-pressure policy continues to advance, other voices are getting louder and louder.

That is conspiracy theory.

Many people think that there is no alien threat at all. Everything is a conspiracy of the Supreme Council, including the poisonous killing of all mankind, and even endless bugs. The Supreme Council arranged and planned behind the scenes. It is necessary to use the mechanical army and clones to completely control the entire mankind.

The evidence is that the status of human cloning continues to elevate.

Or in other words, even if there are aliens, the threat of aliens is not as terrible as advertised by the Supreme Council.

It's just playing up external threats to strengthen its own rule.

For such a voice, the Supreme Council naturally knew it, even Lilac knew it, but it was the inevitable result of the high-pressure policy. With the development of mechanical technology and human cloning technology, they have already carried out a substantial impact on the entire human civilization. Control, so I didn’t care about this sound.

But at this moment, such a voice was melted mercilessly under the scene in front of him.

Instead, it was a deep fluke.

If it were not for the incredible development in the past fifteen years, mankind would have no room for struggle in the face of such a terrifying army.

Although it still has to face a difficult war.

But at least it is war.

Rather than being slaughtered unilaterally.

The Supreme Conference, also at this time, once again held a press conference for all of them.

In other words, the war mobilization speech.

Ling Tian was selected as the highest man in power during the war because of his age and seniority. This time the speech was also presided over by Ling Tian.

"For most of the human beings on this planet, you have spent fifteen years of hard work for this war, but for me and a small number of people, we have paid a lifetime!"

Ling Tian's speech was not a mere propaganda, it was an expression of emotions, and a statement of true feelings.

"We have been thinking more than once, in the face of an invincible enemy, whether there is meaning to struggle and whether to resist, we can choose to accept the fate of extinction, which is easier than struggling hard in the deep sea of ​​drowning. But, until today, I have seen the true appearance of the enemy and the strength of our resistance, and I am so lucky that we have chosen to resist and choose to fight!"

Countless people are silently looking at the old man in the picture.

He is already very old.

However, the human body modification technology still has the vitality of a young man, and nearly a hundred years of struggle and battle have made his will invincible.

And at the moment.

Everyone can deeply feel the courage of the Supreme Council, countless people in power, and countless people for the future of mankind.

Because if it was fifteen years ago, or even thirty years ago, or even more than a hundred years ago, they knew this scene before them and saw this endless Star Legion, they were not sure whether they could Like those in power, choose to fight instead of give up.

Ling Tian's speech continued.

He revealed more news.

Including the horror of the enemy, it also includes the power of mankind.

For example, a space factory that is still working continuously and continuously optimized.

Another example is the anti-space wormhole technology, which is like a black technology. This technology guarantees the safety of the earth and prevents the earth from being easily breached by the enemy by crossing the line of defense.

And at the end of the speech.

Ling Tian's emotions, on the contrary, became more and more calm.

"This is a war gambling on the future of mankind, and it will also be an extremely cruel war. The enemy's goal is to completely destroy us, because they see the threat and panic from us, and we have no choice. Even if countless people will die, even if there will be unimaginable pain, but we will definitely win the final victory!"

In the last sentence, Ling Tian didn't have any firm eyes.

In fact, objectively speaking, their hope of winning is still low.

The future that the prophet saw was still dark.

However, this confidence, or this belief, is not false.

If it is only to preserve the fire of mankind, in order to allow the successful continuation of human civilization, then there is no need for this war, because the Pan-Human Protection Association has already promised this.

Therefore, the only purpose of this war is to win!

The propaganda of this mobilization did not bring hot warfare to mankind. It just exposed an unchangeable reality and announced the arrival of war.

For most natives, what they felt from this war was panic.

However, in the human civilization at this time, there are a total of 130 billion people, of which 120 billion are all clones.

For clones, whether this mobilization is the same.

Because they were born for this war, this is also what they had engraved in their souls when they started to give birth to their own consciousness.

And after the war mobilization was over.

Orders related to war were also issued quickly.

Facing the menacing enemy army, the human side first chose a defensive posture.

They divided their fleet into 1,342 legions, and then scattered them throughout the solar system with the earth as the center, ensuring that when any place was attacked, the fleet could be mobilized for sniping in a short period of time.

However, the universe is very big, very big.

Even in the past 15 years, human civilization has produced countless fleets, but these fleets are still considered small when they are deployed in the entire solar system.

So this will be an extremely huge war on the battlefield.

And this, this war, adds complexity.

Facing the posture of human beings, the Louis people did not make extra preparations.

They are still expanding their army.

A huge wormhole does not seem to be enough to bring all the troops over in a short period of time, so in these days, countless Zerg fleets are still constantly rushing from the wormhole. Out of the solar system and arranged in an orderly manner on the periphery of the solar system.

Under the little sunlight reflected by the stars, these insects are like stars emitting soft light in the vast universe.

When motionless, there is even a kind of beauty of the starry sky.

However, among human beings, only the prophets understand.

What kind of **** this so-called "beauty" will become.

Even Su Yao, who was already in a high position in the military, could no longer bear it.

"They are going to summon a large enough army, and then use the human sea tactics to engulf us all at once." Su Yao said at the Supreme War Conference, speaking of the future he saw.

This tactic is simple and rude.
