Chapter 419: : Surrounded by great humans

Normal food brings positive feelings to people.

It is a gain in line with human positive emotions.

Whether it is happiness, happiness, longing, or other emotions, it can comfort the minds of the eater and let them feel the beauty of life without any negative impact.

However, dark cuisine is different.

It is a compulsory invasion of the mind of the eater. The most typical feature is addiction, which will make the eater’s will collapse and unable to leave.

For a chef like Mo Qiu who is determined to bring happiness to the guests with delicious food, dark food is almost an unforgivable behavior.

Not to mention making such delicacies.

Therefore, she bit her lip slightly now, looking at Shen Yi with some uncomfortable expression, her eyes faintly resentful.

"The principle of two evils, whichever is the lesser, doesn't need me to say, you naturally understand it." Shen Yi said sternly, "For the association, if most people in a civilization don't have the courage to fight the doomsday, or say, Choosing to accept the doomsday, then this civilization only needs to keep the last kind of fire, but sometimes, they don’t prefer to accept death. They just need a process of adaptation and a driving force. We need to consider the balance among them. ."

Now the internal development of the association has gradually entered the right track.

The number will increase.

Some ideas also need to be transmitted to everyone, gradually forming a specific "culture".

And the "management" who occupies a certain position like Mo Qiu must understand the ideal meaning of the association.

Shen Yi didn't want her to design dark food. In fact, according to Shen Yi's concept, if dark food is needed to make these people resist the end, then this civilization is basically not saved.

But this is not a problem of dark food, but a "balance determination" that depends on the agreement.

What is the most important point, this point needs to be clarified.

Mo Qiu didn't seem to fully understand Shen Yi's words, but given her some time, Shen Yi believed she could understand.

"In most cases, your personality is suitable for the association, but in a few cases, it is prone to vacillation. Mo Qiu, now that you have joined the association, don't be content to just make food for me." With a smile on his face. With these last words left, Shen Yi asked Mo Qiu to go back, and at the same time, sent a bonus point to her account.

With Moqiu's cuisine, the time for industrial transformation and the adjustment of the entire society can be further compressed.

It originally took three years, but now it only takes two years and three months.

This is undoubtedly a huge improvement.


Still not enough.

Looking at the future, Shen Yi frowned tightly.

You know, the time saved in the early stage is converted to the period of high-speed explosive force in the later stage, but it means that a huge force can be added. In this case, it still cannot change the result of human defeat.

Continue to reduce time?

Shen Yi looked at the earth.

Now the entire earth is undergoing tremendous changes, and the intensity of the changes has even caused many problems.

Including disobedients, protesters, passives, even rebels, and so on.

If the pressure is further reduced, let alone whether the time can be reduced, the series of problems caused by this alone will outweigh the gains.

"It seems that we can no longer think about countermeasures in terms of time." Shen Yi's eyebrows became more and more tight.

His pressure is not small.

Now the entire human civilization is striding forward almost in accordance with his command, which means right, and also means responsibility. If it was detached from the outside world at the beginning, it would be better. There is not much retreat.

It is not only a bet on the future of the entire human civilization, but also an important development of the Pan-Human Protection Association.

If you can't consider time

Then only consider power.

Shen Yi looked at the future changes in detail, and seemed to realize the reason.

A simple explosive soldier is not enough to resist the Louis, even if it is the advantage on the mysterious side, it cannot erase the huge disadvantage on the technological side. He needs some powerful technology that plays a decisive role.

So, continue to draw?

Shen Yi looked at the system.

Then shook his head, denying this.

The technical level of the items in the technology side is obviously stronger than that of the Louis, but they are not as powerful as a completely different level, and many technologies cannot be digested and produced within fifteen years. As for the actual warfare , It is a bottomless pit at all, and can't take out items that exceed a whole level, so there are not enough points to fill in it.


Still in trouble.

While Shen Yi is constantly thinking about countermeasures, human civilization is undergoing rapid changes.

With the gradual construction of the upstream and downstream industries of the human clone factory, its existence can no longer be concealed.

But this time.

Humans have not raised many objections. On the contrary, this time the mainstream of society is attitude and support.

"I didn't say that there is such a technology!"

"Great, we will be liberated when the clone army comes out."

"Even if there is food, it feels like I can't hold it anymore."

"Great! You can make a clone in half a month, and then let the clones produce clones! Let the clones develop the machinery industry, it won't be long before the whole world is human!"

"I just wanted to ask, can I buy two clones?"


Although not all of them, there are indeed quite a few people who have seen the benefits brought to them by the human cloning factory.

They have changed from people who are at ease and enjoy themselves to those who work day and night, even if they can barely accept the comfort of food, but if they can return to the past life, who would be unwilling?

The emergence of human cloning factories directly reduced the value of their work. UU reading www.

What they can do, clones can do.

It seems obvious that they can return to their past happy lives.


If Shen Yi did not appear, it is very likely that this will be the case.

Even the Supreme Council itself is also a vested interest in the human cloning factory.

However, for Shen Yi, this is not the case.

From Shen Yi's perspective, the aboriginals and clones are both humans, especially when the points of these tens of billions of people have already been obtained.

"The clones are relatively simple. As long as they are given certain guidance, they will be more able to have the mission and glory of human civilization." Shen Yi looked at the clones in the clone factory, and ordered the cloves around him, "Just Do it according to the plan, and let these selfish, accustomed to enjoyment, and lack of courage to become a small part of the human race, and let them be surrounded by truly great humans."