Chapter 334: : All people are dead

Chapter 335 Everyone is dead

"Everything you want to know, I can tell you." The old man said, and he said slowly, "Just, are you sure you want to know? Destiny rests only in the hands of those who can look at it. If I think, If you don’t tell you, you will get better results."

This is undoubtedly a word that will shake people's hearts.

Especially this sentence came from a prophet.

However, the person in front of him will obviously not be disturbed by such words.

He received professional training.

And they have been dealing with this prophet for a century.

"You are right. Destiny can only be controlled by those who can peek at it. However, if you tell us the destiny you are peeking at, then all of us will be the ones who control destiny." Behind the shadows People are not in a hurry.

I even said this kind of nutritious words slowly.

The reason why there is no nutrition.

Because this kind of dialogue, today's result, all of this, have already been seen by this "old man"-but he still happily said these things that couldn't change the result.

"Do you control your destiny?" The old man's expression seemed to be a little sluggish. He stepped over the black shadow in front of him and looked at the wall in front of him. It was a smooth white jade, without any light or shadow reflected.

Finally, he sighed.

"If I could really control my destiny, I would not spend my life in this prison like this."

"You can be extremely proud of your life like this." Sombra suddenly used honorifics and continued, "So far, you have saved more than 7.85 million people, and you have changed their destiny. Among them, it also includes the people you care about. Not to mention, you will also change the destiny of all mankind, Jiao Lao, you will be the hero who saves all mankind and will be remembered forever in the history of our civilization."

Only at the cost of freedom, in exchange for such a life that will be remembered forever as the savior.

In the hearts of many people.

Including the heart of the person behind the shadow, it is all worthwhile.

Many people have paid the same or even more painful price, but nothing can be changed.

The old man laughed suddenly, laughing loudly, and even tears came out, and even many instruments made a sound.

"The hero who saves all mankind is so sacred, so beautiful, so proud! I have always thought so!"

His voice became more powerful, and even the muddy eyes seemed to be the same. He stared at the black shadow firmly, "What a pity that the freedom of a mere life will change the fate of all mankind." , But! But! If my contribution, all of your contributions, are all frothy hopes, what am I for in this life? What is the result of this contribution?"

The sound of the instrument alarm is increasing and louder.

In the end, the red light even lit up and reached the warning line.

triggered emergency measures for automatic injection of drugs.

The old man’s emotions gradually calmed down.

The drug quickly worked, and it will gradually make him fall into a drowsiness.

He now loses more than just freedom, even he doesn’t even have the right to be angry.

And his words.

even more so that the people behind the shadows fell into unspeakable shock.

Empty hope?

Everyone's contribution is hopeless?

"What did you see?"

While the old man’s consciousness had not fallen asleep, he asked quickly.

"Dead, all people are dead" The old man looked at the ceiling blankly, "A month later, all mankind, all people, are all dead."

Even under the action of drugs, the mood is extremely calm.

There is still a line of tears flowing slowly from his eyes.

This is because of despair, because of his loss of freedom, and because of the fate of all mankind and the useless efforts and struggles of countless people.


Even after a rigorously trained and extremely strong-willed shadow, after hearing this sentence, he showed uncontrollable fear.

He is no longer afraid of death.

But he is afraid of failure.

Since knowing the truth behind the establishment of this Supreme Federation, he, like countless people, is determined to devote his life to the great battle of saving human civilization, no matter what the price is, as long as he can win. Do not hesitate.

This is the goal of him and countless people, and it is faith.

But why did it become like this? !

To know.

The initial prophecy, although it is an unacceptable result for humans, it is not the death of all mankind at all!

This young man who inherited the title of "Dark Shadow" from his late predecessor can no longer control the distortion of his expression.

He picked up the special paper and pen in front of him, trembling, and wrote the communication between himself and the prophet in the form of ciphertext.

I am afraid not even the prophet will know.

The only person who communicated with him, in fact, lived alone next to him, in a room with no windows, and passed the news from him to a handful of people in the most primitive way.

This is the shadow.

Even in addition to the shadows, in this probably the most secret castle in the world, there are hundreds of people who revolve around the old people who give their lives to their freedom.

The transmission of information requires layer after layer of preventive measures, but most of them do not know who this rigorous method is preventing, let alone what kind of abilities the old people living in this castle have, or even I don't know the meaning of what I am doing.

They just gave up their name and life and came here just for a command.

but now.

As a few dark shadows who know the truth, some even envy those who don’t know anything. UU reading www.

At this time, Shen Yi is staying in his own world.

is not an aerial fortress.

In an already established building.

"Then, let's arrange it like this." Shen Yi looked at the people in front of him and ordered, "If you don't have a task for the time being, just stay here to practice well. After all, there is strong spiritual energy here, which is also helpful for your practice. Learn from the outside world and arrange tasks for you when necessary."

He has made a preliminary plan based on the current situation.

"Yes!" Gu Yan and others responded at the same time.

"So." Shen Yi looked at Wu Zhao, "Are you ready?"

"Please rest assured, Xianjun." Wu Zhao took a deep breath and nodded solemnly.

She didn't expect that when she first came to other mortal worlds, she would perform tasks with Xianjun.

However, she has confidence in herself.

This task, only she is the most suitable.

(End of this chapter)