Chapter 236: Reasonable guess

Remember [New] for a second,! "Although these are just some delusional speculations from the details, but after this idea emerged in my mind, it never lingered."

The video continues, and the blogger's narration makes a brief summary of his analysis. Then, after playing the editing again, the main screen freezes on each clip of Xia Xu.

"My guess is that you can doubt it, but I don't think anyone will doubt their own cognition and eyes.

If you look closely, you can see this Xia Xueba's voice and actions. Even in the presence of so many people's attention, he is still able to joke humorously and control the audience with just a few words.

Unpretentious, talkative, and personable...

I can think of a lot of adjectives, but I really can't think of a word that fits the identity of 'high school student', and I can't think of any peers who can do better.

He is more like a seasoned and successful businessman than a high school student.

Obviously, our academic master not only has terrifying results, but also has amazing literacy and mentality in other aspects.

This is a super rich second generation! "

The video seems to stop here.

It's not that it has been played or paused, but the picture has been frozen, and the blogger's narration has fallen silent.

In the video, the 'barrage' system, which is relatively characteristic of the site for the time being, has not unexpectedly floated through countless amazements.

"Fuck, I really didn't notice what up said!"

"According to this, Xue Shen still opened a company?"

"The co-author of Xue Shen not only has outstanding grades, but he is also a rich second generation with a mine in his family? The rich second generation still works so hard, and it keeps us people from living TVT."

"No, there are beautiful girls in the family. Sister Xuexian is said to be really beautiful, ah, the abominable winner in life, have you formed a team just for him!"

"You're wrong!"

In a short pause, countless barrages floated past.

But at this moment, the blogger's narration who had been silent for a while suddenly sounded: "--This is my first thought."

This blogger is obviously also experienced and well versed in the suspense and selling points of videos. This sharp turn of events has once again mobilized the curiosity of all audiences.

"There is a famous conjecture in the field of mathematics - the theory of six-dimensional space, which roughly means that you can know any stranger through at most six people.

I can't verify whether it is real or not, but as a person from Xingcheng, I was fortunate enough to use my relatives to visit some of the real situation about this Xia Xueba. "

After pausing for a while to mobilize the suspense, the narration sounded again: "We won't disclose any privacy-related matters here, after all, I don't dare to annoy Xia Xueba.

In fact, I took a lot of courage to post this video, because things are far more bizarre than I imagined, and this Xia Xueba is far more terrifying than I thought..."

After another pause, the picture turned into a pure black background with subtitles: "Back to our first conclusion just now, I believe most people's first reaction should be the same, right?

Xia Xueba is a super rich second-generation from extraordinary background, which can explain his extraordinary speech and all kinds of amazing and outstanding things about him. "

"But... what if I told you this was wrong, or even the exact opposite? What if I told you that Xia Xueba was still poor and lonely four months ago?"

In the silence, a rhetorical question was successfully sold, and it completely mobilized the attention of all the audience to a higher level.

"Look at this again, the following is the public information I have obtained from official channels, everyone can check and verify it... Although it is not suitable, I still want to say something full of desire to survive, Xia Xueba, you will not Are you making trouble for me because of public information?"

The side that was originally mysterious and low suddenly became normal. It can be said that the desire to survive is full. Although it destroyed the atmosphere, it also made the video barrage a lot more relaxed and active.

And the video screen didn't stop, and the black background was replaced with pictures that switched slowly like ppt.

These pictures are indeed some public information, some corporate legal and shareholding structures that can be found on the Internet, and then some company introductions.

But what is unusual is that the name "Xia Xu" is not a secret written on it, and the company is also Xinghai Venture Capital and Joyoung Comprehensive Consulting.

It is good to say that Joyoung Comprehensive Consulting is just an inconspicuous small company, but Xinghai Ventures is outrageous.

The registered capital of Xinghai Venture Capital was revised once later, and the current registered capital has been slightly manipulated after receiving 70 million funds, making it a total of 100 million.

After all, as an investment company, if the registered capital is used to pull the crotch, it will also affect the business and image.

Therefore, the registered capital displayed in front of everyone at this moment is a dazzling hundreds of millions.

The registered capital is hundreds of millions, and it is still a venture capital company. No matter how much water there is, there will always be several millions, right?

That's not much for those big, well-known corporations, but it's a connection to a high school student, especially a high school student who, according to a blogger, was penniless a few months ago?

"Fake, right? It's obviously just the same name."

"Indeed, how can you confirm that it's not the same name? Why do you think it's so mysterious, and that's the end?"

"I took off my pants, that's all? That's it?"

"Up, don't you want to say that Xia Xueba made hundreds of millions of dollars from nothing in four months? This is less realistic than my goddess confessing to me."

"It's too taken for granted. I've seen too many stories about fake chicken soup like lids. No matter what you do, you need capital. If you don't have capital, you can only slowly boil the time to earn the first pot of gold."

The immersive atmosphere just now was destroyed, and this argument was really untenable. The video barrage began to rebound and became less harmonious.

However, this experienced video blogger obviously did not make such a clumsy mistake. He seemed to have anticipated the audience's reaction, and immediately continued the narration after showing each picture:

"You might think, maybe it's someone with the same name or something, my argument is a bit far-fetched.

I also admit that this is indeed a lot of guesswork.

But if you've followed recent financial news, or if you've followed Xinghai Ventures, I'm sure you'll definitely have the same idea.

Because this company called Xinghai Ventures is also a miracle.

I don't know if you have heard of the game "Wulin Painting Scroll".

Xinghai Venture Capital is the investor of this game. At first, it only had 500,000 registered capital, all of which were invested in the development studio of Wulin Painting Scroll, and a few months later, it sold the shares of the studio for tens of millions, creating a miracle common investment myth.

With 500,000 to tens of millions, the case of getting rich quickly is not only real, but it can almost be said to perfectly fit the time period of Xia Xueba’s rise in counterattack—according to a person who did not want to be named, it was because he gave up pretending to be a pig to eat. Tiger.

So, assuming that Xia Xueba can earn 500,000 yuan before that, does it all make sense?

As for what he relied on to earn 500,000 yuan from poverty, he had to mention another company under Xia Xueba's name - Joyoung Consulting.

The registered capital of this company was even lower, less than 100,000 yuan, and it was registered at the same time as Xinghai Venture Capital. In theory, it could not be a way for Xia Xueba to earn 500,000 yuan.

But this does not prevent us from making a reference, such as: as an ordinary high school student... well, I know he is not ordinary at all, let's assume for the time being.

Why would an ordinary high school student run an unrelated consulting company? If you want to make money, why not just run an investment company?

Can we reasonably guess that Xia Xueba had a resume that overlapped with this type of consulting firm before?

For example, giving advice to people, providing business plans, analyzing cases or projects, investigating certain events, looking for certain people?

Did he make the first pot of gold with this, so he also expanded and formalized this type of business when he registered a venture capital firm after the fact? "

Leaving a series of questions, the main content of the video is also played, leaving only a long black background as a blank space.

The narration no longer sounded, but the video barrage completely exploded.

"It seems that the analysis really makes some sense... To be honest, I suddenly believe it."

"Although there are many uncertainties, at least the chain of evidence is logically self-consistent."

"Fuck, it's more than self-consistent, what up said is true, especially Xinghai Ventures, you can check it out, it's outrageous!"

"Xingcheng practitioners can prove that Xinghai Ventures is indeed true. As for whether it is the same name, it is not clear All, in the evening, you want to tell me that Xia Xueba is not only rich Sister studied well, and made a small goal from scratch in four months?"

"No, I don't believe it, no matter what you say, I don't believe it, impossible, absolutely impossible."

"This also prevents ordinary people like us from living. I don't believe it. Please tell me this is fake. I need the courage to face life."

There was a lot of heated discussion in the barrage at the end of the video, and many people cried out in disbelief, but it seemed that the wording seemed to be playing tricks, and it seemed that many people had already believed in the speculation of this video blogger.

The spread of this video is like a spark in a prairie fire, once again completely detonating the topic of the media platform that has already dropped.

So, an innocent Xueba surnamed Xia woke up early in the morning with a bewildered face being harassed by various prompts.


monthly pass

------off topic-----

It's not too short~ Can you... ↑