Chapter 232: Dark circles

This idea of ​​Yang Xiaoxiao surprised Liu Huaxing, and he couldn't help but sigh: This girl has grown up too.

In fact, he knew what Yang Xiaoxiao meant. Yang Xiaoxiao originally thought that she was very smart, and as long as she wanted to learn, she would definitely be able to learn well, but in fact it was not satisfactory. She found that even if she worked hard to learn, her grades still remained at this stage, as if she had encountered a bottleneck.

Her grades seem to tell her that you only have this level, even if you work hard, you can only do this.

With Yang Xiaoxiao's strong personality, he naturally refused to give up. But Liu Huaxing didn't want her to work too hard. Fortunately, he had a very easy way, which was to help Yang Xiaoxiao review point-to-point by reading files.

After interacting with Yang Xiaoxiao, Liu Huaxing disliked long-distance reading, because the time with this girl was very happy every day, he didn't want to read files to cover it. But he only needs to read the files on the day of the final exam and return to the time of the previous day, and focus on the places to be tested with the little girl.

Of course, this may be a bit of cheating in it, but what about it? Liu Huaxing didn't care.

"I can promise you about studying, but working to make money..." Liu Huaxing stroked the little girl's face, "Do you have any direction? What do you like to do? What are your plans?"

"I want to work in my dad's place." Yang Xiaoxiao said solemnly, "because I have also learned a lot of cooking methods from you, I want to try my craft, and it just so happens to hone myself."

"It's very hard work, fool..." Liu Huaxing smiled bitterly, "Don't think part-time work is so easy."

"I'm not afraid!" Yang Xiaoxiao said firmly, and Liu Huaxing immediately replied: "But I am afraid. Many times when I work in the kitchen, I have to be responsible for the chores. The hands of my little strawberry are so tender. It must be full of wounds..."

"That, that..." Yang Xiaoxiao hesitated for a moment, "Do you have any suggestions?"

"I have a win-win solution." Liu Huaxing smiled and tapped Yang Xiaoxiao's little nose. "We make some pastries every Friday and Saturday. I will help you. Then Saturday, Seven, you can find a way to sell it. Let’s split the money equally. It doesn’t matter whether you sell it to a dessert shop or to your dad’s hotel, it’s up to you."

"Hey! This is a good idea." Yang Xiaoxiao smiled and wrapped his neck, "I'll go back and discuss it with my dad."

Liu Huaxing nodded and looked at Yang Xiaoxiao's expression lovingly: "Little Strawberry, we will do this in the future. If you have any troubles, come and discuss with me. Don't be bored alone, you know?"

"Of course, there is no secret between me and you." Yang Xiaoxiao smiled with her chin resting on his chest and pursing her lips. "Where are you? Will you tell me if you have troubles?"

"Um..." Liu Huaxing suddenly pondered, and Yang Xiaoxiao's eyes widened unhappy at the time.

"Oh, my troubles are all about you, and you are my most satisfying trouble." Liu Huaxing hurriedly shouted.

"What's wrong with me." Yang Xiaoxiao muttered with a pursed lips, "I am so good."

"What worries me is that my little strawberry is so cute, will it make others wonder?" Liu Huaxing teased.

"Huh! You know I only have you in my eyes!" Yang Xiaoxiao yelled, and Liu Huaxing nodded: "Yes, I know." When it came to this, his expression suddenly softened, "But my troubles are true. It's all about to continue to be with you in the future, how to make you happy, how to walk into the wedding hall with are all in your head."

It is rare for Yang Xiaoxiao to blush. She lowered her head and smirked: "You hate... Why do you suddenly say these things at this time, making people feel a little embarrassed..."

Immediately, Yang Xiaoxiao held his face and said solemnly: "After seeing the college couple today, I already know that it is not easy for two to be together. If it weren't for you, maybe the two of us would not be able to leave. Until today. It is you who have been caring and caring for me, and have tolerated my petty temper and bad temper, but I just kept acting like a baby at you."

After finishing speaking, Yang Xiaoxiao gave him a hard kiss and smiled: "I will work hard for the two of us in the future. Starting this Sunday, we will study hard together, and then make cakes together. I will tell my dad to see if we can Can't let him buy it."

"Yeah." Liu Huaxing touched Yang Xiaoxiao's brain and nodded with a smile. Of course, his plan was just to perfunctory Yang Xiaoxiao. Naturally, making money can't just rely on the little girl to sell some desserts. This income is also for Yang Xiaoxiao is just a pocket money. By the way, let this girl feel better, lest Yang Xiaoxiao feel that she is holding back all day.

The money he earns from writing now is actually least for the time being.

After least he had to wait until he was seventeen. At seventeen, he went to get a fitness trainer qualification certificate and then found a gym as a personal trainer. The profession of personal training is very profitable. Although fitness is not as valued as it is in the future, even if you can't make money now, it will be very useful in the future to build up a little experience and contacts.

His reading ability is very suitable to be a personal trainer, because to put it bluntly, personal fitness training does not really rely on personal skills to recruit members, but on social skills. Every coach knows those fitness knowledge, and it depends on who can move the members. Of course, there are many practical ways to make money by reading files, such as speculating in futures, stocks, etc., but...

On the one hand, Liu Huaxing does not want to read files long distances now, which would waste the time he spent with Yang Xiaoxiao and overwrite those happy memories; on the other hand, trading in stocks and futures is actually tantamount to gambling. The casino has been winning. If there is, there must be a problem. Others will suspect that he is "out of a thousand".

Therefore, gambling behavior is a one-time fundraising method on Liu Huaxing's side.

If he is really short of money in the future, he may go to a regular casino to make a fortune, or go to speculate in a short-term futures. This method can quickly and effectively make a large amount of money, but this method he Never use it a second time.

This kind of gambling behavior is more inclined to a way of making money for nothing. Liu Huaxing does not want this method of making money to affect his relatives and friends, making them feel that this method of getting rich overnight by luck is worth learning, because once this happens It's hard to stop thinking about it. If you don't lose a lot, you won't understand the terrible gambling, and you may never get rid of it.

"Then it's settled?" Yang Xiaoxiao's words called his thoughts back to reality, and she smiled softly: "You have to tell me when you encounter troubles, even if it is about my troubles. Because I am the most -I love you the most."

"Yes, Princess Princess." Liu Huaxing said, leaning over and kissing her little mouth.

But Yang Xiaoxiao seized this opportunity to come back, and blocked his mouth forcefully, then poked his fragrant little tongue over, and started a deep and deep kiss. The two lingered for a while, and their breathing gradually became heavier.

After a while, Yang Xiaoxiao let go, holding his face and looking at him with a smile: "You are against me..."

"No way, normal reaction." Liu Huaxing scraped her little nose and said, "I told you that I want two sleeping bags."

"I don't." Yang Xiaoxiao snorted, "Then I won't tease you, shall we sleep?"

"Well...After you reach 18 years old, I will bring you to summer camp..." Liu Huaxing said, kissing her forehead lightly.

"Will you eat me in the tent by then?" Yang Xiaoxiao couldn't help asking, Liu Huaxing thought for a while, then shook his head and smiled bitterly: "No, I think I may not be so bold, especially when there are such things around. Many people..."

"I don't care..." Yang Xiaoxiao said with a smile, "Well, good night, stars, I love you the most."

"I love you too." Liu Huaxing touched her head vigorously and said, Yang Xiaoxiao puffed up her cheeks and was a little dissatisfied: "Every time people say that they love you, they always say that they love you from the bottom of their hearts. They say that, not as one. Kind of habit and spoken language."

"Me too." Liu Huaxing squeezed the little girl's little **** and smiled. Yang Xiaoxiao was only satisfied: "That's pretty much the same."

However, I didn’t sleep well this night... The outside firelights and silhouettes kept flashing. Some people were chatting outside, and they stopped talking until late at night. The summer campers wanted to avoid the temperature from getting too low. Also keep coming out to take care of the big bonfire in the middle. And most importantly, as Liu Huaxing had worried before, the sleeping bag was too crowded...

Liu Huaxing and Yang Xiaoxiao were almost completely attached to each other. Anyone who moved a little bit would disturb each other, so both of them didn't sleep well. At midnight, the two of them each got up and went to the toilet once, because he was worried about Yang Xiaoxiao's safety and he went with them. When they got up the next morning, both of them had obvious dark circles under their eyes.

"I told you..." Liu Huaxing rubbed the dark circles of the little girl's eyes and smiled bitterly. Yang Xiaoxiao shook his head reluctantly: "I don't care, I will stick to you even if I don't sleep well..."

As he said, Yang Xiaoxiao glared at him: "The mouth says no, but when I sleep, my hands are always dishonest, fake and serious."

"This is force majeure, and it is also out of courtesy to your charm." Liu Huaxing said solemnly, "Such a beautiful girl, and my girlfriend, sleeping next to me, if I don't express it, would you not worry about me? Do you really love you?"

"A clever tongue..." Yang Xiaoxiao glared at him, then suddenly grinned, "Shall we go for breakfast? I'm hungry."

"Hungry?" Liu Huaxing hugged Yang Xiaoxiao's shoulders from behind, pushing her forward step by step, "I will fry you a toast, and then fry two poached eggs, two slices of bacon and one Root ham, another cup of hot milk?"

"Yeah! So hungry!" Yang Xiaoxiao responded happily, jumping forward in his arms, the love between the two really envied others.

I like my life to be able to read files indefinitely, please bookmark: ( My life can be read files infinitely. The literature is updated the fastest.