Manipulate-&Cut-::: As a result, I was seen through within a few seconds. “Indeed. At the moment when Avatar reappeared after Self-destruction, 6u’s strength was restored to Peak, and it appeared… as long as there is a slight intention.

You can detect the clue immediately.

If you replace it with someone else, you may not be able to recognize Su Xiaobais Life Aura.

But its too early for the Empress of the Spirit Bottle to contact Su Xiaobai

The first one to know Su Xiaobai. And he also took a ray of Su Xiaobais soul::Its not as knowing him well. But at least in the recognition of Life Aura, it cant go wrong 1

“Then what if I say no?”

“I don’t know what kind of means you have, to be able to give birth to so many and you really come to Self-destruction. Quickly repair.. You equivalent to have it An Undying and Inextinguishable Emperor Legion”

“But what I can tell you clearly is that the imperial world cannot tolerate any threats and provocations: as the defender of the imperial world, I will not easily tolerate it. Compromise can go south;

The Lingping Empress has a calm tone, but she said. In the words and words that came out, L was so fierce!

Su Xiaobai was a little bit strange. Her intention

I thought it was just a burning peripheral zone.

Xiao Jiaqiu, who tried to climb the dragon and attach the phoenix u

The facts far exceeded Tors expectations. Her predictability has skyrocketed beyond imagination, and even the means she used made her extraordinarily thorny

She knows very well. Su Bo is now presenting five appearances

, although he is still half a month in front of the appearance of a chaotic world emperor class, the actual world shaking emperor class posture. But in fact, he has reached the world shaking emperor class! The emperor will not be so battered and exhausted. With this strength, then I don’t want to grab the site, don’t fight, what do I keep? Will it be moldy for a long time~

Su Xiao & Bai’s mouth hooked.

“half a month ago, the eyes I came to you were born with eggs, and then forever cut off you and the white IL… and my causal connection”:

“but The jade pendant you just sent out. And the strength of your Avatar, I know that you dont need any benefits anymore. _” Please open the conditions! ‘

The spirit bottle empress has a firm attitude.

If this were changed before, she would definitely not have any nonsense. Directly use military force suppress and kill… Some time ago, she used military force suppress and kill to kill several emperors with rebellious intentions.

It’s just that she can’t figure out Su 4 Bai.

She doesnt know how many hands Su Xiaobai still hasnt used. I dont know how many hands Su Xiaobai has not used. For Taibai’s sake. Even if Su Xiaobai sees Bobo wildly, he will not do too much.

“Except Baier.” The emperor added another sentence to block his words

. go back.

“Actually, I want me to withdraw troops_It’s easy

“Answer me two questions.. Promise me

Su Xiaobai will drink the cup of tea drink it all Shallow said with a smile.

“””Qiantuo female emperor beautiful eyes stared at Su Xiaobai for almost Si Mi.

She wanted to watch something from Su Xiaobais expression-one but nothing I can’t see it.

“Go ahead. “

Lingping female emperor said calmly.

“Then the problem will be solved first. “

“The first question, what is Bo Vi’s full name?”

Su Xiao&bai asked.

“This is your question. ?”

: There is a touch of surprise and doubt in the beautiful eyes of the female emperor of the round bottle. I am afraid she will tell the truth, “Tantaibai. “”2 Rong

“Tantaibai:. This name is very good and poetic!”

“If I guessed correctly, you should be named Tantai, right?”

“Take your last name L and my first name… It’s really difficult to make me connect without thinking!

Su Xiaobai teased.

” Next question. “

Ling Ping Empress did not respond to Su Xiaobai’s ridicule.

“What is your good name?”

Su Xiaobai continued to ask.~ Shuer

The female emperor of the spirit bottle is frowned.

The teacup ready to be put to her mouth pauses. She glanced at Su Xiaobai. I dont know what medicine Su Xiaobai bottle gourd sells: one : The so-called two problems. Is this the same?

“It is cold and rainy in the sea and Taiwan. “

After she said this name, the Empress Lingping flashed a daze in her eyes unconsciously.

how many years. The name is cold. Except for herself_ I almost never mentioned it to anyone again… The entire Yu within the realm, Xiongyou raised her since childhood

Red Lion Great L, knows Nens real name.

Everyone only knows her emperor spirit bottle. With a spirit bottle Emperor Artifact suppress and kill everything-cut _ even once repelled half of the ancestral emperor class-but few people know her real name. It is the order of Tantai Rain.

The Red Lion is pro-Ae

Tantaibai is also a relative.

To count, Su Xiaobai is the first non-kind person. The male A who knows her real real name! ‘1.5 times Taijin-. This name is also very good. Come on

Su Xiaobai nodded, there is a color of appreciation in his eyes.

“Two The question is over, tell me your conditions

. Then fulfill your promise!

Ling Ping Empress talks about Mo Dao e impression L her birth’Pure release is your wishful thinking And I was kept in the dark from beginning to end. At the end, I slowly walked from the vast realm. Explored and walked here, and saw her first. “

“But I have to admit that, the first day I had written off all the grievances between you and me.” 902 Palace