No one has to act blindly without thinking.

Dont look at the vast realm here, there are nine 9th layer chaotic emperors, as well as Dragon Valleys half-step shocking emperor level, the lineup is exceptionally strong: but under the suppression of Heavenly Dao, they are all completely eliminated. -A level, and whether it is Heaven and Earth Law. The power of Grand Dao has all been weakened to varying degrees. ;

“Heavenly Master. Are you sure it is them?”

“They are not immortal beings!”

The leader of the first army asked through jade talisman, and It is the Emperor Longaxe and the others of the vast realm! ‘

“Not a life in the longevity domain?”

Far away in the Heavenly Master’s face

They all appeared at the same time a single thought two The one selected may not be the life of the immortal realm, but the creatures of the vast realm!

“Can there be any existence below the emperor level

asked the Great Heavenly Master.

“There is a Quasi-Emperor Level L,”


The military leader replied e

“It’s him!”

“Catch him back!”

The Great Heavenly Master gave the order immediately.

The order was issued over there.

Changshengwei no longer hesitates here. Do it directly

“Position, use your full strength, and fight quickly. You must not wait until their follow-up reinforcements arrive! ‘

The Great Dragon Axe-the sound of a violent cry slashed out L

The stars faded. The void is torn!

All the emperors are all thunderbolt shot!

Changsheng, Wei and the others are not to be outdone. They all put out their full strength.

: But the target they are aiming at is not Dragon Axe and the others, but at the back, the quasi-emperor-level silhouette wearing a white mask |

“Shake 1!’

Emperor-level wars are triggered immediately

Just then.

The shadow moves.

Its body Xing-flash, appeared directly outside the central communication between the two armies.

Just when everyone hadnt reacted, the shadow slashed out with a slash.” The power of horror suddenly turned into a heavenly blade light. . All the longevity guards, together with their subordinates, were directly drowned with the force of pushing and decayed.”

There was no scream.

There was no resistance.

No escape.

There is no panic..

There is only a dead silence!

“This.” Looking at the back of Su Xiaobai’s shadow, his eyes are almost falling out. “Lefan 1_” The fastest on the whole network to view the latest chapters. Any search quotes can go directly to the home page of this site. You can also enter the end of the title and add the fan novel QQ exchange group: 1026577213

305 Zhang is not low-key, it’s a showdown! [2 More seeking automatic subscription!

The fastest on the whole network to view the latest chapters and enter the novel QQ exchange group: 1026577213

What did I just see?

Is what I saw is real? ?

Are you really dreaming? I

All the emperors felt a chill from the bottom of their hearts, and their faces were filled with horror, and their eyes were filled with horror and disbelief:-

A quasi-emperor class.

He even killed a Longevity Guard Legion with a single blow

Know that this Longevity Guard Legion is not a good crop.

Even if all of them are together, I have to spend it

-Fan Kung Fu can be done: After all, it is the opponent’s home court now. Their realm strength has been suppressed, and they can’t display the day of full stoppage. They can exert all their strength and cannot be as crisp as Su Xiaobai and annihilate everyone”

that many troubled times.

It is still the existence of cream of the crop in the longevity domain

How can it be possible without a life-saving method?

But when Su Xiaobai shot, he let the other party No method was available in time. They all lost their lives, and they are dead.

Even they can feel that if they are replaced by such an attack themselves, it is estimated that the end will not be better than those of the longevity guard

Where to go!

“He-.. Isn’t his true “Five Forces Earth” true strength in a troubled world?”

“How can he be so strong?!

The Mitu Taidi swallowed hard and spoke with difficulty.

But I have not waited for an answer.


Ge Ranjian, suddenly the red light on the shadow body is generous, like a vast ocean of terrifying karma rolls up violently