Others heard about it, and immediately turned their attention to the six-faith emperor:::as the way of the great secret The existence of Emperor Cheng L Six Fa Emperor’s causal deduction skills are undoubtedly powerful.

But they don’t need to say at all, the six emperors also deduced the place where the six emperor-level cultivation techniques were located when they got the news.

After a while, the Emperor of the Six Laws suddenly raised his head with three eyes staring at the gap!

“Should not…:”

Everyone had a hunch in their hearts.

“Six emperor-level cultivation technique :: right in the Azure Emperor universe!.”_collect, recommend, share!_(xi!_support” )Original works, enjoy the joy of reading” The fastest to view the latest chapters. Any search engine search can directly reach the fan fiction QQ exchange group: 1026577213

200th 88 Chapter Banzu Difa! [2 More seeking automatic subscription!

I have posted an update on the whole network, the fastest to view the latest chapters, any mention index|The whole search can be directly reached to the first member of this site. You can also enter the title of the book and the Wenren novel 99 exchange group 102657Level 28. In the gaped eyes. All are fiery, jealous, and cruel—but the most is still eager!

There are hundreds of emperors level existence in the entire vast domain.

But if you dont count the nine emperor-level cultivation techniques on Su Xiaobai. The entire vast domain is only 43.

How to distribute 43 parts to hundreds of emperors level existence 3

If each part is made public.. Maybe everyone

can accept it.- –But there are many emperors. Even if you die, you dont want to expose your emperor-level cultivation technique”

There was once a Taidi who tried to expose the two imperial-level cultivation techniques he possessed in order to resist the immortal realm.

In the end, this Taidi died under his emperor-level cultivation technique…his Sumina Ring. Even the ethnic forces in the emperor universe have been destroyed and robbed!

Since then, no one is willing to disclose the emperor cultivation technique.

So. Many emperors successfully become empresses

still still use the fairy-level cultivation technique.. At all, they dont even have an emperor-level cultivation technique.-

. There are currently six. Unable to get all together-together. And just in front of me

“Riqi Taidi, what are you doing 3

A Taidi roars.

I only saw the original gap. However, there have been hundreds of additional prohibitions on the main roads, such as the closure, suppression, and binding. Formation L

and these prohibitions are all 857_From the sky above the face is bigger than the whole world. The hand of the emperor!

But the roar of the emperor just yelled out

Immediately there were thousands of prohibited Formations appeared

Countless ways Formation rays of light, shrouded the earth. Millions and millions li

are completely banned, even if Taidi comes in, it will only be besieged to death!

“Azure The Emperor was originally my respected Senior, the treasure he left behind. How can I ignore it?”

“Yes! Six emperor-level cultivation techniques. Those Heaven’s Chosen emperors can be divided into one or two. But the rest. It should be taken care of by us.” Otherwise, let the enemy take it away. Isnt it laughable and generous? Its deep enough. There is an emperor-level inheritance for them. It has been regarded as a gift from the heavens: two “As for the emperor-level cultivation technique. It is reasonable to stay.”

In the presence of the emperor, more than half of the emperors are now taking action to block the gap.

From his serene words

When 1. It can be heard that they are very coveted for the imperial-level cultivation technique

In their opinion. The six imperial-level cultivation techniques should have been acquired by the emperors of Heaven’s Chosen

: Although they dont know how these Heaven’s Chosen emperors mastered the emperor-level cultivation technique. But they wont have any tolerance for it!

Six emperor-level cultivation techniques ah go up

Get two at random. For them, both are incomparable great benefits-if they can get several at one go, you can imagine how much their strength can be increased.” In this realm, continue to breakthrough. There is even a chance to reach the level of the astounding emperor!

Those great emperors who have never done anything before. The face is not pretty.

Among them is Taidi Wuya.

Blood-stained Satian is the one of this generation who has the best chance of getting the Imperial Army. .

Maybe among the six imperial cultivation techniques just now, there are one or two of Blood Soaking The Heavens.

Now all the big Imperial Capitals have made it clear that they want to fight for the imperial cultivation technique *:;This lineup, even if it is him, may not dare to act blindly without thinking. Mouth, it will inevitably be counted. Thousands of array restrictions are trapped. unable to move even a little bit !

If you want to save your life, you must surrender the emperor-level cultivation technique!

“These bastards!”

Taidi Wuya’s face was so gloomy that water could drip out.

Even Blood Soaking The Heavens got Azure Emperor inheritance. And it really proves in situ, it is directly… it is still not the opponent of these great emperors

In this case, except for recognition. There is no other way!,

Azure Emperor universe.

Su Xiaobai put away all his breath imposing manner.

“Its time to synthesize the cultivation technique above the imperial level.

Su Xiao&White eyes are hot.

The six imperial level cultivation techniques are for him. The benefits he has brought have made him break through countless people yearn for something even in dreams, chasing the Taidi shackles that are difficult to reach for millions and millions of years. Successfully break the law and have it (bdhg) Comparable to the strength of the Emperor-level in troubled times”

If it is to cultivation a stronger cultivation technique than the Emperor-level. What a scene that would be 3

“system synthesis!’

Su Xiaobai decisively ordered.

“Host. The item you are about to close is detected. The required energy is extremely huge, and the synthetic success rate is only 80%. Once the synthesis fails, all materials will not be scrapped _ but it will not be possible to re-synthesize, whether to continue.

System hint.

“success rate is only 80%2”