when! when! when!

The human team reacted, and the backhand was to fight with the steel spear giant spider.

I saw that it seemed to be a single steel spear giant spider, actively surrounded by the team, and the long sword, machete, and bayonet hit the steel spear giant spider's body one after another.

However, in the same realm, the eight-legged steel spear encapsulates the body directly, turning it into a layer of protective armor, and a little injury is completely unaffected.

Then, taking advantage of the gap between the attacks, the figure burst out, and the eight-legged steel spear and two fangs stabbed at the human team members.

The team members next to him wanted to rescue him, but they were immediately attacked by other giant spiders around him.

In the blink of an eye, the human team was divided, and one person had to face several giant steel spear spiders of the same realm.

at the same time.

At the martial artist level, the steel spear giant spider possessing inner strength and mastering the shape changes of inner strength is even more terrifying to exert its lethality.

In the gap between the eight-legged steel spear's attack, the poisonous internal energy can also be sprayed from the fangs, and the green mist spreads out, making the apprentice-level human beings melted when they touch it.

Human powerhouses of the same realm, one-on-one with the eight-legged steel spear that resists the inner strength blessing, are already in danger, and they can't take care of the other members of the team at all.

The martial arts powerhouse on the human side can only hold back the anger and drag the steel spear giant spider.

But soon, more steel spear giant spiders of the same realm participated in the encirclement and suppression, from one-to-one to one-to-many.

The battle only broke out for a few minutes, and many human teams were annihilated in large numbers, and the road to break through seemed impossible.

"Beast, court death!"

Suddenly there was a screeching sound.

The sound was like rolling thunder, instantly making all the giant steel spear spiders seem to have pressed the pause button.

On the human side, the peak level strength support of the warrior realm arrived.

The person who came was a city guard who was temporarily transferred from the big southern city by the three giants of Jiangnan City after receiving the news of the war between the masked man and the Spider Emperor.

Unfortunately, I didn't expect the Spider Emperor to be so vulnerable, and it was a little late.


Without the Spider Emperor, the steel spear giant spiders naturally did not dare to be enemies of this level of power, and they dug up the soil and dived into the ground one after another.

The spider sea that spread over ten kilometers disappeared in the blink of an eye.

These steel spear spiders were originally designed to escape, and the military positions of human beings were only attacked when they happened to be blocked on their escape routes.

The human side also miscalculated the number of steel spear giant spiders in the cave, and more than half of them were killed in just a few minutes. If it was a few minutes later, no one would be able to survive in the spider sea.

Soon, the news of the heavy losses on the human side came back.

In total, more than 10,000 people were killed and countless military supplies were destroyed, which shocked the Big Three in Jiangnan City.

However, the problem of the burrow is far from over.

Losing the food source of the other world opposite the space passage, the steel spear giant spiders will naturally not regroup, but spread to the entire southern city.

In the sky, due to the high cost of fighter planes, humans are at a comprehensive disadvantage in confronting flying creatures, while underground, humans have never conquered.

The steel spear giant spider, which can sneak underground, is about to start a war that sweeps the southern cities of Jiangnan Province under the need of food.


Chen Yiming and Ye Yisha who stepped into the crack of space.

With a burst of space transformation.

The next moment, after the feeling of being down-to-earth came, the body was invisibly carried ten times the weight.

Chen Yiming just felt slightly uncomfortable, his strong body easily resisted the pressure, while Ye Yisha next to him fell to the ground when his lower limbs softened.

In other worlds and Blue Stars, the gravitational force of creatures is completely different, about ten times.

Here, the apprentice state is no different from the ordinary people on the Blue Star. It is at the bottom of the food chain and is the food for all powerful creatures.

The first time he set foot on the land of another world, Chen Yiming instantly tightened his nerves to deal with possible attacks in all directions.

As far as the eye can see, is a forest formed by towering trees, and these trees in different worlds are more than 100 meters away.

There is a pile of rocks around, and rocks more than ten or twenty meters high are everywhere, completely covering the cracks in the space.

Through the gap between the trees, you can vaguely see a lake a few miles away, but the lake is so large that you can hardly see the edge.

If there was a mountain of unknown height on the opposite bank as a reference, Chen Yiming would mistake it for the sea.

In the distant sky, a few flying creatures were circling, because Chen Yiming couldn't judge the specific size because the distance was too far.

After confirming that there was no ambush, Chen Yiming had time to check Ye Yisha's situation.

"it hurts!"

Ye Yisha was pulled up by Chen Yiming's hand. After she patted her dusty buttocks, she suddenly gritted her teeth.

With a rhythmic tremor, Chen Yiming just glanced at it, and then withdrew his gaze.

"It looks like the muscle below is strained."

Ye Yisha blushed and whispered.

The apprentice realm is only barely able to resist ten times the gravity, the extra load it brings to the body, and this requires a process.

And she moved too much just now, directly straining her hip muscles.

"Apply some special dew from the sea of ​​​​flowers to try the effect."

Chen Yiming has the talent of level 2 indestructible body, and has never considered the problem of injury, so he casually gave a suggestion.

"It's warm and effective."

Soon, Ye Yisha, whose buttocks were wet, twisted her body to face Chen Yiming, so that no one could see her embarrassment.

Chen Yiming is naturally not so boring, and his attention is completely on his own changes.

After a while, he found that the speed of accumulating skill points increased exponentially, from about 100 points per month on Blue Star to about 300 to 500 points per month.

How much it can increase needs to be tested in person, and only a rough estimate can be drawn at present.

This means that the effect of martial arts training in another world is also multiplied, because the increase in skill points comes from his accumulated practice.

In other words, as long as he practiced in another world for a month, he could accumulate more skill points than the level 3 swordsmanship talent needed.

"Try to hear what can hear."

Chen Yiming asked.

Ye Yisha knew that the other party had her own purpose, so she quickly put away her shame and cautiously entered the listening state.

She is also curious about whether her special abilities are different in another world and on Blue Star.

As her elf-like long ears continued to shake, the vibrations that ordinary people could not understand were received by both ears and converted into information that Ye Yisha could understand.

This time, the listening state lasted for about a minute, much longer than normal.

"I can only hear the vibration of about ten kilometers, and it will be disturbed by unknown forces if it is further away."

Ye Yisha took a deep breath before hesitatingly whispered.

She could hear abnormal vibrations hundreds of kilometers away on the blue star, but in another world, the distance was greatly shortened, and it instantly became a tasteless ability.

After Chen Yiming heard it, he was a little disappointed.

However, it is understandable that he felt the difference between heaven and earth in a different world, which was different from the activity of Blue Star, and at the same time it was accompanied by a kind of suppression.

For example, it is more difficult to mobilize the internal energy than on the Blue Star, but this extra load in turn makes the body tempering effect better.

In addition, the power of the inner strength was also suppressed. Although Chen Yiming had not tested it himself, he could still feel that the killing range was reduced by at least ten times under the same realm.

Thinking about human technology weapons, which are completely unusable in another world, it can be seen that the rules of another world must be different from those of Blue Star.

And Ye Yisha is only in the apprentice state, and it is not surprising that her special abilities are suppressed.

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