~: One hundred and ninety-two memorial service


Chen Yiming nodded.

The owner of Vientiane Gate, Ye Jianyuan, went to a stronghold in another world, which meant that Vientiane Gate suddenly lost its biggest backer, even the entire provincial-level faction in Jiangnan Province.

In this way, the deterrent power of Vientiane Gate will naturally be greatly reduced in the short term. Outside Jiangnan Province, it is necessary to form a group to protect oneself to prevent someone from making a bad move.

Zhou Xuesheng explained to Chen Yiming what he wanted to warn, and arranged for them to wait in place. After that, with a dignified face, he went to discuss with the other two heads of the Vientiane Gate.

When Zhou Xuesheng left, Su Mo'er took the initiative and said, "Junior brother, I really didn't expect to meet you here."

It has been two days since the Kirishima accident, but she can still see the pale traces on her face, and it is obvious that her heart is still not completely calm.

A few real male disciples who didn't know their names next to him looked a little displeased and looked at Chen Yiming.

Although they were from different inner courtyards, they were clearly one level higher than Chen Yiming. They had already known from Zhou Xuesheng that the inner disciple in front of them would come to join them.

The team of Zhou Xuesheng's belt already has a Su Mo'er with a relatively oily bottle attribute, but Su Mo'er should be raised and raised, and her bones are naturally charming, and everyone subconsciously ignores her shortcomings in combat power.

And Chen Yiming, an inner disciple, was unknown to everyone, so he subconsciously labelled him a fuel bottle.

One team, two fuel bottles, all of a sudden highlighted Chen Yiming.

Chen Yiming was too lazy to pay attention to it, and replied: "I just took over a mission from Donghai Province, but I didn't expect to be summoned all of a sudden."

Su Mo'er pursed her lips and whispered: "Junior brother, you are so courageous, if I were to stay quietly in the mountain gate."

Chen Yiming raised his brows and said indifferently: "I heard that this time, Kirishima and his party, but several major sect masters died, senior sister, you dare to participate, junior brother sincerely admires."

Su Mo'er blushed, and quickly explained: "What's the matter, Kirishima used to be no big danger. I also tried the last chance to grasp the chance of changing the shape of the internal force, so I begged the head of the hospital to take me..."

When it came to the end, she looked regretful and sighed: "Unfortunately, the valley with the most willow hearts was swallowed up by one person. We were busy all the way and didn't catch anything."

Chen Yiming was a little embarrassed to hear this, and did not continue to tease Su Mo'er.

The willow heart of the entire valley, including Lingquan, was sucked dry by him alone, and in the end even the roots of the willow tree were broken by him and Lu Zhenshan.

Even if the Willow King did not break through the martial arts realm, the valley would not be able to recover after three years.

The willow heart that many people miss, if you miss this opportunity, it means losing forever.

Su Mo'er's face was full of disappointment, and she seemed unable to stop when she opened the clip, and continued: "Junior brother, you helped me design the plan, I have discussed it with the head of the hospital. It's a big deal, so you need to think about it carefully."

snort! Woman, you know what you're missing.

Chen Yiming nodded and said solemnly: "It's not a bad thing to be conservative, that's what I said."

Chen Yiming, who has mastered two complete artistic conception diagram exercises, already has a clearer understanding of the integration of internal energy, not to mention that it is just a simple combination of two types of internal energy.

But on the bright side, he is just a small inner court disciple, and it is normal for others to have low confidence in him.

If you believe in Chen Yiming, you will have it. If you don't believe it, you will pull it down. Unfortunately, it is not Chen Yiming.

Hearing this, Su Mo'er became even more discouraged.

Chen Yiming, who designed the plan, said so, how could she dare to joke about her future, and she was originally a relatively timid person.

He does not mean that.

There was a real male disciple next to him, and the look in Chen Yiming's eyes changed from displeasure to hostility.

A small inner court disciple is so arrogant, he can point others at will after he has learned a little.

You must know that the problems that Su Mo'er faces are not ordinary problems.

Chen Yiming completely ignored these gazes.

Who is the frog at the bottom of the well will be revealed soon.

Thirty years of Hedong and thirty years of Hexi, don't ask your grandfather to tell your grandmother, and come here to ask for guidance.


Sad music played.

The emcee in charge of hosting came to the stage and announced the official start of the memorial service.

The atmosphere of the whole venue suddenly became depressed, and many people involuntarily replaced themselves with those who died, and the next death may be themselves.

Zhou Xuesheng reappeared, and led the disciples of Vientiane Gate to the back, lined up and waited in batches to mourn.

First were the top officials of the Donghai Provincial Government, the top military, and then the representatives of many martial arts forces, including Chen Yiming and others who followed Zhou Xuesheng.

There are special photographers next to them to record these scenes one by one.

Soon it was Chen Yiming's turn.

Following the flow of people, a group of people came to the pictures.

The photos are grouped into two categories, with five in the top row and dozens more below.

The photos above are of the fallen masters of the great faction, and most of the people below are those who were affected by the aftermath of the fight between Chen Yiming and Lu Zhenshan.

Seeking wealth and danger, these people came to look for Willow Heart under the eyes of the two warriors at the peak level when the vast majority of people evacuated ahead of schedule.

Once you can't escape the shards of internal energy, it is the end of death.

"Jiangnan Province actually lost two major sect masters at one time."

Chen Yiming sighed inwardly.

He saw the brief text introduction under the photo, and knew that Wei Tianlong, the master of Jiyangmen, was also on the death list, and the other three masters of the great sect were from Donghai Province, Minzhou Province, and Guangdong Province.

Suddenly, the two great sect masters fell unexpectedly, and the long-term station plan in the different world was still implemented as originally planned.

In turn, this also represents the overall level of martial arts in Jiangnan Province, which is not on the same level as most provinces. It is located in all provinces in Daxia, the first echelon level, and only a few provinces are stronger than Jiangnan Province.

Soon, Chen Yiming and his party returned to the stage.

"Our Jiangnan Province is too unfortunate. Many other provinces along the coast have not lost a major sect master."

Su Moer pouted and whispered.

As a member of Jiangnan Province, she has an indescribable discomfort.

Probably the sadness of the death of a rabbit and a fox is to describe such a feeling.

Chen Yiming glanced at it and whispered: "It's not entirely a bad thing, at least not for us."

As a disciple of Vientiane Sect, if you can't find a way to integrate internal energy from your own family, the Kunshan faction, the hostile faction, will have no problem.

Maybe, at this time, those things are completely hot potatoes for the Kunshan faction. He took over as a masked man, and he can absolutely avoid the scrutiny of other forces.

The strength of the Kunshan faction is not enough. Retiring from the status of the major faction at the provincial level, at least in terms of scale, it is not comparable to the forces at the lower level. Self-protection should be no problem.

Zhou Xuesheng glared at Chen Yiming and motioned him not to talk nonsense.