To do the other way, to give back to the other.

Jiang Silin suddenly thought of the word.

But it's not over.

"Hiss "Hiss..."

A burst of screen sound, James and Jack's iPad, a series of English.

"Hi, James, Jack, you are limited to three days to return to country m to surrender, otherwise, your personal information and what you have done will be disclosed!"

"The Internet is not where you do what you want. In the future, it is not allowed to assist the tyrants. "

James and Jack, another look at each other, can see fear from each other's eyes.

In less than 20 minutes, the other party cracked the extortion virus they had carefully developed, and in turn, they were hacked, and they were thoroughly investigated.

Such means are really unheard of and never seen before.

They also thought that there would be more powerful hackers who could write anti-virus programs, so they set a time limit of half an hour.

Even experts, but also to time, they need to study the virus, in order to write targeted anti-virus level.

James and Jack never dreamt that how could someone's hacking technology be powerful enough to do so.

It should be noted that in the dark league's hacker ranking, they are all top 50 experts.

In the face of such a strong and unchangeable opponent, their hearts can not even afford a trace of resistance.

High mountains!


In the Dark Alliance, there was a lot of quarrel and argument.

Hackers break through a company and extort money from time to time.

Some time ago, a hacker broke through the firewall of an entertainment company in M and stole the full version of an international blockbuster. He wanted to extort money at the beginning of its release. The news was still boiling.

Therefore, we did not show too much enthusiasm for Yueran technology being blackmailed.

However, a few minutes later, someone posted a post in the secret League, with the title "Huaxia Jiangzhou Yueran technology blackmail virus anti-virus program".

In the afternoon of China, it happened to be the night of M country.

Robert, one of the administrators of the Dark Alliance, is preparing to turn off the computer and go to bed. Before going to bed, he saw this post.

He didn't know what was going on, but when he thought of this kind of post, it was mostly a fishing post. Otherwise, he would not dare to go up to the large size of wool thread and even put on a small one?

Thinking of the recent forum some calm, deliberately put this post to the top, and also the first comment: "garbage, coward, there is a big seed. Strongly despises such behavior. "

Then I went to bed.

Other hackers of the secret alliance, seeing the top post, had almost the same reaction as Robert, and even didn't bother to download the program to see it, they began to scold them below.

However, some people have studied the anti-virus program code.

Joseph: "I have a look, this code is written very well, who has the extortion virus of Yueran technology?"

Joseph was the 28th best player in the dark League. He spoke, and others began to look at him.

Immediately, we also learned that the extortion virus of Yueran technology in Jiangzhou was less than 20 minutes.

Even before long, there was an ID called "jiongjisheng" who replied.

"Lying trough, cattle forced, this anti-virus program is really useful. The blackmail virus from Yueran Institute of technology is attached

With this "brilliant" blackmail virus program, and then look back to see the ID number "Diao" sent the anti-virus program.

Joseph replied: "shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

378 floor reply: "this blackmail virus program, is really too strong, the general firewall, can not prevent ah. Those who can write such programs are not weak. But if you want to write an anti-virus program in half an hour, oh, no, it's only ten minutes. Even K1 can't do it? "

379: "what is said upstairs is very true. This, can't it be that Diao directed and acted on purpose? Maybe they want to be famous and make a big splash. "

"I don't think so. Maybe there is a new genius in the hacker world

In the hacker world, talent is very important.

Although now there is a certain ranking, but no one knows, suddenly when, there will be an earth shaking genius.

Because of this, the secret alliance forum has formed two views. One is that this is self directing and self acting.

Another thinks that it can't be self directing and self acting. This is a talented new man, or the trumpet of the top ten. Because of the two codes, the style is completely different. The latter is more rigorous. And can stand up to scrutiny.

The more controversial it is, the faster things will ferment.Before long, the secret alliance ID number "Diao" became famous in the first World War.

As for the identity of "Diao", more people tend to think that this is Chinese, because the post uses Chinese language, and the virus is a technology company in Jiangzhou, Huaxia.

However, the people of H believe that "Diao" is a native of H, and they have given many unnecessary examples.

There are also a small group of people who think that "Diao" is from m or y. only m and y can have this strength.

The saddest thing is that Robert, who was already asleep, was woken up by a phone call. After knowing this, he wanted to cry without tears.

Because in the post, many people called him a dog.

After all, in the hacker world, the strong are respected, and we are convinced of the strong.

This "Diao", no matter how it is, is also a real master. Even if you want to win a place, you should have some strength and respect.

Robert is so insulting that he should be scolded.

In the secret alliance, the speculation was extremely fierce. Before long, many powerful figures also came forward, saying that they were not "Diao", and also said that the anti-virus program of "Diao" was really well written. If it was really written in 20 minutes, then he could not do it.

These big gods reply, let this matter more fiery.

Of course, all these things have nothing to do with Yin Dajing. He just found out that when he went out to carry things for Peng Xijuan, Yueran technology had such a big problem, so he dropped his anti-virus program on the secret alliance forum.

After that, see Xiaoguang found the program and download, did not log in to the dark League Forum to see.

Naturally, I don't know that I have become a big red man of the Dark Alliance, and I don't know that I may become the people of H, m and y.

Yin Dajing was a little transparent in the company, so that everyone didn't notice that his computer didn't go wrong. , the fastest update of the webnovel!