Chapter 94:

"No. 1 Hagane Kotetsu versus No. 2 Kamizuki Izumo," Makoto announced the names of the students in the first battle.

When Izumo and Kotetsu heard that they would face each other in the first round, they couldn't help but secretly sigh. It seemed that fate had no taste, pitting the two brothers against each other in the opening round.

"Kotetsu, I thought today was the day for you and me to become famous." Kamizuki Izumo lamented.

He hadn't anticipated that he and Kotetsu would be so unlucky as to face off in the first match.

"Yes," Kotetsu nodded, wearing a melancholic expression.

If they hadn't been paired up, they might have had the chance for a dramatic showdown, using their perfected technique of confusing the enemy.

"Izumo, the perfected technique of confusing the enemy is forbidden. If you and I are battling as brothers, we should not use this technique," Kotetsu suggested.

After some thought, Kamizuki Izumo smiled and agreed, "That's a good idea."

Ignoring Anko, who was itching to understand what the hell is going on, the two made their way to the battlefield to prepare for their match.

"The battle begins!" Makoto declared when they were ready.

At Makoto's command, both of them swiftly closed the distance and engaged in close combat. They were evenly matched, sharing similar skills and having been trained by the same teacher. For minutes, they sparred with no clear winner.

"It's almost time," Kotetsu thought.

'Though we're brothers, the ninja world is merciless. I'll carry on your will and secure the victory,' Kotetsu resolved, preparing to employ the enemy-confusion technique.

'Kotetsu, I'm sorry, but this is my Ninja Way!' Izumo thought with a smile as he began forming hand seals. He was about to use the enemy-confusion technique.

Just kidding. How could he not use the ninjutsu he had worked so hard to master? Promising Kotetsu was just a ruse.

"Konoha's foul language!" Kotetsu instantly discarded the guilt in his heart. Izumo turned out to be even more deceptive than he had anticipated.

As Izumo completed his seals, four alluring clone sisters appeared on the field, dressed in stylish attire and exuding some of Izumo's charm.

Even though Kotetsu had seen this ninjutsu many times before, he still unconsciously slowed down as he completed his seals, his eyes drawn to the majestic mountains in the distance.

Not only did Kotetsu watch with fascination, but many spectators were also captivated by the clones' allure and the sight of those grand mountains.

Makoto was momentarily dumbfounded, wondering if this was Naruto's seduction technique, or why else was it revealed so early? The forbidden technique caught everyone off guard.

Izumo took advantage of Kotetsu's momentarily distracted state and swiftly kicked him down.

Kotetsu, jolted back to awareness by the attack, couldn't help but think that this ninjutsu was truly frightening, even someone as strong-willed as he had fallen for it.

A recovered Kotetsu quickly distanced himself, formed hand seals, and released his own ninjutsu while evading.

"Be careful with his speed, he is very fast," Raid reminded her.

The reason he lost that time was that he had underestimated Shisui's speed.

Kurenai nodded, calmed down, and walked toward the open space, her eyes determined.

She already knows how to deal with this Uchiha.

"The battle begins!"

Kurenai wasted no time.

"Demonic Illusion: Flower Mist"

A swirling, mesmerizing mist filled the battlefield, shrouding her movements and disorienting Shisui. The world around him transformed into a surreal dreamscape.

In the blink of an eye, Shisui found himself entrapped within a massive, ornate flower bud. Kurenai's eyes sparkled with determination as she detonated the bud in a spectacular flowery explosion, scattering petals in every direction.


Kurenai reached for her kunai, ready to strike her seemingly immobilized opponent. However, her victory celebration was short-lived as she was suddenly struck on the back of the head.


A substitution log appeared, but, it wasn't just a substitution. On the log were several explosion tags.


The arena shook with the force of the explosions, and the crowd gasped in amazement.

Still, undeterred, Kurenai, with a hint of a victorious smile, muttered to herself, "I won."

"Uchiha Shisui wins." Makoto, declared the result of the battle, looking at the momentarily dull Kurenai.

Kurenai, startled by the announcement, woke up, and as she turned around, her eyes met Shisui's. He stood behind her, a kunai pressed against her throat. The shock and realization that she had been caught in his Genjutsu overwhelmed her.

"As expected. She was already under his Genjutsu." Genma leaning against a wall, a toothpick in his mouth, exuding an air of nonchalance that suggested he knew all along.

"Just when did he..." Dazed Kurenai kept replaying what happened while scratching her head.

"It's okay. Raid lost to him, too. This guy is too talented," Asuma comforted her in time.

The man lying next to him, wielding a kunai, glared at Asuma, seemingly displeased.

"No. 17 Uchiha Obito vs. No. 18 Might Gai."