Chapter 51: Makoto’s Shortcoming Is That He Is Too Nice

Chapter 51: Makoto’s Shortcoming Is That He Is Too Nice

Makoto decided to use a lottery to determine the combatants and then critiqued them after the battles.

"The transformation jutsu was timed poorly and didn't serve its purpose."

"Your taijutsu is lacking, and your punching speed is slower than a snail."

"How on earth can you confuse your enemy with a clone like that?" Makoto's comments were brutally honest.

Makoto was merciless in his feedback, but it was all constructive criticism. The students who received his comments felt a pang of shame and lowered their heads.

"I know that you've done well in your monthly exams, both in theory and practice, but don't let that make you complacent in your training. My words may seem harsh, but it's for your own good. Both taijutsu and ninjutsu are crucial. Neglecting your physical training now will lead to regrets in future battles." Makoto sighed.

Anko chimed in, "I've been working hard on taijutsu, but our taijutsu teacher doesn't explain things as well as you do. It's not our fault!"

Kotetsu added, "Yeah, I'm studying diligently too, but our taijutsu teacher's lessons are just confusing."

Initially, Kotetsu felt Makoto was too strict, but after Makoto's apology, he realized he had been too quick to judge. Makoto genuinely cared about their progress.

Other students in Class 1 joined in. "Teacher Makoto, can you do us all a solid and replace the Taijutsu teacher? Seriously, it's like watching a sloth teach a dance class, and we're not talking about a graceful sloth here," one student implored, eliciting snickers from the group.

"Absolutely! I mean, come on, all he does is basically order us to run around like headless chickens on a caffeine binge. Who can't do that?" another chimed in, waving their arms around dramatically for added effect.

"Teacher Makoto, it's not his attitude; it's his teaching that's slipperier than a ninja trying to ice skate uphill," Kamizuki Izumo quipped, earning uproarious laughter from the group.

"Exactly! When it comes to Ninjutsu, we're the talk of the town, but Taijutsu? Let's just say we're not winning any ninja dance-offs anytime soon," added another student, mimicking awkward Taijutsu moves that had everyone in stitches.

Deep beneath the earth, the old and dying Uchiha Madara remained oblivious to the conversation at the academy. But suddenly, an inexplicable feeling washed over him. Without warning, he found himself tapping his foot, then another, and before he knew it, he was shimmying and swaying like an elderly ninja at a wild dance party. White Zetsu, his goofy companion, watched in astonishment.

"Let's tell him he'd be a perfect ninja scarecrow he can stand in the field and make crows fall asleep!" a student suggested, furthering the laughter.

"Isn't that a tad extreme? Teacher Makoto won't stand for it, will he?"

"No way!" Kotetsu interjected. "This is all for Teacher Makoto's benefit. We're like the stars of his teaching career! The better we shine, the brighter he glows!"

With their mission to deal with the Taijutsu teacher underway, they began to brainstorm their next steps. Kamizuki Izumo, the brains behind the operation, revealed his cunning plan.

"In a little over a month, we'll give it our all in Ninjutsu, but we'll be just average in Taijutsu during the combat test. We'll make sure the school knows our Taijutsu teacher sucks at teaching!" Izumo mocked, causing the group to burst into laughter.

"But," he emphasized with a serious tone, "our overall results must still shine. That's the only way we'll grab the school's attention!"

Kotetsu draped his arm around Kamizuki Izumo's shoulders, his face beaming with approval. "Izumo, it's you! You've got this!"

With a resounding chorus of agreement, the class decided to redouble their efforts, aiming to excel in Ninjutsu, secure impressive grades in the final exam, and ultimately find a new Taijutsu teacher.


After lunch, Makoto didn't return to his office but instead headed to the neighboring office where Tanaka Tanigawa could be found.

"Teacher Hosakawa," as soon as Makoto stepped into the office, a chorus of greetings from the teachers filled the air.

Makoto responded with a warm smile, and then approached Tanaka Tanigawa. He beckoned Tanaka Tanigawa away, under the pretense of needing a private word, leading him to a secluded spot.

"Teacher Tanigawa, I'm sorry," Makoto apologized sincerely to Tanaka Tanigawa.

"Hosakawa-sensei, what on earth happened? Why are we here all of a sudden?" Tanaka Tanigawa looked utterly bewildered, his confusion palpable in the air.