Chapter 165

Name:I Buried Love In Youth Author:xia mo
"No, I can't take this." Xu Muyun returns the pendant to Ye Lan. She thinks the meaning of this thing is too heavy. She can't afford it.

Ye Lan sent the pendant back with a smile: "take it. Only you and Han Rui can make its existence meaningful. How about exchanging it for an answer? Why do you pretend to be amnesia

Xu Muyun holds the pendant in her hand and thinks it weighs a thousand pounds. Should she take this special blessing. If they take it, it means they have to shake hands and make peace. She didn't know whether she could give up the grudge.

Ye Lan looks at her hesitation. He closed her palm with his hand: "take it, and exchange it with that answer."

Xu Muyun had a smile of embarrassment: "in fact, I really lost my memory. I've always been like that a few days ago, and Han Rui didn't hide the past from me, but I lost my memory, and what I said to him was just passing by. Not too much emotion. Even when Yang ziye betrayed me ten years ago, I don't care much. "

Just one morning, in the confusion, some memory fragments flashed through my mind, and then these fragments became more and more clear. I think of everything. I remember we had a fight before I went into a coma. I had a divorce, but then I got pregnant. We didn't divorce for that reason. "

"In those days, I thought about what happened before I went to discuss with Han Rui. I even have to fight with him to vent my dissatisfaction. But one night, I found Han Rui writing something in his study. It looks like a diary. I'm curious about what it says. The next morning, while he was at work, I secretly read the diary above, which recorded every bit since we met, including the suffering in his heart when I was sleeping. At that moment, I understood that he really loved me and spoiled me. "

"So, I chose to continue to forget, because only in this way can he gradually forget the pain. I don't want him to have any more pressure. He is really tired. Now we are very happy. I enjoy the time when she dotes on me and my daughter. I like the way he and my daughter are jealous. This is impossible when we misunderstood so much. So forgetting is the best thing for us. "

Listen to her words, Ye Lan heart more back to shame: "your amnesia is to reduce his pressure, and my original amnesia is to plunder, I think I know why he no longer love me."

"You have a rest. I'm going. I'll see you when I have a chance." Ye Lan is relieved, straightens up and walks out of the ward. If she can, she also wants to forget the past and start a new life.

After coming out from the hospital, Han Rui directly takes Ye Lan to the airport, without taking any luggage. He just lets Ye Lan bring enough money, and everything starts again after arriving in the United States.

"Han Rui, I can't take the money. Last time you gave me 10 million yuan, I actually left an eye on it. I didn't give it to Ningyuan. The money is enough for me to live in America. I don't want to take your money any more." Ye Lan doesn't want to owe him too much. She has been unable to repay the debt of her life.

"My sister wants to travel across the ocean. How can my brother express nothing? Ye Lan has gone through those things. You can open your mind and start over. I'm really happy for you. I'll relax there. When things are over here, we welcome you back." Han Rui gives Ye Lan a hug between brother and sister. Let the past go with the wind.

"Thank you..." Ye Lan's tears can no longer help overflowing from her eyes. Why does everyone have a tolerant heart, but she only now understands the meaning of tolerance!

In the terminal, Han Rui looks at the slowly rising plane. The stone blocked for a long time in his heart seems to be suddenly put down. It's much easier to deal with a beast rather than hate a close sister.

It was not until the evening that Han Rui returned to the hospital again. Xu Muyun recovered to be the naive and a little silly. Seeing him coming back empty handed, he was very unhappy: "where have you been? When you see a beautiful woman, you are so happy that you can't even cook for me."

Han Rui looks down at his watch. He feels that he didn't cook for his wife. As for Xu Muyun, who eats food, doesn't he pick lice on the tiger's head and deserve to fight?

Now it must be too late to go home to do it, so he flattered and discussed with Xu Muyun: "wife, why don't we deal with it today, and I'll buy something?"

Xu Muyun's thin eyebrows slightly wrinkled, obviously not very happy: "I know you are a guy who forgets his love, or Aunt Li is good, see you didn't go home to bring me food, wait for you to come back not to starve me to death."

She is not hungry, Han Rui is relieved: "that's good, Aunt Li is good, I won't rob you, go back I will give her a raise."

"Han Rui, she is the Ye Lan who hurt me." Xu Muyun asked him tentatively.

"Well, she said it all. What else did she tell you?" Han Rui picks up Xu Muyun's leftover meal and eats it with relish. While eating, he has a chat with her.

"I didn't say anything. I muttered a lot, but I didn't understand. She gave me a pendant, apologized to me, and made us happy all our lives."

Looking at him, Xu Muyun's heart has already blossomed with joy. The president of a grand multinational group would not give up eating her leftovers. It's hard for his own father to do such a favor, not to mention a man of such noble status. But the bully or to bully, this kind of life has become the fun of their life. Han Rui takes a look at the pendant on the side cabinet, and his expression pauses: "she even gave you this. It's a real cost, you know? She wore it when I knew her. She sincerely apologized to you. "“ I won't forgive her if I say good things for my old lover. Let's see what you can do. " Xu Muyun and he are touching each other, but they pick up the necklace with the pendant and put it on their elbow. What they say is she“ We haven't started to be old lovers. Don't talk nonsense. You have to be responsible for delaying others to find someone. " Han Rui smiles, pinches her face and teases her. Xu Muyun dodged his hand and thought, "you still have two brothers in America. Didn't they say they would come to China? Why don't you introduce it to them? Maybe it will be Make him old? Interestingly, Han Rui said with a smile: "good idea, I have to ask." What he said is not for fun. When ye Lan's mood is relaxed, he really wants to check her life events. This girl has a bad eye and needs someone to give her advice. As for the candidates, he wants to ask for their opinions.