While Auntie Li was in the kitchen, Han Rui still maintained the demeanor of a gentleman and did things in an orderly manner. But now, he found out what a mistake it was to let Auntie Li go back home.

His precious daughter was a girl possessed by nerves, and he was having a lot of fun. Luckily, there was a high chair to support her, otherwise, it would probably be time for her to ascend to heaven.

Han Rui made breakfast and carried it upstairs as usual. At that moment, Xu Muyun also woke up, but it looked like she was in a bad mood. Her messy hair was glued to her face, making her look extremely messy.

"Wife, can we go wash our faces when we wake up in the morning? Look at your face, it's even dirtier than Dou Dou's." It wasn't that Han Rui despised her, but that her appearance was too horrible to look at.

"I want to go as well, but my legs are cramping. It's so painful, I can't move." That was why she sat there motionless, from the base of her leg to her toes, as if millions of ants were gnawing away at her bones. It was so painful.

"Why would you have a cramp? Have you not eaten enough calcium recently? Let me rub it for you." Han Rui immediately put the child on the bed, and casually threw the food in his other hand onto the cabinet beside the bed. Then, he lifted up the blanket and rubbed her legs.

Han Rui found that the slightest movement from Xu Muyun could make Han Rui's room uncomfortable. Not to mention that her legs were cramped, even if Xu Muyun lost a single strand of hair, he would feel heartache for her for three days.

The warmth from his hands made the itchy pain on Xu Muyun's legs ease up. His hands were very dry, and his movements were as gentle as feathers as they moved across her body like electric currents. Xu Muyun couldn't help but withdraw her leg.

"What? Does it still hurt?" Han Rui thought her leg was hurting again.

"Yeah, a little, but much better." Xu Muyun followed his words. She wouldn't admit it was because her touch had made her feel it, right? That would be too embarrassing.

"Eat the food by the bed first. We'll go to the hospital later to have a checkup. Big Bro and the others are waiting at the hospital." Han Rui told her to fill her stomach first, while he squatted on the floor and rubbed her legs.

Xu Muyun turned around and took the bowl of porridge, but handed it over to Han Rui: "Stop rubbing it. It's much better now. Let's eat together."

Han Rui looked at her in surprise. Although it was just a bowl of porridge, he could feel that faint concern. Even though it was just a subtle change, he was still happy.

"Was that your brother yesterday?" Xu Muyun asked Han Rui on the way to the hospital.

"Yeah, unfortunately, that psycho is my big brother." When he thought about that freak Su Yiheng, his heart inexplicably tightened. Back then, he was still glad that he left the United States and didn't have to suffer his poison anymore. Who would've thought that he would become a blood brother now?

"Why do you say that about him? He looks so handsome, like a star, but I can't remember. If not for him, I might not have woken up yesterday! "

"Why do you say that? Did he accidentally bump into you when he was going crazy?"

Even if I wanted to open my eyes, my body still wouldn't be under my control. I can hear someone talking in the room, and a few days ago I just felt a buzzing sound beside my ear, and the sound has become clearer and clearer over the past few days. Yesterday, it was because your brother was telling a joke in the room that I heard it.

"Ah?" "It's so mysterious, they almost broke our family's gate in half a year, and you still haven't woken up. If I knew he had such a use, I would have invited them all over for dinner every day." Han Rui showed an expression of regret. If he knew that stimulation was effective, he would have drugged them a long time ago. Why did he waste so much time between them?

"Oh yeah, what happened between us? Why did I sleep for so long?" Xu Muyun continued to ask the question that didn't get an answer.

Han Rui turned his head to look at her, and a hint of pain flashed across his deep eyes. His pretty brows furrowed, and he reached out his hand to caress Xu Muyun's face, "Go and check first. I'll tell you when we get home."

She felt that there must be too many secrets that she didn't know about and she desperately wanted to know, but since he didn't want to say it, she would ask him after the test.

After a while, Han Rui parked the car in the basement garage on the second floor of the hospital. He carried his daughter in one arm and Xu Muyun's hand in the other as he walked towards the elevator to the hospital building.

There were only the three of them in the elevator. Xu Muyun was a bit bored, but she was curious when she saw the numbers on the elevator. It was negative second floor, so why wasn't there a negative first floor?

Just as she was trying to figure out if the numbers on the elevator were wrong, Han Rui, who had been holding her hand, said, "No need to look, there's no negative floor here."

Having his thoughts seen through, Xu Muyun looked at his feet like a primary school student: "How do you know I'm looking for this?"

"Because your IQ wouldn't want to find something else?"


Han Rui raised his eyebrows and looked at her face confidently. He didn't need to think about it to understand you, because you've always lived in his heart. The strong possessiveness in his heart caused him to tighten his grip on her.

"Then what's the negative first floor?" Xu Muyun was really curious as to why he disappeared from the first floor.

As she spoke, Dou Dou laughed out loud. Han Rui's heart leaped up. He bent down and whispered into Xu Muyun's ear, "It's the morgue."

As a result, a miserable scream came out from the elevator, while Han Rui naturally became the flower guard. Han Rui released her hand and put his arm around her thin shoulder, "Don't be afraid, even a ghost wouldn't dare to find you."

"You're bullying me." Xu Muyun avoided his hand, crying and scolding him like a child.

Han Rui ignored her resistance and confined her in his arms. He kissed her lightly on the cheek, "Don't be afraid, I just want you to experience the feeling of being protected."

The scared Xu Muyun was kissed again and the elevator stopped with a thud. She purposely stepped on his foot hard and broke out of his embrace.

Although Xu Muyun looked very thin right now, she really put all of her weight on that kick. Han Rui grimaced in pain and wanted to take off his shoes to check his wounds, but he held a doll in his arms and could only limp out of the elevator.