"You can just fill in your information. The registration fee is 360 yuan. If an employer is satisfied with your information, I will inform you." She pointed at the form and said to Xu Muyun.

But when she filled in the ID information, she was troubled. Her ID card was still an ID card of a generation before she went to prison, and it had long expired. She just got out of prison and didn't have time to do anything about it, so how could she have an ID number?

"Do I have to fill in the ID and diploma?" Xu Muyun asked in a low voice. Although she was a bit embarrassed, she still hoped that she didn't have to fill it in.

"Of course, we are responsible for the employer, the ID card is the only way to identify the person who has been hired, if the person has a criminal record or misbehaviour, we can look back. In addition, there are some employers who have high requirements for domestic workers, so it is beneficial for the employer to select suitable domestic workers, so we have to fill them out as much as possible." The housekeeping staff formally explained to her.

Xu Muyun smiled awkwardly as she held the form tightly. It turned out that it was so hard to find a job now. Even a nanny with a monthly salary of two thousand was so cumbersome to hire.

"Then I'll come back tomorrow. I forgot to bring my ID card. I can't remember the number on it." Xu Muyun put down the pen in her hand and apologized to the agent.

"Oh, that's alright. Come over whenever you need them. This is the peak of manpower. First-tier cities like us are often a wasteland. "It's easier to find work, so come when you're ready. We'll arrange the most suitable job for you." The intermediary still spoke in a formal tone, appearing very official. Although this deal was not completed, it still left a good impression in the customer's mind.

"En, alright. Thank you." Xu Muyun nodded and thanked her before turning around and walking to the door.

Her mood was somewhat dejected, but she did not see that someone was about to push open the door and enter. When she pushed open the door, the person that was about to enter bumped into her. That person did not stand properly, and fell down the stairs.

Xu Muyun quickly helped him up from the ground and asked if he was hurt, but he just glared at her and then pushed her. He opened his mouth and shouted, "What happened to you, there's something wrong with your eyes."

The agency was close to the curb. The sidewalk wasn't very wide, and she stumbled against a polished car with an unstable center of gravity. It looked expensive.

Xu Muyun looked at the rearview mirror that she crashed into and was momentarily at a loss. At that moment, Han Rui, who was looking for work at the hour, heard the noise and walked out of the agency. When he saw his car get killed, he frowned, revealing his displeasure.

He quickly walked forward and picked up the rearview mirror that she had knocked off. Raising his head to look, his helpless eyes were already filled with tears. He had never been stone-hearted, and the softest spot in his heart was struck.

Han Rui didn't return to the agency anymore. He stuffed the rearview mirror into the car, walked around the front of the car and wanted to leave, but he didn't pay much attention to her leaving figure. At first, he didn't notice, but he saw the burn scar on her hand.

In a daze, Xu Muyun had already walked far away. He immediately chased after her and blocked her path, "Young miss, please wait a moment."

"Anything else?" Xu Muyun didn't understand, so she thought he was going back on his word and wanted to ask her for compensation.

Han Rui knew that he couldn't let go of this rare opportunity, so he walked in front of her and set his gaze on her shoulders. Luckily, the collar she wore today was open, so he clearly saw the vermilion mole.

With great difficulty, he forced himself to calm down and say, "Hmm, no, I just heard you say that you were looking for a job. Coincidentally, I'm also here to look for a domestic worker. Are you interested?"

Xu Muyun looked at him in surprise. This man was very handsome, much taller than Yang Ziye, and his clothes were even more refined than his own. The smile on his face was warm and refined, making him look like a rich man.

But she did not understand why he would choose her. He did not even know her situation? Thus, he asked, "Why is it me? There are many outstanding domestic workers among them."

The corner of Han Rui's mouth lifted slightly. He was also sizing up the little woman in front of him. If he could recognize the scar on her arm, then she definitely could not recognize the reddish brown mole on her neck.

Right now, he was in a very good mood. The figure that he had been searching for all these years was right in front of his eyes. He felt as if he had found nothing. After searching for twenty years, he had not expected to meet her under such circumstances.

Han Rui stared at her without blinking. There was still a hint of disbelief in his heart. The tension in his heart that lasted for twenty years instantly loosened up, causing him to feel rather uncomfortable. The person in front of him was his father's daughter, his fiancée, the person he was going to marry. An unknown smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. He didn't even know why he was laughing.

Seeing that he had been sizing her up, Xu Muyun somewhat embarrassedly lowered her head and looked at her clothes to make sure there was nothing wrong. Looking at his expression, she felt that this person might be mentally abnormal, so she turned to leave, but she didn't expect to be held by the man by the wrist.

"Don't go!" The longing in Han Rui's voice definitely wasn't like how an employer should be towards a candidate, which made Xu Muyun even more scared.

"Mister, I still need to go home. I haven't had lunch yet!" Xu Muyun thought for a long time before she came up with such a crappy excuse. She couldn't tell how she still had her family members waiting for her. She had no family left, so she couldn't say it.

Han Rui's complicated smile turned into candid laughter. He didn't eat, it was good that he didn't eat, and he didn't eat either. Han Rui's complicated smile turned into candid laughter, he didn't eat, and he didn't eat either.

"I don't think I've promised you that I'll work for you!" Xu Muyun looked at him in disbelief. Why was this person so stubborn?

It was obvious that she suspected that she had a motive. He did indeed have a motive, but it was definitely a goal of utmost goodwill.

"Don't worry, I won't sell you out. I'm not interested in trafficking in human beings, not to mention that no one would dare to buy you." Han Rui's gaze seemed to be looking over her as he said in a mocking tone, "Who dares to buy the fiancee of the AK Corporation's CEO, who dares to borrow the guts?"

Han Rui half-jokingly brought her to the restaurant he frequented. The journey wasn't far, so he didn't drive, and Xu Muyun always wanted to leave, so Han Rui half-held her hand. This action of hers was like a couple making a small fuss and attracting weird gazes from passers-by.

Xu Muyun nervously sat at the dining table. In fact, she was indeed very hungry. She hadn't eaten much since leaving the prison the day before yesterday. After walking for so long, she should have burned incense to worship Buddha if she hadn't fainted.

She had not eaten outside for ten years, so she didn't know how to order. Furthermore, there were only a few dishes in the prison, so she had already forgotten about the taste of other dishes.

Han Rui didn't know the reason behind this, he just assumed that she was shy and ordered a lot of the signature dishes of this store. During the process of passing the dishes around, he kept sizing her up without leaving a trace, and from her clothing, he saw that she was wearing the latest fashion from the luxury brands of the season.

However, her sallow face indicated that she was either not in good health or living conditions. This did not match her attire. Could it be that these clothes were high-grade?

Han Rui had guessed at one thing or another, but he couldn't find an answer, so he could only let her tell him.

Not long later, all the dishes were served. Han Rui had not even eaten a few mouthfuls, and had been taking care of her eating the entire time. Every single one of them was taken out from the plate and put into the plate in front of her.

Xu Muyun couldn't help but have a slight misconception about such meticulous actions. Could it be that this man was interested in her? Why is he so passionate?