Chapter 54: Avoiding Suspicion

Lin Wei Xi was very satisfied with the outcome. Who did these people think they were, to come over and blame her? Seeing Lin Wei Xi’s expression soften, the second Gao Madam was overjoyed and quickly helped her back to her seat. After resisting a little, Lin Wei Xi yielded and sat back down. Seeing that the farce had come to an end and that it wasn’t an irredeemable situation, the senior Duke Ying Lady felt greatly relieved, “Prince Yan Consort, this old lady spoke out of anxiety earlier and caused a misunderstanding.”

This was a roundabout way to apologize. After all, the senior Duke Ying Lady was forty or fifty years older than Lin Wei Xi. In a patriarchal society that placed importance on respecting the elderly, it was more rare for an elder that old to speak to such a degree than it was for red rain to fall from the sky. In her previous life, Lin Wei Xi never thought that one day, she’d actually hear her overbearing and bossy grandmother apologize to her.

But Lin Wei Xi wasn’t one to stop while she was ahead and she liked it best when she could make a clean sweep. She smiled at the senior Lady. She was radiantly beautiful and her smile looked like sunlight breaking through the clouds, like spring blooming on earth. What a pity her words were the complete opposite of her demeanour, “senior Lady, since today was all a misunderstanding, where is the servant who spread the gossip that caused this misunderstanding? For them to be able to pass on word of what happened in the Prince Yan Residence to the Duke Residence, it’s most likely a servant of the Prince Yan Residence. Someone dared to do this under my management and even misled the senior Lady and the Second Madam. It’s a crime punishable by death. Senior Lady, don’t hesitate to tell me. No matter who it is, I’ll give them a severe punishment and bring justice for the Duke Ying Residence.”

The senior Duke Ying Lady was shocked when she heard this. She was so shocked that she looked at the second Gao Madam in surprise. She’d never expected Lin Wei Xi to be so uptight about things. It was an eye-opener for the second Gao Madam. Out of all the noble ladies she met on a regular basis, were there any who weren’t thin-skinned, who didn’t place more importance on their dignity and image over their life? Even if they were angry, if others begged them properly, they’d be embarrassed and most would just let it go. But Lin Wei Xi didn’t do this. They’d spoken at such lengths earlier and almost left the Duke Ying Residence’s dignity in the dust before finally persuading Lin Wei Xi not to leave. But now she wanted to investigate the messenger?

This was the second Gao Madam’s first time meeting such an unrelenting◇ woman. Wasn’t she being too fearless just because someone had her back?

But the other person was really very fearless. Lin Wei Xi was the Prince Yan Consort. She was one generation younger than Prince Yan and had been brought back by Prince Yan himself. It was clear how much he loved her. Even though the Duke Ying Residence were the in-laws, Gu Cheng Yao was the one they were connected to. The one they truly needed to rely on was Prince Yan, so how could they dare offend the little Princess Consort whom he loved so much? To make things worse, Gao Ran was in the wrong in this situation.

The second Gao Madam internally scolded Gao Ran. This troublemaker had gotten into trouble and was punished, but then sought out her maternal elders and now wanted them to accommodate the Princess Consort for her.

The second Gao Madam carefully glanced at her mother-in-law, and after receiving her instructions, she gave a name with shame on her face. Lin Wei Xi knew at once that it was one of Gao Ran’s dowry servants. Although she was also one of Gao Ran’s people from the Duke Residence, she couldn’t compare to trusted aides like Granny Tao and Ning Fu. Lin Wei Xi knew that it was impossible to remove Gao Ran’s right hand men all at once. But it was quite beneficial for her if she could get rid of a dowry servant because of an opportunity Gao Ran presented herself.

These were Lin Wei Xi’s thoughts. She knew what the senior Duke Ying Lady wanted and didn’t continue to investigate it, but merely dismissed the dowry servant. It just so happened that her master’s family was also here, so Lin Wei Xi said, “Shizi Fei was the one who brought this servant. Since she is part of my residence, these dowry servants all belong to my residence. But at the end of the day, they’re from the Duke Ying Residence. It’s hard for me to grasp the severity of the situation, so I’d like to ask the senior Lady for some advice. In your opinion, how should I deal with this kind of evil slave that incites disputes between in-laws through gossip?”

◇ the phrase used here has a second meaning. It’s used to describe someone who can’t be offended because they’re back by someone strong

In her past life, Lin Wei Xi had disapproved of Yun Hui’s actions, and was even more disgusted with Granny Bu, who thought of herself almost as a mother-in-law. She wanted her and Yun Hui to copy Ehuang and Nüying’s◇ intimacy and enthusiasm? In her dreams. Yun Hui was no match for her.

Lin Wei Xi had gotten into never ending disputes with Granny Bu and Yun Hui in her past life, but Gu Cheng Yao was unexpectedly blind and wholeheartedly thought that his nanny and personal maid were good people. She’d finally left that sticky situation and become the last one standing. Although it was true that she’d been the one to stir up trouble, why was she still contaminated by this mud? Gao Ran usually had her guard up against her, but now she wanted her to get rid of Yun Hui. Goodness, how could she be so shameless.

Lin Wei Xi firmly shook her head, “I’m around the same age as Shizi. I ought to avoid rousing suspicion. If I were to meddle with Shizi’s bedroom affairs, what would people say about me once it gets out? Shizi Fei is pure of heart and exudes elegance. She’s also the wife Shizi married against all odds. It won’t be a problem to deal with such a trivial thing. Anything that happens between the wife and concubine are part of Shizi Fei’s duties, so we should let her handle it herself.”

If Gao Ran could send Yun Hui away, why would she want to borrow Lin Wei Xi’s power? It was precisely because she couldn’t get rid of that person that the senior Duke Ying Lady was here to pressure Lin Wei Xi, “you’re wrong, Princess Consort. Shizi wants to call you mother, after all. But the kids don’t know you that well since they haven’t known you for long. They can’t see your good and bad qualities, and can’t rely on the Princess Consort to guide them as their mother. Princess Consort, you’ll have to depend on Shizi in your old age, and the relationship between mother and Shizi will carry on for a long time. Do you really not care about what happens in Shizi’s courtyard?”

The senior Duke Ying Lady had threatened Lin Wei Xi with her reliance on Shizi in her old age. Even if she had children in the future, she’d still have to depend on Gu Cheng Yao in her old age. And Gao Ran’s, the daughter-in-law, opinion was particularly important. After all, Shizi wasn’t Lin Wei Xi’s biological child. Wasn’t how she’d live in her old age depend on Gao Ran, the main consort?

Lin Wei Xi understood and felt a little angry. She no longer cared about their feelings, her voice instantly turning cold, “If it happened once, it will happen a second time. Hence, Shizi Fei hopes for me to arrange for a concubine for her?”