Chapter 105: Raid (1)

Chapter 105: Raid (1)

“Business? What kind of business?”

“Oh, come on, dear. I’m talking about the Thousand Gold Temple.”

Ah, the Thousand Gold Temple.

The Thousand Gold Temple didn’t just offer entry to anyone.

One must either overflow with talent enough to catch the eye of King Man-geum, achieve a feat comparable to that, or if neither of those apply, accomplish something monumental like saving the world from destruction, much like Jeong Eun-taek did.

Yes, despite appearing just like a cranky and miserly old man, Jeong Eun-taek was reputed to have saved the world 20 years ago.

I’m not sure exactly what he did, but that’s the story, so what can I say?

In any case, an entry ticket to the Thousand Gold Temple was a rarity in itself. In a world where even a real estate broker’s license can somehow be turned into money, the possibilities with this ticket are vast.

“You know that I didn’t get the Thousand Gold Temple ticket just to run errands, right?”

“Errands? Please, I’m someone who can do much more exciting things.”

With those words, Tudor flashed a truly captivating smile. It was the kind of smile that could make a person with even a shred of weak willpower lose their mind.

Wait, what different things can Tudor do?

Tudor was the top broker in Paju and a witch who has been around for hundreds of years.

There would indeed be plenty that could be done.

“I have a rough idea of what you’re proposing, but I’m not taking people there.”

“Oh, you’re such an introvert. Are you really not going to do it?”

Ah, so that was really it.

The Thousand Gold Temple was a shop that bought curses.

And Tudor could curse others.

If Tudor were to start a business where she cursed someone and then took them to the Thousand Gold Temple?

She could go beyond merely making money; she might even become the founder of a new religion.

But I didn’t have time to do such leisurely things.

“Of course, I expected that you wouldn’t really help with that.”

“It’s good that you know.”

“But if you ever feel like visiting the Thousand Gold Temple, just let me know. You could honestly live without worrying about money now, couldn’t you?”

That was true.

Even without joining Tudor’s evil plan, there were plenty of ways to make a fortune.

Just collecting all the cursed items that were hard to deal with scattered around Paju and bringing them to the Thousand Gold Temple would suffice.

“I don’t plan on going there often.”

Honestly, it was a place with too many uncertainties.

I felt uncomfortable that King Man-geum had evil intentions toward me, and I also felt uneasy that I didn’t know what Seo Cheon-seul was thinking.

Perhaps I would visit the Thousand Gold Temple only twice more in the future?

Once after I had resolved the task related to the Great Tiger Justice Sword, and another time...

Because of Park Kwang-lim, I’ll have to go back within about a month.

It would be best to go at a time when I could conveniently take other things with me.

“Is everything more or less wrapped up? I heard a bit from the professor about what happened. I think it’s time I headed home.”

“Huh? Leaving already? You just came back after two weeks and you’re leaving so soon?”Explore new novels on novelbin(.)com

“It’s precisely those two weeks that are the issue. I want to go home and check the boiler and air conditioner. I think I left a window open. And I need to feed the dog.”

“Really, I can’t ever tell with you. When will you come back?”

“Who knows? Maybe next week after I tidy up the house a bit?”

“Ah, no! You have so much to do.”

“Anything special?”

“You saw it yourself two weeks ago, didn’t you? It’s even more chaotic now.”

“You seem to have a lot of tasks for me? I’ll come in three days then.”

“Mm, okay. Three days! Exactly three days. I’ll pick out what I need you to do by then.”

“As I said earlier, I won’t be going to the Thousand Gold Temple for a while.”

“Tsk tsk tsk. Isn’t that too much? If you’ve got an entry ticket, you’ve got to use it freely!”

“...If it were really something you could use so recklessly as everyone thinks, would the old man at the Geumchon Pawnshop live so quietly?”

“Ah, is that why?”

No, I don’t really know.

It was just something I said off the top of my head, but now that I’ve said it, it sounds strange.

Why doesn’t Jeong Eun-taek, who loves money so much, use the Thousand Gold Temple more often?

Considering the position and location of the Geumchon Pawnshop, you’d think he’d have long ago implemented a plan to ‘‘buy up cursed items floating around Paju and dispose of them at the Thousand Gold Temple’.

Anyway, the conversation with Tudor wrapped up around there.

It was already very late when I entered Vasilisa. Now, it was so dark outside that the cars were likely not even running.

I decided to use the fastest way to return to the hungry mansion. That was pressing one of the few numbers saved on my smartphone.

A short ring and a relaxed voice came in.

Yaho~! What’s up?Need a ride? I’m currently in the Geumchon neighborhood, where are you?

Despite everything, Jang Hyeon-deok was a professional.

Though he was momentarily flustered, he glanced at me and quickly slowed down with caution.

“There’s something strange around here.”

“Ah! A ghost? Another ghost?!”

Jang Hyeon-deok was so startled he nearly let go of the steering wheel. Thankfully, no accident occurred.

“Hey! The lane! Stay in your lane!”

“Ah, yes!”

Swerving off the lane wasn’t the issue; we almost crashed into the guardrail just now.

The car suddenly jerked as if trying to make a U-turn and violently rocked back and forth.

My body was quickly thrown to the left and then jolted to the right. I was shaking wildly like ice cubes in a shaker.

Ugh, my back hurts... So much for being a professional.

“It’s not ghosts... Around here, people are more dangerous than any ghost.”

This area had nothing special, except for a house haunted by a 150-year-old ghost at the far end.

You might not notice during broad daylight, but at this late hour, no one would accidentally come this close.

And yet, here were at least fifty substantial magical powers gathered?

“Turn off the lights and let’s move forward a bit.”

“Understood. But Mage-nim, this means...”

“Yes, from now on, it’s not the regular rate; it’s the combat rate. Move forward.”

“Right away.”

Following my instructions, Jang Hyeon-deok moved the car.

[Remote Detetction]

[Invisibility Detection]

[Trap Detection]

[Magical Power Detection]

[Curse Detection]

I expanded my detection skills to ascertain the details of the magical powers I felt.

The nature of this magical power was, indeed, human.

And each possessed weapons.

Their magical powers had been honed through long training.

Humans harboring killing intent were silently gathering near my mansion.

“Not just any newcomers then. Are they fixers?”

“Fixers? Oh, do they think Mage-nim’s home is an abandoned place and that’s why they’re attacking it?”


I wanted to punch him in the face, but it might really be that kind of situation.

The humans gathered were focusing their killing intent in one direction.

The direction they were fixated on was the hungry mansion. My house.

Ah, what now? Is this another random encounter?

It’s the price one must pay for owning a special residence.

Just as I had taken the mansion from Hollow Lord, other NPCs might try to take my mansion as well.

And one more thing. I detected something special.

It was an item imbued with magical power originating from a being of the abyss. It seemed similar to the ghoul shaman I had encountered before.

At least they’re cultists. They’re not ordinary people.

One of them at the front began to amplify his magical power.

Wait, what is this guy doing?

Fiercely burning aggressive magical power.

Was that guy preparing to cast an attack spell at my house?

It’s a raid.

It’s easier on my mind when things are made so clear.

“Jang Hyeon-deok, step on the accelerator.”

“What are you planning to do?!”

“What do you think? I went through a lot to get this house; I have to protect it.”

“Please protect my car too!”

“Aiiish, fine!”


The sound of the car accelerating filled the air. I rolled down the window and prepared my magic.

I wasn’t sure what they planned to do to my house, but it’s best to attack them first.