Although it can be said that there are several times of death in life, early death and late death have to die, but for Yan Yi, he certainly does not want to die now.

Think of a disciple who was buried in the world palace and was drowned in the cold pool of his twelve peaks. After a few months, he was found by someone. The bubble was called a swelling...

there is a saying that house leakage happens to meet the night rain. In the panic, his hand tried to feel down, trying to catch something that could hold him. I didn't expect that when the rock came up, something seemed to come out from below. I could feel a piece of slippery thing on my palm. It was sticky and slippery without leaving hands. He hugged the thing like an amnesty, and he was very lingering to death. Then, he met the guy with a pair of thick ink eyes.

The smell of water was pungent. The guy was bony, but he had sparse fur that looked black and not black. His eyes were sunken and his teeth were valgus.

Water monkey!

In the struggle, Yan Yi only felt that a pair of ankles were firmly hooked by something like an iron hook, and then he swam down and pulled him down. He fell into the water several times and climbed out several times. As a result, every time he tossed around, his strength was reduced.

I don't know when the whirlpool suddenly rises, and the current is swift and rapid. I can see that the wind eye in the center of the vortex is deeply sunken. The center is like the eye of a giant beast, which is deep and cold. Yan Yi turns back and wants to withdraw. It's too late.

The water monkey's strength in the water is far beyond the scope that he can struggle with, and there is almost no room for maneuver to be dragged down into the deep water...

what to do? What should I do? Although among the disciples of the burial palace, Yan Yi is outstanding, but he also knows where his weakness lies, that is, he has more skills and less internal power. Now he is dragged down and dragged down by this formidable beast, and he has no strength to fight back.

Is it true that the arrogance of his generation is going to die because of this publicity?

As he floated and sank in the cold pool, Yan Yi suddenly saw a white suit flying across the water.

Just like a round of blue light after the first rain in the sky, the sword edge is wrapped in the chilly, straight through the water spurs. Yan Yi closed his eyes and cried in his heart, "stab it, don't stab me!

The sword of the comer is accurate. A move pierces the head of the water monkey. The hot brain spurts out and splashes his face. Yan Yi casually wiped a, then heard the familiar male voice, "you catch me!"

He thought, but - "I don't have the strength..."

the man hesitated for a moment in the air, his sword edge slightly deviated, picked up Yan Yi's clothes, and tried to pull him out of the cold pool. Seeing this simple and crude and a little stupid sword technique, we can know who the comer is.

The current was fast and the whirlpool was getting bigger and bigger. Yan Yi clearly felt that except for his naked head, his whole body was spinning and sinking uncontrollably. He was also really aware of his fear. He grabbed the man's blade with both hands and cried, "you can use Epiphyllum to cross the river!"

This lightness skill was originally created by a leader of the funeral palace, but at the critical moment, he awakened the young man in white. After pouring a pulse of internal force into the palm, the sword thrust straight into the water nest, and a few feet of water rose into the sky. With a leap of strength, he actually threw himself out with the burden, kicking his feet on the steep cliff --

even though the stone wall was covered with moss and could not keep his hands, the boy still landed firmly on the ground.

Yan Yi was drenched all over, with Venus in his eyes. Then he spat out the water in his mouth. He was pressed by the young man and fell down in the dense forest not far away.

"You do --"

the overgrown weeds completely submerged their bodies. The young man covered his mouth with one hand and his sword in the other hand, shaking his head slightly to signal his silence.

The distance between the two faces was not more than an inch. Yan Yi saw the perspiration on the tip of his nose.

Is this guy still scared?

Not for a moment, only heard from far and near came a very heavy sound of footsteps, as if eager to stamp the earth down three feet before willing.

Dong, Dong, Dong...

as he got closer and closer, Yan Yi could hardly tell whether it was his own heartbeat or the animal's step.

The unknown beast stopped at a distance of about five steps from two people.

Yan Yi's eyes shrank and saw the shadow cast by the giant beast, which completely shrouded them. At the same time, he felt that the hand covering his mouth was also slightly shaking. He can even imagine the appearance of the giant beast behind the stone screen, with big eyes, big eyes, and huge mouth. His teeth are crisscrossed, and his mouth dribbles down...

this moment seems to be infinitely elongated. The faces of the two teenagers are quiet and shrunk, but they show fear in the tip of their eyebrows.

Until the beast is far away, the sound of footsteps is getting farther away, and there is no sound.

The boy released his hand and quickly withdrew. Yan Yi gasped for the rest of his life. "My God, do you want to suffocate me

The boy raised his eyebrows and said, "if it wasn't for me, you would have gone to see the king of hell, OK? Don't you kneel down and thank you for your kindness? "

It was no one else. It was the only boy in the funeral palace who dared to make friends with Yan Yi. The reason why he used the word "dare" was because Yan Yi did all kinds of things in the funeral palace. Naturally, what he could make friends with was not a kind of fuel-saving lamp.Not a family, not a family.

Yan Yi lay on the ground, wheezing and panting, and was hit by Li Chi's fist in his chest. "Did you ever think of such a mess when you were in the limelight?"

Yan Yi waved that paw, "roll, I'm not on the arrow, have to send it? If you don't show me some real skills, the old man will drive me down the mountain if he comes up. He has endured me for a long time. I know that. "

However, a word he said unintentionally became a prophecy, and they soon received the instruction to go down the mountain. Because dahuangfeng was a forbidden area, they were not allowed to break into it without authorization. The authorities above were eager to send the two ancestors down the mountain forever, so they quickly approved it.

Yan Yi and Li Chi did not raise any objection. One came and the other two had no prominent family background. I'm afraid it would be futile to raise an objection. Secondly, they heard that going down the mountain was the heavenly religion that was sent to the funeral palace, and they also had the opportunity to travel around the country to carry out their tasks. They were not afraid of it. They just wanted to get their wings up and leave the ancient and pedantic place immediately.

Although many years later, Yan Yi would like to slap himself in the face, but he did not think that when the two teenagers carried their bags on the road that day, he would lick blood on the tip of a knife every day to survive.

Although the celestial religion of the funerary palace is nominally a branch of the burial palace, there are two worlds at the foot of the mountain and on the mountain.

On the first night, twenty teenagers were arranged to sleep in a large room with simple decoration. The windows were clanged by the autumn wind, and even the candles were not bright. However, their enthusiasm could not be stopped. Some of them talked with different accents from different places.

Yan Yi was very tired by the heavy traffic. He was lying in the corner listening to them, but Li Chi was full of enthusiasm. After a while, he had already recognized a group of dry brothers.

It's so easy to get to the second watch, and the four voices gradually stop. Yan Yi kicks his foot on the red buttocks, grabs back some of the quilt he rolled away, thinking that he can finally sleep for a while. However, as he is about to fall asleep, a hand gently pokes him.

He had the problem of choosing seats. He didn't sleep heavily. He woke up and saw a strange face close to him when he opened his eyes. He was startled, "what are you doing?"

The boy's eyes were quick and his hands were quick. One hand covered his mouth, while the other hand was unfolded. The palm of the hand said "go out to discuss business.".

Yan Yi frowned. He didn't understand that the strange boy had only one face to face with him. He didn't even know the origin of his name. What could be discussed was that he was young and fearless. He put on a dress and went out with the boy.

They lived in a courtyard with the doors closed on both sides. The boy seemed very alert. After looking around, he led him to the tree. Without asking his name or introducing himself, he came up and said, "escape?"