Meng was startled by her and stepped back, "what's the matter?"

Jiang chenbi's eyes were burning. "What did you say just now? You say it again!"

"I... what did I say?" Meng forgetting Chuan originally remembered that he had been so scared by Jiang chenbi that he forgot, "I just said that this woman is possessed by ghosts...

" bewitched... "Jiang chenbi nodded, and his eyes suddenly brightened." yes, I don't have a feud with her. Why does she have to kill me? I didn't understand before, but now I understand - if she is confused, isn't there something wrong with her? "

Meng forgetting Chuan nodded, "the words are reasonable, but... In full view of the public, the man and the surname Lu looked at her in turn, as if the apple of his eye, how could it be so easy to be plotted?"

Jiang chenbi wants to say that he met Bai Su in the bell tower. However, when he thinks of his aggressive attitude towards Bai Su, his momentum is half gone.

"I don't know. However, as long as I can find out the real murderer, I'll be punished for my injustice. Now I'll leave now, although it's not impossible. But once this crime is charged, I'm afraid I'll be restless day and night."

Meng nianchuan patted Jiang chenbi's head in a comforting way, and said, "if it's true that, as you said, the person who poisoned him can not leave any trace, either his martial arts are unfathomable, or he lurks around us..."

Jiang chenbi excites Lingling and shivers. It's obvious that no matter what kind of result, people feel pressure.

"And his purpose of hurting Chu Danfeng is to put blame on you. So... Have you ever offended anyone recently?"

Jiang chenbi said, "I can't think of anyone except the Regent's mansion. However, I think that with Xiao Yunjing's temperament, even if he did it, he would not have been dormant for such a long time."

"It's not your side, is it Chu Danfeng's side?"

Meng suddenly got up, and Jiang chenbi asked, "where are you going?"

"I'm going to see what kind of injury Chu Danfeng is. Can I help her? If I can help her temporarily or get away with her poison, their hostility towards us will dissipate a little, and then you can tell your guess. Now when you think about it carefully, the more you and Lu Yun's group of people are quarreling with each other, isn't it that they are more interested in those behind the scenes? "

We have to admit that under the critical situation, Meng is still calm.

Jiang took a deep breath and followed.

Although Bai Su and his party were still at war with Jiang chenbi just now, they were polite to Meng forgetchuan. They heard that he was here to heal Chu Danfeng's pulse and let him in.

Jiang chenbi didn't know whether he should go in or not. He touched Bai Su's restless eyes and silently retreated to the foot that had already stepped in and stood at the door.

"Miss Jiang." Behind him came a male voice. Jiang chenbi looked back and saw a man in a purple robe walking slowly. "You are wearing such a thin, careful attention to the wind and cold."

On the one hand, he said that the cloak of embroidered mandarin duck and peony brocade had been handed over. Jiang took a deep breath and said that it was not touched. It was a fake. "Thank you very much, but I don't know where you got this woman's cloak?"

Luo Zixiao whispered with a smile, "Miss Jiang, I don't remember. When we were walking in red makeup for ten miles, I saw that you seemed to like this cloak, so I bought it."

The Cape is a top-quality streamer brocade. The embroidery on it is gorgeous and delicate. Jiang chenbi sighs. She used to be a person who didn't want to owe people any favor. Now she feels that Luo Zixiao has nothing to repay.

"Don't you like it?" Luo Zixiao asked in a low voice.

"No, no, no, no, it's very good," Jiang said with a reluctant smile. All of a sudden, his eyes touched the edge of the door, but Bai Su was leaning against the door. His eyes seemed to have an indescribable gloomy color, and were staring at them steadily.

Jiang chenbi was annoyed and said with a smile, "Mr. Luo, please tie it for me."

Luo Zi Xiao couldn't get close to Jiang chenbi for a few days. He kept at the edge of the boundary between emotion and propriety. Now he was overjoyed to hear Jiang chenbi say so. He laughed and said, "it's my pleasure to serve Miss Luo."

When he tied the screen for Jiang chenbi, his ten fingers flipped flexibly. Jiang chenbi wanted to say that men's hands were even more skillful than women's. suddenly, he noticed that Luo Zixiao's ten fingers had a faint black blue color.

It's not normal. She frowned.

In the memory of his predecessors, Luo Zixiao is clearly good at sword and sword. It seems that he has never mentioned that he is proficient in medicine and five poisons.

However, the fingertips are slightly dark green, which is clearly due to years of exposure to poisons, more or less.

"Well, Mr. Luo," Jiang chenbi asked unintentionally, "do you have an opinion on the way of herbal medicine?"

Luo Zixiao slightly basked in the sun. "I'm ashamed to say that I've learned to know all kinds of grass with my master. Unfortunately, my talent is so mediocre. Later, master crane returned, and his half-time Kung Fu was stranded like this. But my mother has always been weak and weak, so I often serve the soup on the side. ""So it is. Childe Luo is really by analogy..." Jiang Chengbi praised symbolically. The natural and natural language of the southern people basically dispelled her doubts.

"But I'm afraid that I can't cure Miss Chu with such unsophisticated efforts." Luo Zi Xiao raised his head and suddenly laughed at Bai su.

"Just mind your own business." Bai Su is cold on the porch.

"Young master Bai, I know that you are highly skilled in martial arts, and you have the hope of becoming the leader of the alliance." Luo Zixiao said, "but if you aim at Miss Jiang everywhere, then I will spare my life and protect her well."

Jiang chenbi's five tastes are mixed in her heart. She just listens to two people's words and I fight for each other, and I don't want to say a word.

When the smell of gunpowder was getting stronger, Meng nianchuan pushed out the door and said, "I'm so tired, young master Bai. Miss Chu, who is weak in Liu Fufeng's family, has come back from the ghost gate. Come and have a look."

Bai Su is stunned, turns and lifts her robe and strides into the room. Jiang chenbi purses her lips. For a moment, she doesn't know why she should have been happy, but she can't be happy.

She asked Meng engchuan in a low voice, "how did you save her?"

Meng forgot Chuan pulled her to one side, and murmured, "don't mention it. These two goods are completely... Completely throwing a mess to me! You know, the poison in Chu Danfeng was not so deep, but the poison had to swim and hide in the five internal organs. I'm afraid they didn't find it at all. It was only when it was poisoned yesterday that they thought it was wrong! Do not think, if we really want to poison, but also let it slowly attack? Will that be the time to make a will? "

Seeing Meng's resentment, Jiang chenbi laughed for a moment, "thanks to your clever hand, otherwise I'm really speechless."

"What the hell is Lao Tzu's magic hand?" Referring to this, Meng's flesh aches even more. He lowered his voice and cried, "remember what kind of water monster's blood essence we got from Lingshan first? In total, I only purified three drops, one for Yan Yi, one for my leg, and the last for her now

Yan Bi even patted his thigh: "they didn't give a cent!"

Jiang chenbi chuckled and said, "how can you say that you are also a miracle doctor, and you don't lack money. Don't you look so mercenary?"

"It's not that I'm mercenary," Meng said. "Think about how we nearly lost our lives for that guy's blood essence. Now we haven't changed a dime. Are you angry?"

Jiang chenbi: it seems that something is wrong, but it can't be refuted.

"Miracle doctor," another person pushed the door out, and it was Lu Yunjian. "Miracle doctor, Miss Chu has woken up. Please ask the doctor and... Miss Jiang to go in and talk."

Jiang chenbi took a deep breath, and Luo Zixiao, standing in the distance, nodded to her, "if there is anything, call me at any time, and I will wait for you not far away."

Lu Yunjian's brow was cold. He glanced at Luo Zi and said nothing at last. He bowed to Jiang chenbi and Meng engchuan, "please."