Wang's murmured, unable to speak.

Uncle looked at Wang with disappointment and hatred and spat, "you used to live with Dafang, but now boss Bai has become a reproach. The second and third rooms of the family do it without saying a word. If you don't say you're grateful, just ask for money!"

"Wang Shi, Wang Shi, you are a fool. I think you are not only a fool, you are a fool!" Uncle's rude angry voice scolds a way.

Wang's old face turned ugly. What she wanted to say, but she could not refute the words of the great uncle.

"Or you can do it by yourself, and you don't do it. What's the use of coming to me?"

The uncle of the white family was really angry and angry.

At the beginning, he wondered how Bai gaowu and Bai Gaozhong could do such a thing. It turned out that Wang's wife and Da Fang's wife had done it.

"Don't you want gift money? Now take it and do it yourself! I don't care! " I'll take him away.

How can Wang let uncle go? She quickly came forward to hold uncle, a look of prayer, said: "brother, you, you can't ignore! Wu Wu... "

Listening to Wang's cry, the uncle of the Bai family suddenly puffed his face. He didn't feel for Wang at all.

But after all, the dead man was very big. The uncle of Bai family reprimanded him again. Wang didn't dare to say a word. Then he went to the second room and the third room and said.

Bai gaowu and Bai Gaozhong took care of this matter in the face of uncle.

In addition to the help of the villagers, in the end, the white man's daily work was pretty good.

By the time everything is settled, it will be the sixth day of the new year.

This year, the Bai family has not had a good time.

Bai Gaowen is already paralyzed on the Kang. Few people in the village come to visit him. Every day, Wang and Zhang are taking care of Bai Gaowen.

Qian's only rely on their own pregnancy, Wang is also afraid of Qian's belly child what, but also not to say, straight let Qian rest.

But Qian's eyes see Bai Gaowen paralyzed on the Kang like a useless person all day, and her heart's dislike is even greater.

She will never live a lifetime with such a waste as Bai Gaowen. Fortunately, the child in her stomach is not Bai Gaowen's!


Old man Bai's affairs are over, but the family Bai Yu married is endless.

A few days ago, because of the Bai family's work, they did not dare to be misled.

Now that things are done, of course, they have to come to ask for money.

Today, Dafang is already stretched out, and they are living in difficulty, let alone giving others 15 liang of silver.

But the family came to the big room all day, and the noisy big room couldn't even have a good rest.

Wang and the old couple scolded each other, but it was useless. As soon as they went to the yamen, the family ran away again.

In short, they have to take money!

Finally, the family startled the village head of Daegu village and the uncle of Bai family.

After the coordination between the two houses, the eldest uncle and the village head finally lent some silver to the eldest brother. Finally, they gave up the matter with six Liang silver.

They didn't want to count the silver, but they thought that they were in someone else's village. The old couple and their three sons planned to leave.

Qian, who was hiding outside, found Bai Yu hiding in the town by accident.

It starts from Qian's fear of meeting the old couple and their family who are going to ask for debts and hiding outside.

In the village of Daegu, there was no one willing to accept Qian. As soon as Qian knocked on the door and said he was visiting, he was refused and shut out.

In this way, after several attempts, the honest family would bear to scold Qian out of the house. If they were fierce, they would come out to scold Qian. Qian, who was scolding, had no face and spat away.

She couldn't get anywhere in Daegu village, and now Bao Daguang's family didn't dare to go, so she had to come to town.

Qian has some silver on her, so she wants to come to the town to buy some delicious food. She happens to meet Bai Yu at a place where she sells Shaobing.

At first, Qian thought that she was dazzled. She rubbed her eyes several times. After confirming that the person walking ahead was Bai Yu, Qian was suddenly excited!

Finally found the little hoof of Bai Yu! She has to take Bai Yu back immediately! Then send Bai Yu back and ask the old couple for their money!

So thinking, Qian is going to catch Bai Yu, but after a few steps, Qian suddenly stops.

She has some brains. She thinks that Bai Yu can live in the town secretly without going back to the big house. She thinks that Bai Yu must have someone to help her in the town.

So, Qian followed Bai Yu quietly. Finally, he followed Bai Yu to Jinyun Xiufang. He saw a woman smiling in front of Bai Yu. After that, Qian stayed for a while, but he didn't come out.

Qian wrote down the place where Jinyun embroidered and spun. Instead of going in to catch people, he turned around and pedaled back to Daegu village.

As soon as Qian came home, he saw Bai Gaowen lying on the Kang, unable to speak or walk. His eyes were full of disgust.What a miserable life she is! It's not a good thing to marry a girl. I don't enjoy any happiness when I marry Bai Gaowen! What a fool she was! Will play tricks to marry Bai Gaowen! If she had known that, she should have married Bai Gaozhong!

At the thought of this, Qian's heart was sick!

As a result, she glared at Bai Gaowen's face, which made her even more disgusted and despised!

Thinking of what happened today, Qian took a breath, walked to the Kang with a smile on his face, pulled Bai Gaowen and said, "his father! Do you know who I saw outside today? "

Bai Gaowen was lying on the Kang. His face was gray and bloodless. He was as old as a teenager and had more white hair. He was extremely decadent and lifeless.

At the age of Bai Gaowen, he was supposed to be lively. Who knew that he was so young that he collapsed on the Kang? Did you follow the old way of the white man?

Since Bai Gaowen collapsed on the Kang, he thought about a lot of things.

He thought that in the past, old man Bai was suddenly unable to leave. He could only lie on the Kang every day. Like a living dead man, he didn't see a doctor. At that time, he didn't take it seriously.

As a result, old man Bai could only collapse on the Kang. If it wasn't for Wang's daily care, old man Bai couldn't even get off the ground!

Now, Bai Gaowen is the same as Bai Gaowen!

At this moment, there is only one thought in Bai Gaowen's heart, which is retribution!

Here, Qian's spittle flying said a lot, white Gaowen two eyes staring at the top, unexpectedly is no reaction.

Qian's mouth is dry, but there is no response from Bai Gaowen.

Qian also doesn't care if Bai Gaowen is ill or not. She reaches out her hand and pushes Bai Gaowen hard, shouting: "his father, do you hear me?! I found the bitches in Bai Yu! She's back! Not only will she come! She's still living in town

"You said the damned bitch! Even if she escapes back, she will let the old couple come and ask us for money! How can they be cheaper? "

"His father, let's hurry to take back Bai Yu and give it to them so that we can get our money back, OK?"

Qian pushed Bai Gaowen hard to let him recover. As soon as he heard Bai Yu's name, he saw that Bai Gaowen's eyes were wide open and his mouth was wide open. He didn't know what he was saying.

But from his angry face, it can be seen that Bai Gaowen was angry and excited when he knew that Bai Yu had come back!

If it wasn't for Bai Yu, he wouldn't be paralyzed!

Now that Bai Gaowen has become like this, it's false that he doesn't resent at the bottom of his heart!

He hated Bai Yu in his heart! I'm so sorry! If it wasn't for Bai Yu, the unfilial girl, how could he be like this now?!

As soon as Qian saw Bai Gaowen, she knew what he meant. She even said, "his father, I'll tell my mother now! Let Niang go to catch the dead girl Bai Yu! Then we'll get the money back! "

When it comes to silver, Qian is very happy!

Qian thought it over. When she got the money, she left the White House!

Anyway, she is pregnant with Bao Daguang's child! Bao Daguang is responsible! Even let her be Bao Daguang's wife!

She won't stay in the big room! I will not wait on this worthless man!

Inside the house, Qian and Bai Gaowen said this, but they didn't notice that there was a shadow in the window outside.

With that, Qian went to tell Wang.

Of course, Qian couldn't do it herself. On the one hand, it was inconvenient for her to do it because she was pregnant. On the other hand, Wang must hate Bai Yu more than himself!

As for why she told Bai Gaowen about it, it was because Bai Gaowen still had use value!

When she wants the money back, Wang will try to get it. Then Bai Gaowen will be useful. When she gets the money, she will leave Bai's house!

Qian's plan is very good!

When she told Wang about Bai Yu, she saw that Wang's face was excited and angry, and cried, "Bai Yu, the one who killed a thousand swords, is back!"?! She made her father so bad, and she came back! See if I don't tear her up

Wang hated Bai Yu. If it wasn't for Bai Yu, his family wouldn't come to Bai's big place. If it wasn't for Bai Yu, Bai Gaowen wouldn't be so ill!

"Mother! As long as we take Bai Yu back and give her to the family, can't we get the silver back? " Qian said.

Wang's a Leng, instantly understand, she repeatedly nodded: "yes! yes! Give them Bai Yu, and we'll get the silver back! "

At the moment, the two quickly rushed down the mountain and went to Jinyun Xiufang in the town to catch people.

When they came to Jinyun Xiufang, as soon as they entered Xiufang, they saw all kinds of cloth and embroidery products in Xiufang, dazzled.

Especially Qian, she looked at these fabrics and thought of the coarse cloth she was wearing. Her face was very bad!


After catching Bai Yu's little hoof later, we must let the embroidery and spinning shopkeeper compensate them for the cloth and embroidery! Who let them hide the girl of Bai family?!Qian's heart began to fight small 99, Wang has already started to shout. "Return my granddaughter! White language! White language! Come out, you dead girl , the fastest update of the webnovel!