When Bai Jin unfolds the portrait slowly, it is displayed in front of the two great uncles of the Bai family.

After they saw the portrait, they were stunned. When they were young, they saw the second uncle of the Bai family surprised and said, "this, this is not..." Then the second uncle looked at Bai Gaowen. Bai Gaowen and Qian, who were standing on one side, did not react. Seeing that the second uncle of the Bai family was looking at them, Qian suddenly walked forward two steps. When he saw the portrait in Bai Jin's hand, he was also stunned. He looked at Bai Jin with doubts. He was not sure what Bai Jin meant when he took Bai Gaowen's picture?

Bai's great uncle obviously saw that the portrait was Bai Gaowen. He looked at Bai Jin and asked, "what do you mean, Jin girl?"

Sitting on one side, old man Bai and Wang also saw the portrait in Bai Jin's hand. The portrait can't be seen roughly, but a closer look shows that the facial features in the portrait are very similar to those of Bai Gaowen.

The elder uncle and the second uncle of the Bai family look at Bai Jin and ask him what he is doing with the portrait.

Bai Jin said slowly: "a few days ago, a Ying sisters went out to sell vinegar, but suddenly a few people came to abuse a Ying. They also said that the vinegar sold by a Ying was stolen. They said that the vinegar sold by a Ying was fake and could eat bad people."

White brocade finish saying, see the white Gao Wen complexion of one side standing suddenly change, Qian Shi is a body stiff, the vision is startled to look at white brocade indefinitely. "Uncle, if those people think that Ah Ying sisters robbed their business in the takeout vinegar, they will drive them away. But they smashed the vinegar stall of Ah Ying selling vinegar, and wronged that Ah Ying's vinegar was stolen. What's more, they wronged that Ah Ying's vinegar was fake. Isn't that slandering the vinegar signboard of our white house

When Bai Jin finished, he saw that the elder uncle and the second uncle of the Bai family were shocked and frowned: "what? They smashed Zhao Ying's Vinegar stall? And that vinegar is fake? "

Bai Jin nodded, glanced at Bai Gaowen and Qian from the corner of his eye, and continued: "yes, I heard Ah Ying say that those people were still tall men, and one of them even touched Ah Ying!"

Bai's uncle frowned and said coldly, "Zhao Ying sisters are still two children. If they don't understand the rules and regulations and rob their business, they will drive them away. How can they do it?"

The elder uncle and the second uncle are both over 50 years old, so their hearts are softer.

Although they learned that it was wrong for the Zhao Ying family to sell vinegar in the third room of the Bai family, the Zhao Ying sisters were still two children after all. When they heard that someone beat them and smashed coarse sugar, uncle and uncle felt sorry for their sisters. While Qian listened, she felt that Bai Jin's words were getting more and more wrong. Her eyes turned quickly, and then she said in a busy voice: "uncle, uncle two, I think it must be that Zhao Ying sisters are not sensible, they robbed other people's business, but they don't know that they are two children, and they are easy to be impulsive

, what they say is hard to be obedient, will make those people move their hands."

With Qian's words, the eldest uncle and the second uncle nodded in agreement, realizing that Qian's words were possible.

Qian then looked at Bai Jin and said, "Jin girl, what are the Zhao Ying sisters saying? They are also outsiders. You can't listen to what they say."

Bai Jin's face did not change. She turned her eyes slightly and looked at Qian Shi. She said faintly: "aunt, I only said that a few people smashed Ah Ying's Vinegar stall and ruined the reputation of our vinegar signboard, but I didn't say what ah Ying said."

Qian's face turned white, knowing that what she had just said was too urgent. Bai Jin no longer looks at Qian's family, but says to uncle: "uncle, those people smashed Ah Ying's Vinegar stall for no reason. It's a small matter, but they wronged our family's vinegar, but they can't bear it!"

"What's more, those people also injured Ah Ying, and this can't be done. So I'll report to the government. "


When Bai Gaowen and Qian heard Bai Jin's words, their bodies trembled and their faces turned pale. Then they saw Bai Gaowen looking at Qian and whispering: "how can this happen? How can I report to the government? "

Isn't it true that as long as we find a few people to sell Zhao Ying's Vinegar stalls and say something hard to obey, Zhao Ying's sisters dare not sell vinegar? When the third room of the Bai family learned that Zhao Ying's sister had been beaten, did they dare not let her sell vinegar?

Here, Bai Jin took the picture and continued to say to uncle and second uncle: "both of them must know that my uncle is the head of the Yamen. When Uncle learned that someone had ruined our vinegar signboard and injured people, he went to trace those people."

Said here, white brocade Dun, eyes slightly cold, way: "the emperor does not disappoint people, big uncle in a few days will be those people to arrest!"

"What?" When Bai Gaowen heard Bai Jin's words, he felt that his legs were soft.

Qian's face is very ugly, and she finally knows why Bai Jin is holding the portrait of Bai Gaowen!

Bai Yu, who was standing behind a few people, understood why she had asked Sanfang to come to the room this time. Why did Shen Dahu follow her!

At this time, even if Bai Yu tells Bai Gaowen, it's useless. It's better to continue pretending that he doesn't know anything!

Several people in Bai's big room have different ideas. Bai Jin still talks with great uncle and second uncle.After learning about the man who ruined the vinegar signboard of the third room of the Bai family, the great uncle was very relieved and said, "this villain must be severely punished!" Bai Jin said with a sneer: "uncle is right. Those people, who are from other villages, smashed a-ying's Vinegar stall and hurt people. What's more, they ruined our vinegar signboard. It's really hateful! Of course not! My parents and I thought that we had finally caught the murderer, but recently my uncle came to my house and told us that they were only instructed. "


On one side, Bai Gaowen's legs softened and he sat on the ground, and his face was very ugly and pale.

"His father! What's the matter with you? "


Zhang Shi and Bai Yu see Bai Gaowen tan on the ground. More than one face is pale and ugly, and the forehead is covered with cold sweat. They hurry to sit down with Bai Gaowen.

Bai Gaowen raised his hand and wiped the sweat on his forehead. How could he not be afraid?

I think he has been an honest farmer all his life. Recently, when he saw that the third room of the Bai family was getting better and better, he was envious. Especially when he learned that Zhao Ying was selling vinegar for the third room, Bai Gaowen realized that the third room was turning his elbow out! I want to take advantage of it.

Then, Qian gave a lot of ideas. This time, it was also Qian's idea!

At that time, Qian only said, let him find a few people to scare Zhao Ying sisters and smash the vinegar stall. In order to ruin the reputation of Zhao Ying sisters and vinegar, the people in the third room would not let Zhao Ying sisters sell vinegar for the sake of vinegar signboard and not causing trouble!

Who knows, the person of 3 rooms unexpectedly report an official! Why are they still tracking down?!

When Bai Laohan and Wang Shi see that Bai Gaowen is like this, they are busy asking questions. Bai's great uncle is a person who has seen the world. Bai Jin says here. Seeing Bai Gaowen's face again, he can guess it from the bottom of his heart.

Uncle Gongxin couldn't help but scold Bai Gaowen for being ungrateful! I don't know what's going on! When Qian saw this, he ran to the back of Bai Gaowen's tattoo and waited on Bai Gaowen, but his eyes were rolling and his heart was in a panic.

Obviously, she didn't expect that the third room of the Bai family didn't make peace. On the contrary, she asked people to track down those people!

I knew that the third room of the Bai family was so brave. She didn't dare to come up with such an idea!

"Although they did not know the man who ordered them, they took a silver or two from the man and remembered his appearance." White brocade dun dun, hang Mou looking at the portrait in the hand, light way: "is the person in the portrait."

After listening to Bai Jin's words, the elder uncle and the second uncle of the Bai family were extremely embarrassed and angry.

"Uncle, you say that you are dedicated to our vinegar business, but why do you do these things behind your back?" Bai Jin turns her eyes to see Bai Gaowen's direction. Her eyes are slightly cold.

Just now at home, after seeing the portrait, Bai Gaozhong and Shen Shi also determined that it was Bai Gaowen who instigated the fourth man to smash Zhao Ying's Vinegar stand and ruin the vinegar signboard.

In the face of the cold eyes of several people in the third room of the Bai family, Bai Gaowen felt embarrassed. He was pale and didn't dare to look up at them.

The bottom of Qian's heart is flustered. He looks at the man in the third room of the white family. Qian's eyes turn around, and then he presses her eyes and says, "jinwench, you must be mistaken. His father is your uncle. He is the elder brother of the third brother and the third sister-in-law. How can you do these things?"

When Bai Gaowen heard Qian's words, he responded and nodded.

"Girl Jin, the people in this picture must look a little like your uncle! You have to believe us, don't believe your outsiders, believe those ruffians and hooligans! " Qian's a pair of elder like appearance, looks like is really concerned about Baijin was cheated!

Bai Jin said with a sneer: "in fact, we don't believe that uncle will do this kind of thing. After all, uncle is my pro uncle and my parents' Pro elder brother."

Listening to Bai Jin's words, Bai Gaowen quickly nodded and said: "yes, yes, don't believe them. They are nonsense..." White brocade look slightly cold, light way: "uncle said is, I also think so, how can those people say words at will believe?"? Uncle also doesn't believe it, so uncle suggests that if those people wronged him, let's go to court to confront him and let them see him, so as to give him justice

"What!? Court! No, I'm not going

Bai Gaowen's body suddenly softened down. Even the Qian family on one side didn't expect that the people in the third room of the Bai family were so cruel that they really wanted to go to court!

“…… Bai Jin, we are your elders. We are your great uncle and great aunt. Do you speak like that? " Qian's see white family three room people already know what Bai Gaowen did, now the only way is to make a fuss to hide in the past!

After hearing this, Shen Shi sneered: "my daughter can't do it, I can't do it! If those villains who hurt Zhao Ying and ruined our vinegar signboard are caught, they will be punished severely! But for the sake of justice, why don't we go to the Yamen? "Bai Gaozhong's face was cold and silent.

When Bai Gaowen saw that all the people in the third room of the Bai family were looking at him, he felt that he was paralyzed and frightened.

"No, I won't! I'm not going Bai Gaowen is really sorry now. He regrets how he listened to Qian's idea and bribed those people with money!

White brocade see white Gao Wen so, light way: "uncle, we are also afraid that those people wronged uncle, now my uncle is waiting outside, as now we go to see those people?"

As soon as Bai Gaowen heard that Shen Dahu was outside the door, he felt even more frightened.

Bai Gaowen knows what Shen Dahu is like. Shen Dahu is Shen's elder brother. Thinking of Bai Gaoming's situation, Bai Gaowen knows that Shen Dahu is not a good stubble!

Bai Gaowen regrets it! He regretted doing those things to the third room of Bai family! Now, not only did he not get the vinegar from the third room of the Bai family, but he was also found out what he did by Bai Jin!

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