On the side of the main house, Old Man Bai was sitting on the brick bed, puffing on his pipe. His old face was tense. After a while, the curtain was lifted and Lady Wang walked in.

Old Man Bai's hands paused as he raised his eyes to look at Lady Wang with a frown.

"Old man, is Old Third really going to cut off all ties with us?" "He, his third house really built a high wall in the courtyard …"

During this period of time, she secretly peeked over to the third house's side and saw that the wall outside the third house was already a meter high. From the looks of it, the third house was still not done yet, but the wall seemed to be even taller!

If they were to fight against each other on the academy wall, it was obvious that they wanted to meet only a few rooms in the Bai Clan! He needed to be isolated from the world!

The more Lady Wang saw, the angrier she got. In the end, she was so angry that she poured all the chicken food she had into a chicken bowl, turned around, and angrily went back into the house to complain to the old man!

"Old man!" I see it! "The third wife seemed to agree with your decision that day, but how do you hate us in the heart of the third son?"

Old Man Bai was already upset. With Lady Wang's words, he fiercely knocked on the table and said, "What grievances does he have?" He brought it up when they were splitting up! Since he proposed to split the family! Then he would have to take this responsibility! Take this loss! "

Lady Wang also nodded furiously. "No!"

Mentioning the matter about the branch family, Lady Wang felt even worse, reprimanding her, "Old Third has been an honest man since he was young! How could he be so simple and honest as to propose a branch family! This idea was already set by that bitch Shen Shi! "

Mrs Wang repeatedly cursed Mrs Shen, it was as if the Bai family's third branch family should be wronged. Bai Gaozhong should be the same as when he was young, oppressed, wronged, and honest.

When she started cursing at Mrs Shen, Mrs Wang's words became more and more vicious.

"I didn't agree to let that slut from the Shen family in! Look at the way she's talking to us! Does it look like he's willing to suffer? "

"Ol 'Three has become like this! It must be all because of that bitch Shen! How shameless! What a loser! And that little girl! It's all because of her that our family is in such a mess! "

As the old man listened to the sounds of mudtiles and tiles coming from the third room, as well as to Lady Wang's nagging, he couldn't help but feel even more irritated.

Boom! *

He slammed the smoke stick onto the table, and said to Lady Wang, "Say less! What's the use of saying regret now? Back then, who was the one who agreed to enter the Shen Clan's doorstep? "

Mrs. Wang was rendered speechless by Old Man Bai's words. Her trembling lips stiffened for a moment before she replied: "Didn't you also have your eyes on the Shen family?"

Speaking of the Shen family, Lady Wang grumbled even more in her heart!

"At first, I thought that the eldest brother of the Shen family was a constable of the town, so I thought that he had some ability. He usually helps fourth brother in the town, but …" Lady Wang was furious and scolded angrily, "The thing that happened to our Fourth Bro this time, he is actually not busy at all! "What a unfamiliar dog!"

Lady Wang's words were exactly the same as Bai Ming's. She had completely forgotten that Shen Da Hu had helped Bai Grandmaster before!

Mrs Wang's every word was full of complaints about Mrs Shen and the Shen family, as well as Bai Gaozhong. She complained that Bai Gaozhong was not as honest as he was in the past, and actually had thoughts of taking a detour! Said he wasn't filial!

But no matter what they said, they could only complain in the house.

Everyone was well aware that what Old Man Bai and Lady Wang had done to the Bai family's third branch was not right!

They didn't care, so they didn't dare to go out and talk!

At that time, the third branch of the Bai Clan was bustling with activity.

The wall had already reached a height of more than a meter. If they worked harder and raised the height of the wall a bit, then the wall would be completed.

It was the end of April and the beginning of May. Noon had arrived and it was getting hot.

Mrs Shen and Bai Jin carried canteens in their hands and brought several large bowls of water to the villagers, and even thanked them repeatedly.

These people drank some water, wiped their mouths, and said with a smile, "What are you thanking me for? We're all from the same village, not to mention that Ol 'Three would do his best to help us out whenever we need it. We will do what we have to do! "

The other villagers all nodded in agreement.

Mrs Shen heard it in her heart, Bai Gaozhong was honest, honest, and had a straightforward character. Even the villagers said that Bai Laosheng was a good person, but as his parents, the old man and the Wang family treated their son like this!

Thinking about it, Shen Shi was filled with anger!

But it's good now! The three of them were going to split up! He even hit the academy's wall! From now on, their home was their home! Don't even think about it! Don't even think about bullying them, just take advantage of their family!

Bai Jin also poured a bowl of water and handed it to Bai Gaozhong. While Bai Gaozhong was drinking water, Bai Jin took out a handkerchief and wiped the sweat off his face.

Bai Gaozhong raised his head and looked at his beautiful and considerate daughter. He gave her a simple and honest smile and said affectionately, "My daughter is the one who loves people!"

Bai Jin's heart ached. Speaking of which, she hadn't lived for long in her previous life, but she hadn't been able to properly filial her parents! And he was always worrying about his parents.

Now, she had the time to be filial to her parents, and their third house had even successfully separated. From then on, the upper house and the fourth house would no longer be able to bully any of their family members!

She looked at the villagers on one side, and in the blink of an eye, Muyun, who was busy with his work, was busy with his work. She reached a bowl of water and said to Bai Jin beside her, "Jin'er, go and bring Brother Mu a bowl of water."

Cough, since Madam Shen addressed Sunset Clouds as her peers, then as the daughter of the Bai family, Bai Jin should change her address to Sunset Clouds.

Bai Jin held the water in his hand, suppressed the sudden urge in his heart, and walked towards Sunset Clouds.

No matter what, Sunset Clouds was her savior! Bai Jin was sincerely grateful towards Sunset Clouds.

"Creak …" Cough, drink some water and rest. Don't get tired. " Bai Jin was still thinking about the words' Brother Mu 'from the Shen family. She really couldn't call him big brother Mu Yun.

Sunset Clouds was indeed older than Bai Jin.

Hearing Bai Jin's voice, Sunset Clouds stopped the shop assistant in his hand and turned around. He was covered in sweat. He looked at Bai Jin and suddenly grinned.

"What did you call me?" Sunset Clouds suddenly said.

"…" Bai Jin brought some water over and said shyly, "Drink some water quickly!"

Sunset Clouds took the water, raised his head and gulped it down.

The sun was high in the sky now, and the hot sun was shining down on the group.

Sunset Clouds was wearing only a short, dark gray uniform today, revealing his wheat coloured strong arms and a well-defined chest area on his chest!

Sweat mixed with water from his chin flowed from Sunset Clouds' chin all the way to his neck and down his throat into his strong chest!

Bai Jin's face turned red and he quickly turned his head away, not daring to look anymore.

Amitabha, the good, the male wrong people!