Chapter 114: The cicada, the mantis, and the oriole.

Name:How to Raise a Villainess Author:
Chapter 114: The cicada, the mantis, and the oriole.

“It warms my heart to see all of you gathered here in front of me. The backbone of our great empire, the beating heart that ensures our continued prosperity.”

The emperor stood at the edge of the balcony, gazing down upon the nobles that had gathered in the banquet hall. Anastasia De Earhart, the current empress, was standing at his side wearing the exact same smile as him. The princes were lined up behind him, but the gap left by the missing Third Prince stood out like a sore thumb. Everyone noticed it, but pretended not to so as to not agitate the emperor, who accepted a glass of champagne from a servant that had followed them.

“Allow me to raise a glass to all you fine souls.”

The empress and the princes’ also received their glasses, the servants in the hall quickly making another round to get everyone a fresh glass. Once they were properly supplied, they all raised their glasses to toast with the emperor.

“To the continued prosperity and longevity of Earhart!”

“Hear Hear.”


“For prosperity.”

“To continued wealth.”

The raised glasses were brought down as everyone took a sip, holding the glasses to their lips until the emperor finished his own sip. It should be some of the finest wine the empire has to offer, made from extremely precious grapes. But the subtle aftertaste of apples and lemon ruined it. It tended to happen when you added things to wine that weren’t supposed to be there.

On the outside, the emperor looked the same as always, but he drained the entire glass of champagne in a single gulp so who knew how he was faring on the inside.

“Now then. Please partake in the sampling of refreshments we have prepared to whet your appetites, the main meal will be served shortly.”

A graceful and elegant smile, slow and deliberate yet casual steps as he slowly made his way down the stairs. The emperor allowed everyone to take in his usual appearance, he probably had to work hard to stop any rumors about his mental health that might arise after the death of the Third Prince.

Gabriel returned his glass to the tray of a servant that just so happened to be walking by, the taste still lingering in his mouth. He maintained his conversation with the baron he was currently talking to, but his eyes found Abigail across the hall.

She probably sensed his gaze, turning her eyes over while she was talking with the Woodime family and the Empress Dowager. She raised her eyebrows as a quiet question, receiving a single blink from Gabriel as an answer. He blinked a few more times afterward, seemingly at random. Abigail furrowed her brows for a fraction of a second, eventually giving a minuscule shake of her head before turning her gaze away.

Gabriel’s own gaze turned back to the baron he was chatting with, he was speaking some nonsense about inviting Gabriel over to his territory for a small ‘exchange’ with his knights. It was an exceedingly inconsequential conversation so Gabriel was barely paying attention.

His gaze returned to wandering, observing the various nobles in the hall. Abigail had yet to reveal the existence of poison magic to the world, and thanks to their short exchange now, he could confirm that she also hadn’t told any nobles in secret. And yet... Both the glasses that Gabriel had drunk from ended up being poisoned.

The second glass was the easiest one to explain, it had been handed to him by a servant so poisoning it in advance was easy. But the first glass he grabbed he took from a table, so unless every single glass was poisoned then the poison had to have been added after he picked up the drink.

So either, someone here was stealthy enough to sneak poison into a glass he was currently holding, or someone in this room had learned of the existence of poison magic. The latter wasn’t that far-fetched even without Abigail revealing it, they could have learned something from Teresa’s story, or perhaps they had an experience in the same vein as Teresa, with overlapping memories breaking their way into the present.

Of course, that begged the question of exactly who had done it. Of course, the question wasn’t because he was such a nice guy that he shouldn’t have any enemies, it was because he had too many possible enemies so it was hard to pinpoint a single one. There was also the types of poison used. The first one had a strong metallic taste, while the second one was more reminiscent of apples and lemon so they were probably different poisons. As such, he also couldn’t disregard the possibility that there was more than one party that had tried to poison him.

He mentally organized the possible parties while maintaining his conversation, the chattering baron was a good way to keep others at bay while Gabriel organized his thoughts. But he wasn’t a wall that could be held up forever.

“How could that possibly be the case, your grace? You are the moon of the empire, the burdens you shoulder are beyond my wildest imaginations. I am already honored beyond belief that you would take the time to remember my name.”

Gabriel maintained his bent posture, bowing with utmost reverence. Of course, because he was bowing so deeply there was no way he could possibly see the offered hand. And if he couldn’t see it, how could he possibly offer it the customary kiss of loyalty? It was a situation anyone could understand, he was simply too reverent and humble.

And naturally, as the empress, Anastasia could not just keep her hand out for an extended period of time, so she pulled it back before Gabriel ever got the chance to kiss it.

“Please raise your head, Viscount Indra. I’m afraid we will both suffer from early pain in our necks should we talk with our heads craned in this manner. And I do so wish to look into the eyes of those I converse with.”

Gabriel finally raised his head after the empress requested it for the second time. He matched her gaze as they locked eyes, violet meeting green as the two looked at each other. One was calm and graceful, the other was reverent and humble. They simply looked at each other for a small second, appropriate smiles adorning their faces.

“I am glad that you could make it to the banquet. Not just because of the short notice, but also because of the terrible situation with your fiancee. I can see that it is affection you greatly, has there yet to be any word of her whereabouts?”

The hand of the empress stretched out again as she spoke, a mournful expression on her face. Her hand caressed Gabriel’s cheek in the same way a mother would comfort her child, her fingers tracing the dark bags Gabriel had taken great pains to prepare under his eyes. Her nails were well-kept but still rather long so they trailed just beneath his eyeball as she comforted him.

“I’m afraid not, your grace. I have dug high and low, but she truly seems to have simply vanished from the face of the earth.”

Gabriel did not shy away from her hand, a thin and pale smile stretching across his face as he exhaled a long and weary breath. The empress removed her hand from his face before it became improper, shaking her head sadly.

“It must be a difficult time, being forced to simply wait at home, unable to do a single thing to help those dear to you.”

She truly was the picture of a good empress, the mother of the empire, sympathizing with all of her subjects. And naturally, after sympathizing came more comfort.

“But take heart, young Viscount, there will surely be news of her in the end.”

A servant came over as she comforted Gabriel, offering a drink to the three. Since the empress grabbed a drink first, Gabriel had no choice but to take one as well, the two clinking their glasses before taking a sip. Perhaps as one would expect, this wine was normal.

“I thank you for your kind words, your grace. And I too hold the same belief. We made a promise to each other so she will return to my side eventually, and then this will all finally be over.”

Gabriel finished his sip and returned the empty glass to the tray that the servant was holding, allowing a hopeful smile to grace his face. Naturally, the empress responded with a smile of her own.

“It’s good that you are able to keep your spirit up, once you lose hope there is truly nothing left to do. So keep your head up, Young Viscount, it is too early to lose heart.”

The empress returned her own glass to the tray, linking her arm with the emperor while leaning against him. It was a signal that the conversation was over, and since the emperor himself had nothing to discuss with Gabriel, they naturally turned to walk away. But as if remembering it at the last moment, the empress turned her head and flashed Gabriel a vibrant smile.

“And oh, the doors to our palace will always be open to you should you feel that it becomes too much to bear on your own. We will always be there to extend a hand to you in your darkest times.”

Gabriel held his hand across his chest and bowed deeply once again, seeing the empress off with immaculate etiquette.

“This one will forever engrave your grace and kindness into his heart, your grace. Please allow me to extend my gratitude in advance for when I inevitable must pass through your gates.”

Finally, there was nothing left to say between them so they properly separated this time. And luckily, the emperor did not give anyone else time to move up for a talk with Gabriel. Servants flooded the room, carrying trays of food and drink that they quickly placed on the various tables. The banquet, and their proper discussions, would finally start.