"I..." Fang ziye felt that his current behavior, for lannicole, must be very ridiculous, so he had a bit of a desire to stop talking.

"Go, sister-in-law! I'll just look at my big brother Xia Xinfei did not know when she appeared at the door, but also took the initiative to call Fang ziye her sister-in-law.

In the face of this sudden behavior, Fang ziye was stunned for a few minutes and didn't know how to respond. After all, she was the one who called her sister-in-law before. Unexpectedly, she changed her mind. "What a fool! Why, is it so strange that I call you sister-in-law? " Xia Xinfei feels that there is something subtle about this, but fate is so unexpected that people can never predict what kind of life path will be in the next second.

"Well! It's not very adaptive Fang ziye said, and his cheek became crimson. It is estimated that he is really shy!

"It's OK. I'll do it later! Call a few more times so you can get used to it quickly. " Xia Xinfei said mischievously, although she is older than Fang ziye, now she plays the role of sister-in-law, so it is OK to have a little girl once in a while.

"I guess it's a little difficult." Fang ziye thought that his heart was not very tight, so he was not very optimistic about this situation.

"No, I'll get used to it. Let Nicole check it for you first! Don't look back. My brother hasn't woken up yet. What's wrong with you Xia Xinfei to this, but has the psychological shadow, therefore, specially cares.

"OK, then zhe Ting will be handed over to you." Fang ziye breathed a sigh of relief. He felt that he had just stretched his nerves too tight. He felt that he was facing a great enemy.

"Go! I promise when you come back, my brother will be fine Xia Xinfei, after all, is a visitor, so she can understand Fang ziye's mood and behavior.

"Poof! I think I'm a little too tight. " Fang ziye said and took a breath again. After that, she went out with lanniko.

Xia Xinfei shook her head helplessly, the woman who fell in love! No matter how rational and powerful you are before, you will become nervous. Take a look at Fang ziye. Isn't it the best proof?

"What expression do you have?" The man in bed suddenly asked.

"Big brother, you are awake." Xia Xinfei exclaimed with joy, then buried her head in his chest and became coquettish with joy.

"Well! What about cotyledons? " As soon as Xia zhe Ting woke up, he began to look for Fang ziye's whereabouts.

"Nicole took her to have a physical examination. No, it's just not far away from walking out. You wake up. It's really not the time." Xia Xinfei is also tired of slanting so for a while, then left from his body.

"Don't you want to see me wake up Xia zheting didn't have a good temper to stare at his younger sister, this wench, still is not oneself kiss younger sister.

"Do I have one?" Xia Xinfei laughs and is in a good mood.

"What do you say?" Xia zheting knows his sister best. In the past, he was considerate, but now it's hard to say. He was totally spoiled by Mu Zixuan's son of a bitch.

"How do I feel, as if someone is speaking ill of me!" Muzzixuan Shi Shi Shi ran came in from the door, a face of doubt.

"No!" Xia Xinfei is absolutely cute and cute at such a time. She answers him foolishly.

Xia zhe Ting, on the other hand, frowned unconsciously. He thought that this guy could not read his mind. Otherwise, he knew what he was thinking in his mind!

"You don't, but someone, it's hard to say." Mu Zixuan's line of sight, straight fell on Xia zheting's body.

"My big brother didn't say anything more." Xia Xinfei explains in a hurry, also don't know she is nervous what strength.

"Oh! They are already the mothers of two children. How can they be so simple? " Although muzzixuan in the mouth dislikes her, but the eyes are doting on that kind of add.

"When it comes to children, what about hell night and Ming Yao? Don't they follow you in the back Xia Xinfei some hindsight, now found that the people who should follow him have lost their trace. "They! Go with Mo'er to enchantment. " When I came over, I just ran into Mo'er's girl, so I pestered to go to Meihuan to play with cousin haoqian. During this time, the little guy was ordered by the old man not to go home, which seemed to destroy his favorite antiques. Therefore, these children have not been able to play together for several days.

"But didn't they say they wanted to see my uncle?" Xia Xinfei said sorry to look at Xia zheting, nephew is so ignorant, I hope he doesn't care.

"Oh! The night of the dead said, "if you don't die, you will have a blessing." Mu Zixuan shrugged his shoulders. Sometimes even he, who was a father, could not understand his son's thinking.

"Well, that's what he said Xia Xinfei is a bit unsure, but also feels that the night really will say such words, because the child is always deep enough to make people feel afraid."Otherwise? Why should I lie? " Mu Zixuan said a look of disgust in the past, how she is a wife! Even my husband didn't believe it.

"I don't mean that. I just feel that there is something in his words in the dark night." Xia Xinfei frowns. She is such a small child, but she knows everything. Sometimes, she really suspects that he came through the country. Otherwise, how can she do something that is not in line with his age?

"Well, isn't it obvious? Is he blessing his uncle Mu Zixuan said, his eyes floated to Xia zheting, laughing that called a playfulness.

"I really have to thank him for thinking about my lifelong happiness at such a young age." Xia zheting had no choice but to smile. What he had to admit was that some of the thinking of the night was beyond the scope of the child. He did not know what kind of gene was driving him.

"If you really want to thank you, you might as well have something affordable. The little guy is suddenly interested in electronics these days. Let him operate in your company." Mu Zixuan's calculation is really cunning.

"Oh! My head! Why does it hurt so suddenly? " Xia zhe Ting said, directly pretending to be dead in the past, he is not stupid, will take a trouble to the side.

"Do you need that? Don't forget, that's your nephew Mu Zixuan a face of disgust, he this pretend, also too obvious point!

"Is he still your son? Why don't you take it with you Xia zheting didn't stare at him, and he wanted to throw the hot potato to himself. There was no door. "When is the night of our family so unpopular?" Xia Xinfei is very worried, said, as a mother, see them pushing each other like this, the bottom of my heart feel very bad.

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