
Name:Holy Dragon Totem Author:
A secret order was issued at the Golden Dragon hall that night. At noon tomorrow, Jiang Junjian, the "disorderly minister", would be launched into the "Huangwu gate" and beheaded on the spot.

Only one night, although the news spread out, but the people who can be present are basically limited to Yanlong ruins.

Many people have no sleep all night.

If there were no Heavenly Dragon goddess, many people would rise up and rush into the Dharma hall, fight with the faint monarch, and even sacrifice to the shrine.

But this time is different from the past, the emperor of Yanlong is at the height of the sun, Jiang Junjian has lost his power, and his death has become a foregone conclusion.

Even so, on that day, there were still countless people who rushed into Huangwu gate. They were very agitated since midnight. However, Emperor Yanlong had already suppressed it with power.

"Today's troublemakers, ravers and demagogues are all guilty of the same crime as traitors, implicating nine ethnic groups!"

It's really terrible to implicate nine ethnic groups. This sentence is like a thread, which sews people's mouths.

As a result, many people can only look at the empty Huangwu gate with red eyes.

On that day, the crowd of huangwumen was more lively than the grand gathering of six prefectures.

People are silent, but the power of silence is also very big, those angry eyes, let the guards are on pins and needles.

But they did not dare to mess, because they also implicated nine ethnic groups.

At this time, Emperor Yanlong was powerful and nobody dared to provoke him.

Before noon, Yanlong royal family and princes and ministers descended on the Huangwu gate, and the emperor, Empress and many princes and ministers were present in person.

The two mysterious strong men also attracted many people's attention. It is said that these two strong men came from the great imperial dynasty which was dozens of times more than that of Yanlong.

The princes of all parties are in place.

"Detain, criminal Jiang Junjian, go to the scaffold!"

Father in law Qian's shrill voice spread all over the world, especially in the dead Huangwu gate. When he spoke, countless red eyes were cast on him, which made him panic.

Emperor Yanlong has long lost the hearts of the people. Now it is not majesty but killing that can make people shut up.

Although the tyrant's eyes narrowed, he could not bear to open the door? Do you have trouble sleeping and eating for a hundred thousand wronged souls

What he said reminded people of the event of huangtianguan. For a time, the heroes were furious, but no one spoke first and no one started.

"The dead, don't talk." The emperor Yanlong personally took out the holy Dragon Emperor's knife. Today, he wanted to behead himself. When Jiang Junjian was sent to the scaffold and was pressed on it, the emperor Yanlong jumped down and waved the sword in his hand.

"Father in law Qian, read out Jiang Junjian's guilt." He raised the knife, the golden knife in the sun shining, dazzling, shocking.


Mr. Qian shuddered and began to read: "sinner Jiang Junjian, commit treason! The Qilin royal family has been loyal officials and martyrs of the imperial court from generation to generation... "

No one listened to father-in-law Qian read out those crimes. People had a volcano hidden in their hearts, looking at the emperor Yanlong and Jiang Junjian.

Mr. Qian announced the end.

Emperor Yanlong laughed and said in a loud voice, "today, I personally beheaded Jiang Junjian to make an example."

"It's noon, execution!" In order to avoid a long night's dream, father-in-law Qian announced a little in advance.

"It is said that when the head falls to the ground, you can still see your body." Emperor Yanlong couldn't help laughing.

"It's a pity that you can't cut me down." Jiang Junjian laughed.

"Oh. No tears without a coffin. " Emperor Yanlong used a lot of strength and went down with a knife.


That knife was very cruel! Even if the head of a giant beast can be cut off, people's mood has already reached the edge of explosion, and finally some people can't help but rush into the Dharma hall.

"Tyrant! You're a fool! It's hard to die! "

At the beginning, someone ignited the fire. The medicine barrel, more than 100000 people broke through the guard line and rushed in.

But at this time, what they saw was that the holy Dragon Emperor's sword was shaken up, and even the emperor of the dragon was bounced several steps!

Take a look at Jiang Junjian's neck. It's safe and sound

What's going on

People stop in the chaos and look at it all with great dullness.

They heard Jiang Junjian say, "Longyin, are you a waste? You can't even chop your head off? "

Now, the world is shocked!

The emperor of the Dragon failed to cut off his neck.

People saw that the emperor of Yan long, who was still powerful just now, was livid.

"I don't know what means you used, but this time, you're dead." He took out a sword from the space jade pendant, which should be the totem weapon of Kun level!

With that sentence, the emperor Yanlong cut down with a sword!

Jiang Junjian's neck was still not broken, but the emperor Yanlong was shaken out and almost fell to the ground."Ha ha, you waste, did you not eat, or did you have excessive wine and lust? With this skill, you are still an emperor?" Jiang Junjian sneered at him mercilessly.

The emperor of Yanlong was simply confused.

"What's going on?" Even the ancients are a bit silly.

"Forget it, brother. Don't tease him." Just then, a young voice sounded from the crowd, and a teenager came out.

"Who is he?" A lot of people are curious.

"Jiang Zizi!" For a moment, the answer was announced, and there was a lot of noise.

"Before that, he took people and broke an arm of emperor Yanlong in Luan City!"

"He's here."

In fact, Jiang Zizi has been here for more than an hour. He went to TAIE prison first and rescued Jiang Junjian. It was Jiang Junjian's idea to return to huangwumen.

Today, he wants to make the emperor of Yan long obsolete.

When he appeared here, the emperor's eyes narrowed.

"Just yourself?" The emperor asked.

As he spoke, the powerful people of the imperial dynasty appeared one by one, including the ancient one and Yu Zun, all appeared behind him.

Jiang Junjian stood up. His handcuffs were not on at all. At this time, he directly jumped off the scaffold and stood beside Jiang Zizi.

People are very excited, Jiang Junjian is the people's aspiration, today he can not die, let a lot of people have a lot of confidence in him, it is the so-called, disaster, there must be a blessing.

The reason why Emperor Yan can't kill him is that he has the talisman of the end of the earth, and the immortal talisman has many magical effects.

Jiang Zi did not answer him. Instead, he said in a loud voice, "do you remember the death of one hundred thousand unjust souls in the wilderness?"

Of course people remember.

"To this day they have entrusted me to settle accounts with this man of great sin." Jiang Zizi's second sentence made people's blood boil.

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